Be Courteous: Shut Up and Go to the Bathroom

  • Thread starter D H
  • Start date
In summary: But probably if person is in some kind of job that requires him to be on phone may be like 10-12 hours in a day then i guess it may become different case..And problem with people of your stature [...your age] is that you tend to be more judgemental and intolerant of others behavior:In summary, it's rude to talk on the phone in the bathroom.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Just a rant. How can some people be so incredible rude? The completion of the title of this thread is not shut up and drive. It's shut up and go to the bathroom. And if you must disobey this simple courtesy, don't do it with your speakerphone on. Please!
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  • #2
I was recently in the men's room at work, about to flush, when another guy picks up a call on his hands-fee cell phone. I'm thinking, "If I flush, that's going to sound pretty weird on his call, but I can't just walk away and leave, now can I?". So I stood there like a dolt, waiting for him to finish his call. Turns out it was a long call. Next time, I'm just flushing and walking away.
  • #3
I absolutely cannot believe how many people go to the bathroom talking on their cell phone, and even more flaberghasted at the ones that call someone from the toilet.

What can be so important that you can't finish the call of nature before talking?
  • #4
My guess is they are talking to Nature :biggrin:
  • #5
I'm relieved that I'm not the only one who thinks this behavior is the pinacle of rudeness. What in the world is wrong with "Can I call you back in a few minutes?" No biological details are necessary; everyone is busy these days.
  • #6
I talk on the phone at home on the toilet. I figure at home, I can always just go back and flush once I'm off the phone. When I'm at work, I leave my cell at my desk when I go to the bathroom.
  • #7
Too much information!
  • #8
D H said:
Just a rant. How can some people be so incredible rude? The completion of the title of this thread is not shut up and drive. It's shut up and go to the bathroom. And if you must disobey this simple courtesy, don't do it with your speakerphone on. Please!

How is it rude ??

i mean ..look at it this are so irresistible for him that he is multitasking with call of nature so that he doesn't have to stop the conversation with you in middle:biggrin:
  • #9
NeoDevin said:
I talk on the phone at home on the toilet. I figure at home, I can always just go back and flush once I'm off the phone. When I'm at work, I leave my cell at my desk when I go to the bathroom.
Please feel free to NOT share with us where you do your electronic correspondence from...
  • #10
I don't understand it either. Even when home, how difficult is it to say, "Can you hold on a minute?" and go take care of business while leaving the phone on mute, or at least in a different room? Who wants to listen to all the sounds of you in the bathroom while you're on the phone? Not to mention that I'm not even sure how you manage all you need to do while holding a phone anyway. I have no idea how to button pants with just one hand. I'd probably be the one to drop the phone in the toilet if I tried juggling all that. :redface:
  • #11
It's a talent, and I don't take my computer to the toilet with me...

though it is a laptop...
  • #12
NeoDevin said:
It's a talent, and I don't take my computer to the toilet with me...

though it is a laptop...
i do that :) but it's totally diff. than talking on the phone in a public RR >:-[
  • #13
Ignorance is bliss
  • #14
Moonbear said:
I don't understand it either. Even when home, how difficult is it to say, "Can you hold on a minute?" and go take care of business while leaving the phone on mute, or at least in a different room? Who wants to listen to all the sounds of you in the bathroom while you're on the phone? Not to mention that I'm not even sure how you manage all you need to do while holding a phone anyway. I have no idea how to button pants with just one hand. I'd probably be the one to drop the phone in the toilet if I tried juggling all that. :redface:
males use their shoulders..right ?
I am sure you won't miss the phone..females have natural advantage since they are endowed with heavenly body parts which will offer resistance in the way of the phone:smile:

i am pretty much sure if these incidents are tested ..people normally in higher age groups and systematic organised minds will show disgust and negative response..its just that..they have less time but still time for everything:smile:

But probably if person is in some kind of job that requires him to be on phone may be like 10-12 hours in a day then i guess it may become different case..

