Showing composition of functions are uniformly continuous

In summary, the problem was to prove that the sum of two uniformly continuous functions is also uniformly continuous. By definition, if two functions f and g are uniformly continuous on an interval I, there exists a delta value for each function such that the difference between the function values is less than a given epsilon value. Using the triangle inequality, it can be shown that the sum of the two functions is also uniformly continuous on I. By choosing a suitable delta value, it can be proven that the sum of two uniformly continuous functions is uniformly continuous on I.
  • #1
Showing the sum of functions are uniformly continuous

Homework Statement

Suppose f and g are uniformly continuous on an interval I. Prove f + g are uniformly continuous on I.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Let ε >0

By definition, since f and g are uniformly continuous on I, there exists a [itex]\delta[/itex]_1 such that |f(y)-f(x)| < ε for all x,y in I that satisfy |x-y| < [itex]\delta[/itex]_1

Similarly, for g, there exists a [itex]\delta[/itex]_2 such that |g(y)-g(x)| < ε for all |y-x| < [itex]\delta[/itex]_2

Then, for all x,y in I, |f(y)+g(y)-(f(x)+g(x))| ≤ |f(y)-f(x)|+|g(y)-g(x)| by the triangle inequality. This implies |f(y)+g(y)-(f(x)+g(x))| < 2ε

Choose [itex]\delta[/itex]=min{[itex]\delta[/itex]_1,[itex]\delta[/itex]_2} * 1/2

Then |f(y)+g(y)-(f(x)+g(x))| < 2ε for all x,y in I that satisfy |y-x| < [itex]\delta[/itex]

∴f+g is uniformly continuous on I.

Is this correct?
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  • #2
Yes, but a couple of minor changes would make it slightly nicer. For your first two inequalites use ##\frac \epsilon 2## so it will only add to ##\epsilon## at the end. And choosing ##\delta##, there is no need to multiply by 1/2. Finally, where you have:

|f(y)+g(y)-(f(x)+g(x))| ≤ |f(y)-f(x)|+|g(y)-g(x)| by the triangle inequality. This implies |f(y)+g(y)-(f(x)+g(x))| < 2ε

you could instead just write

|f(y)+g(y)-(f(x)+g(x))| ≤ |f(y)-f(x)|+|g(y)-g(x)| < ε/2+ε/2 =ε.

Nice work. And, by the way, you have shown the sum of two u.c. functions is u.c. If you really meant the composition, you did the wrong problem :rolleyes:
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  • #3
Oops! I did mean the sum. I am not sure why I wrote that... Thank you for the suggestions. I will rewrite it to make it look nicer!

FAQ: Showing composition of functions are uniformly continuous

1. How do you show that the composition of two uniformly continuous functions is also uniformly continuous?

To show that the composition of two uniformly continuous functions, f and g, is also uniformly continuous, you must prove that for any ε > 0, there exists a δ > 0 such that for all x and y in the domain of f and g, if |x - y| < δ, then |(f ◦ g)(x) - (f ◦ g)(y)| < ε. This can be done by utilizing the definitions of uniform continuity for both f and g, and choosing an appropriate δ based on the ε values for each function.

2. Is the composition of a uniformly continuous function and a continuous function also uniformly continuous?

Yes, the composition of a uniformly continuous function and a continuous function is also uniformly continuous. This is because the uniform continuity of the first function ensures that for any ε > 0, there exists a δ > 0 that works for all points in its domain. And since the second function is continuous, it will preserve this uniform continuity property.

3. Can the composition of two uniformly continuous functions be non-uniformly continuous?

Yes, the composition of two uniformly continuous functions can be non-uniformly continuous. This can happen if the first function is uniformly continuous, but the second function is not continuous. In this case, the second function will not preserve the uniform continuity property of the first function, leading to a non-uniformly continuous composition.

4. Are all uniformly continuous functions also Lipschitz continuous?

No, not all uniformly continuous functions are Lipschitz continuous. While all Lipschitz continuous functions are also uniformly continuous, the converse is not true. A function can be uniformly continuous without having a Lipschitz constant, which is necessary for Lipschitz continuity.

5. How does the uniform continuity of a function affect the uniform continuity of its inverse?

If a function is uniformly continuous, then its inverse will also be uniformly continuous. This is because a function that is uniformly continuous guarantees that for any ε > 0, there exists a δ > 0 that works for all points in its domain. This property will also hold for the inverse function, ensuring its uniform continuity.
