Show that arctan(x) exists and is continuous

  • Thread starter Kate2010
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In summary, tan(x): (-pi/2, pi/2) -> R has a continuous inverse arctan(x) : R -> (-pi/2, pi/2), with the assumption that tan(x) is continuous and strictly increasing on the given domain and tends to +/- \infty at +/- pi/2. To show that arctan(x) is continuous, one can use the fact that tan(arctan(x))=x and consider the possibility of a discontinuous inverse leading to a contradiction. It is also worth noting that continuous functions can have discontinuous inverses, but this may not be possible when the domain and codomain are intervals. One can also try showing that tan takes every open set to an
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show tan(x): (-pi/2, pi/2) -> R has a continuous inverse arctan(x) : R -> (-pi/2, pi/2).

You may assume that tan(x) is continuous and strictly increasing on the given domain, and tends to +/- [tex]\infty[/tex] at +/- pi/2

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I think I have shown that tan(x) has an inverse on this domain by showing it is bijective.

However, I am unsure how to go about showing that arctan(x) is continuous.
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  • #2
You could try considering tan(arctan(x))=x and show that if arctan(x) is not continuous, it leads to a contradiction.

(I'm just offering a suggestion. I think it'll work, but I didn't actually try it.)
  • #3
Continuous functions can have discontinuous inverses.

I'm not sure if this is possible when the domain and codomain are intervals, though. I suspect not.
  • #4
What characterizations of continuity have you learnt? Try showing that tan takes every open set to an open set.