Uncovering the Mystery Behind SM Lagrangian Sums

In summary, the different terms in a Lagrangian are related additively by coupling constants, which are embedded in the Lagrangian itself.
  • #1
Hello all,

I'm a bit baffled by the fact that the various quite different components of the SM Lagrangian (or other systems, btw) are simply summed up, without even one ponderation coefficient, in the total Lagrangian. I know one reason it is like that is that... it works in practice, but I keep thinking there must be a more profound and/or mathematical reason for this (a rapid Google search on this didn't provide anything really conclusive).

Thanks for your help.


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  • #2
I don't quiet understand the question... can you give an example of a Lagrangian you are talking about?
For example I've seen [itex] L = - \frac{1}{4} F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}[/itex] ...
  • #3
But each component of the sum has different coefficients. Therefore it has an individuality, even if one can show that the so-called interaction terms are derived from the so-called free fields.
  • #4
Well, for instance, the EM and Higgs Lagrangian subexpressions have their own parameters, of course. But, when one combines them, one just adds them, plus the possible interaction term, without introducing any additional coefficients, something like $$\alpha L_{EM}+\beta L_{Higgs}.$$ I find this sort of miraculous.
  • #5
jouvelot said:
I find this sort of miraculous.

Why? Specifically, why do you find this miraculous in the quantum case but not the classical case?
  • #6
Sure :) As I alluded to in my first post, I have the same issue with classical systems. Just adding stuff, without ponderation or additional parameters, and then minimizing it in the action "just" works in all cases. I find it amazing... Maybe I'm too impressionable :)
  • #7
Maybe this should be moved to General or Classical then, because the exact same thing happens classically. If I have two free particles, the Lagrangian is T1 + T2. If I add an interaction, it's T1 + T2 - U_A. If I add another interaction, it's T1 + T2 - U_A - U_B. Another and it's T1 + T2 - U_A - U_B - U_C.
  • #8
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll put my question there then.


  • #9
jouvelot said:
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll put my question there then.


I moved it for you, because I didn't want to lose the already existing part of the discussion.
Please do not create a second one. Thanks.
  • #10

  • #11
Just thinking a little bit more about this, and answering my own question :)

it seems to me that the coefficients I was looking for are, in some sense, embedded in the coupling constants that occur in the various terms of the lagrangian. And then, using non-weighted addition between these terms comes from the additive nature of the notion of energy

FAQ: Uncovering the Mystery Behind SM Lagrangian Sums

1. What is SM Lagrangian Sums?

SM Lagrangian Sums refer to the mathematical equations used in the Standard Model of particle physics to describe the interactions between elementary particles and their corresponding fields.

2. What is the significance of uncovering the mystery behind SM Lagrangian Sums?

Understanding and uncovering the mystery behind SM Lagrangian Sums allows us to better understand the fundamental forces and particles that make up our universe. It also helps us to make predictions and test the validity of the Standard Model.

3. How are SM Lagrangian Sums calculated?

SM Lagrangian Sums are calculated using a combination of experimental data and theoretical models. Scientists use particle accelerators and detectors to gather data on the behavior of particles, and then use mathematical equations to describe and predict their interactions.

4. What challenges do scientists face in uncovering the mystery behind SM Lagrangian Sums?

One of the main challenges is that the current Standard Model does not fully explain all observed phenomena. This means that scientists must continue to search for new particles and interactions that may not fit into the existing model. Another challenge is the complexity of the equations and calculations involved, which require advanced mathematical skills and computational power.

5. How does uncovering the mystery behind SM Lagrangian Sums contribute to scientific advancements?

Uncovering the mystery behind SM Lagrangian Sums not only helps us to understand the fundamental building blocks of our universe, but it also has practical applications. For example, the technology and techniques used in particle physics research can also be applied in other fields such as medicine and engineering. Additionally, advancements in our understanding of particle interactions may lead to new technologies and innovations in the future.

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