And problem with people of your stature [ being a proff. ] that you can't try such things...right ?:smile:
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  • #15
I concur regarding the rudeness of people who conduct private conversations in certain public places, particularly those who did it with a loud voice or speakerphone. In the bathroom, it's not only rude, it's weird. I share Evo's thoughts on the subject.

The worst case was waiting at the gate to board a plane, and some guy was pacing back and forth yelling to whomever he was talking (I think his lawyer about a pending divorce). Many people were nervous, and I was just waiting for him to lose it. I was surprised security didn't approach him. Fortunately he didn't bring his conversation on to the plane.
  • #17
bassplayer142 said:
Ignorance is bliss
Ignorance is essential.
  • #18
Doesn't this have any hygienic implications? I wouldn't dare to touch any phone which has made a visit to the restroom. :biggrin:
My personal opinion: Answering phone calls in a public toilets or any toilet is a serious turn-off and a case of poor etiquette.
  • #19
A how would the person you're talking to on the other line feel?

Caller 1: "Hey...I hear an echo on your end."
Caller 2: "Yeah, I'm in the bathroom."
Caller 1: "Oh..."

  • #20
There was a customer who wore his cell phone on his belt and accidentally hit the redial button when he sat down on the toilet. The recipient of this call later would say: I got a call, answered the phone, and then heard that most gawd awful sounds that I have ever heard in my life!
  • #21
I once made a heavy-breathing call to my wife like that. I was on a motorbike and the phone under my leathers autodialled home - it left 10mins of wind noise on the machine.

The problem (at least in the uk) is everyone has a mobile and keeps their bluetooth earpiece on all the time - as if they are on star trek.
It also means it's very difficult to spot the nutters anymore, I watched some guy in the market have a 10min argument with a bunch of carrots until I realized he was on the phone.
  • #22
mgb_phys said:
The problem (at least in the uk) is everyone has a mobile and keeps their bluetooth earpiece on all the time - as if they are on star trek.
It also means it's very difficult to spot the nutters anymore, I watched some guy in the market have a 10min argument with a bunch of carrots until I realized he was on the phone.
Mark Twain said something to the effect that life doesn't consist of what a persons does, it consists of the storm of thoughts that is constantly blowing through one's head. Cell phones and the internet have underscored the truth of that: being in someone's physical presence is becomming less and less inportant and entering into their "storm of thoughts" by cell phone or post or email is taking precidence. People are becomming electronic "nutters": completely distracted from the physical reality around them in favor of the interior dialog.
  • #23
Ivan Seeking said:
There was a customer who wore his cell phone on his belt and accidentally hit the redial button when he sat down on the toilet. The recipient of this call later would say: I got a call, answered the phone, and then heard that most gawd awful sounds that I have ever heard in my life!

Who wears their cellphone on their belt?!

FAQ: Be Courteous: Shut Up and Go to the Bathroom

What is the main message of "Be Courteous: Shut Up and Go to the Bathroom"?

The main message of "Be Courteous: Shut Up and Go to the Bathroom" is to encourage people to be mindful of their surroundings and show respect for others by being quiet in shared spaces, specifically in public restrooms.

Why is it important to be courteous in public restrooms?

Being courteous in public restrooms is important because it creates a more pleasant and comfortable environment for everyone. It also shows respect for others and promotes good hygiene practices.

What does being courteous in public restrooms entail?

Being courteous in public restrooms involves being mindful of noise levels, keeping the space clean, and being considerate of others' privacy. This includes flushing the toilet, washing your hands, and using a low volume when talking or using electronics.

How can being courteous in public restrooms benefit us?

Being courteous in public restrooms can benefit us by promoting a more positive and respectful social atmosphere. It can also help prevent the spread of germs and maintain a clean and hygienic environment.

What can we do if someone is being discourteous in a public restroom?

If someone is being discourteous in a public restroom, it is important to politely remind them of proper restroom etiquette. If the behavior continues, it may be necessary to report it to a staff member or find another restroom to use.

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