How does a solar flare cause a magnetic crochet?

In summary, a strong X1-class solar flare on March 29th at 17:52 UT caused a rare 'magnetic crochet' on Earth's magnetic field. This was measured at 17 nT at the magnetometer in Boulder, Colorado. Unlike typical geomagnetic disturbances, a magnetic crochet occurs while the flare is still in progress and is caused by ionization of the upper atmosphere by x-rays emitted by the flare. This phenomenon is typically seen during fast and impulsive solar flares.
  • #1
Gold Member
When I linked to this morning's, I read the following, which appears to be a notable disturbance of Earth's magnetic field simultaneous to a strong flare on the sun. Normally it's said to take hours or days for the effects of a flare to be felt on Earth, but in this case there was no such delay. How does it work so quickly?

SOLAR FLARE CAUSES RARE 'MAGNETIC CROCHET': On March 29th at 17:52 UT, the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR1890 erupted, producing a brief but intense X1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:

Radiation from the flare caused a surge in the ionization of Earth's upper atmosphere--and this led to a rare magnetic crochet, measuring 17 nT at the magnetometer in Boulder, Colorado.

A magnetic crochet is a ripple in Earth's magnetic field caused by electrical currents flowing in air 60 km to 100 km above our heads. Unlike geomagnetic disturbances that arrive with CMEs days after a flare, a magnetic crochet occurs while the flare is in progress. They tend to occur during fast impulsive flares like this one.
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  • #2
The crochet is caused by ionization in the atmosphere by x-rays emitted by the solar flare. These move at the speed of light. See the last link you posted.

FAQ: How does a solar flare cause a magnetic crochet?

1. How does a solar flare cause a magnetic crochet?

A solar flare is a sudden burst of energy and radiation from the sun. When a solar flare occurs, it releases a large amount of charged particles into space. These particles can interact with the Earth's magnetic field and cause disruptions, such as a magnetic crochet.

2. What is a magnetic crochet?

A magnetic crochet is a disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field caused by a solar flare. It is characterized by a sudden increase and then decrease in the Earth's magnetic field, and can be detected by instruments on the ground.

3. How does a solar flare affect the Earth's magnetic field?

A solar flare releases a large amount of charged particles into space. When these particles reach the Earth, they can interact with the Earth's magnetic field and cause disruptions, such as a magnetic crochet. This can also lead to other effects, such as auroras and disruptions in radio communications.

4. Can a magnetic crochet cause any harm to humans?

No, a magnetic crochet itself does not pose any harm to humans. However, it can cause disruptions in technology and communication systems, which can indirectly affect humans.

5. How can we predict when a magnetic crochet will occur?

Scientists use data from various satellites and ground-based instruments to monitor the sun and predict when a solar flare may occur. However, predicting the exact time and strength of a magnetic crochet is still a challenge and requires continuous monitoring and research.
