Kicking a Soccer Ball: Distance & Force Needed

  • Thread starter JohntheGreat
  • Start date
  • Tags
    Ball Force
In summary: So to kick the ball at a set distance using a set launch velocity, you would need an angle of 45 degrees.
  • #1
How much Force and at what velocity it would take to kick a soccer ball that weights 290 grams or .64 lbs in an arc for a distance of 20 feet, 30 feet, and 40 feet?

-Can you include the formulas for what the angle would need to be to kick the ball those three distances too.
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi JohntheGreat! Welcome to PF! :wink:

Use F = ma and the standard constant acceleration equations.

Show us what you get. :smile:
  • #3
I would appreciate a little more help thank you
  • #4
What angle did you have in mind, or were you going to minimize force? In that case, the angle would be 45 degrees as the ball is on the ground. It will be something less if it is in the air.
What is the distance or time duration of the applied force?
Is the force constant for the time of application?
Is the force constant between applications? Sounds like it, but the fewer things assumed, the happier we are with the results.
  • #5
We aren't here to do your homework John (and this look ultra suspiciously like a research assignment). Tell us what you think.

Also is this a highy idealised case, or a real case you are considering? As the common answer of 45 degrees doesn't hold true for a real case.

I'd suggest you do a cursory sweep of google before coming back, there are some very good sites on football trajectories and general principles behind the kicking of a spherical ball. Think about what assumptions are being made too.
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  • #6
I am building a robot my FIRST Robotics team here is a link to the competition this year I have not taken Physics yet and any help or guidance would be very appreciative. Also I am trying to design a Pneumatic launching device and to do this I need the answers to this questions to order the correct pneumatic piston.
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  • #7
Ah I see. Using the kinematic equations you can find the flight time for a ball with a set launch velocity.

From this you can also work out the angle needed for a set launch speed. To get the required lauch speed depends on the launching mechnicam.

As you mention a pneumatic piston you can simply use convervation of momentum.

You will have to factor in the loss due to the coefficient of restitution of the ball to piston contact (ie some energy will be lost).

You can then work out the amount of air pressur eneeded to accelerate the piston to the required speed in the space available from F=Ma

FAQ: Kicking a Soccer Ball: Distance & Force Needed

1. How does the distance of a soccer ball affect the force needed to kick it?

The distance of a soccer ball does not directly affect the force needed to kick it. However, the distance can affect the angle at which the ball is kicked, which can impact the force needed. For example, a longer distance may require a more powerful kick to reach the desired target.

2. Does the material of the soccer ball affect the force needed to kick it?

Yes, the material of the soccer ball can affect the force needed to kick it. A ball with a softer outer layer may require less force to kick compared to a ball with a harder outer layer. This is because a softer ball will compress more upon impact, reducing the force needed to kick it.

3. What is the relationship between force and distance when kicking a soccer ball?

The relationship between force and distance when kicking a soccer ball is known as the force-distance relationship. This relationship states that the amount of force needed to kick a ball increases as the distance to be covered increases. This is because more force is needed to overcome the resistance of air and friction over a longer distance.

4. How can I calculate the force needed to kick a soccer ball a certain distance?

The force needed to kick a soccer ball a certain distance can be calculated using the formula F=ma, where F is the force, m is the mass of the ball, and a is the acceleration needed to cover the desired distance. This formula can be used to estimate the force needed, but it may vary depending on individual factors such as technique and strength.

5. How does the angle of the kick affect the distance a soccer ball will travel?

The angle of the kick can greatly affect the distance a soccer ball will travel. For maximum distance, the ball should be kicked at a 45 degree angle. A higher angle will result in a shorter distance traveled, as the ball will have a higher arc and spend more time in the air. A lower angle will result in a longer distance, but it may be more difficult to accurately aim the ball.
