Do Singularities Prove Actual Infinities Exist?

  • Thread starter Matt1128Y
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of infinites in relation to the big bang model and black holes. It questions whether infinites exist in reality and if they are only concepts in mathematics. There is also mention of the use of the term "infinite" in describing singularities and how it may not be accurate. The conversation concludes with the idea that nobody seriously believes in the existence of singularities in the true mathematical description of the universe.
  • #1
Please correct me if I'm wrong in any sense. And please forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong forum.

I guess my general question is, presuming the big bang model is correct (one that includes a singularity), does that prove actual infinites exist? In other words, we know infinites exist in mathematics, but do infinites exist in reality? To give an example, could an infinite number of marbles exist (and what would happen if you took 1 away or added 1)?

When I read unsophisticated books about the big bang, they often describe singularity as being infinitely hot and possessing infinite curvature. But in what sense are they using the word infinite? Wouldn't it have taken an infinite amount of time for a singularity that was infinitely hot to cool down? I also have a hypothetical question. If a universe containing more matter than ours was extrapolated backward to a singularity, would that singularity possesses space-time curvature and heat equal to the singularity of our universe?

Thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
You have 6 questions.
Bring this down to one to start.
  • #3
pallidin said:
You have 6 questions.
Bring this down to one to start.

I apologize. I wasn't aware of there being a question limit per post.
  • #4
It is more favorable to ask one question at a time.
With such you are much more likely to get responsible answers.

Sure, I've seen multiple question posts, but those are difficult to deal with.
Keep it simple.
Then, ask the next question.
  • #5
Actually I wonder the same. I believed infinites only exists in concept, but now you remind me of how a black hole has infinite density. Any more knowledgeable comments on this?
  • #6
I think what you're experiencing is a bit of sensationalism on the part of the popular science media. Let me clarify.

Current Big Bang models say absolutely nothing about a singularity. All they say is that when the universe was young, it was smaller and hotter. You can continue saying this until you get to around the Planck time, at which point the physics you used to derive this model no longer make sense.

This is the point at which quantum gravity becomes important, but I don't think anyone seriously proposes a model containing a legitimate singularity.

Similarly with the singularities in black holes, most people think that quantum gravity corrections will resolve their infinite nature, as the density comes to be around the Planck density.

To sum: Nobody seriously thinks singularities exist in the "true" mathematical description of the universe (whatever that means...).
  • #7
Nabeshin said:
To sum: Nobody seriously thinks singularities exist in the "true" mathematical description of the universe (whatever that means...).

Yeah that is just what I thought!
Very interesting physics!

FAQ: Do Singularities Prove Actual Infinities Exist?

1. What is the concept of "Singularity"?

The Singularity is a hypothetical future event in which artificial intelligence (AI) will surpass human intelligence, leading to significant changes in society and technology. This concept is often associated with the development of advanced technologies such as superintelligent AI, advanced robotics, and nanotechnology.

2. What are "Actual Infinites"?

"Actual Infinites" is a mathematical concept that suggests the existence of an infinite number of objects or events in the physical world. This concept challenges the traditional view that the physical world is finite and has a limited number of elements.

3. How does the concept of Singularity relate to Actual Infinites?

The concept of Singularity and Actual Infinites are often linked because both challenge our understanding of the limitations of the physical world. The development of AI that surpasses human intelligence could lead to infinite possibilities and outcomes, which aligns with the idea of Actual Infinites.

4. What are some potential implications of the Singularity and Actual Infinites?

The potential implications of the Singularity and Actual Infinites are vast and complex. It could lead to significant advancements in technology and society, but it could also pose ethical and existential risks. Some experts also warn of potential job displacement and economic impacts.

5. Is the Singularity and Actual Infinites a realistic possibility?

The Singularity and Actual Infinites are still largely theoretical concepts, and it is difficult to predict if and when they will become a reality. Some experts believe that the Singularity is inevitable, while others argue that it is unlikely to occur. The concept of Actual Infinites is also a subject of debate among mathematicians and philosophers. Ultimately, only time will tell if these concepts will become a reality.

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