Solar Reflector/Mirror for Northerly Wall to Melt Ice

  • Thread starter ANG
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In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of a northerly wall that doesn't receive much sunlight, causing problems with ice in the winter. The idea of using a metal mirror mounted on a telephone pole to reflect heat into the area is proposed, but it is determined that security mirrors may not work and a larger, sun-tracking mirror would be expensive.
  • #1
I have a northerly wall on my house that doesn't get any sunlight to speak of.
In the winter, sidewalk ice can last for months and the downspouts freeze. The sun really helps out in clearing the ice, even in the coldest weather.

Is it possible to use a metal mirror, mounted on a telephone pole about 40 feet away, to reflect some heat into the area?
Security mirrors are typically convex, so I don't think they would work.
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  • #2
Certainly, but the mirror would either need to be enormous or it would need to track the sun to keep its light focused where you want it.
  • #3
I've seen that some solar heat panels track the sun, but I'm looking for something cheaper.

FAQ: Solar Reflector/Mirror for Northerly Wall to Melt Ice

What is a solar reflector/mirror for a northerly wall?

A solar reflector/mirror for a northerly wall is a device that uses reflective surfaces to redirect sunlight onto a specific area, in this case, a northerly wall.

How does a solar reflector/mirror work?

The reflective surfaces of the solar reflector/mirror bounce sunlight onto a specific area, increasing the amount of solar radiation that hits the target. This creates a heating effect, which can be used to melt ice on a northern wall.

What are the benefits of using a solar reflector/mirror for a northerly wall?

The use of a solar reflector/mirror can significantly decrease the amount of time and effort needed to melt ice on a northerly wall. It is also an environmentally friendly and cost-effective method of ice melting.

What materials are used to make a solar reflector/mirror for a northerly wall?

Solar reflectors/mirrors can be made using a variety of materials such as glass, aluminum, or plastic. The most important factor is that the material is reflective and can redirect sunlight onto the target area.

Are there any safety precautions to consider when using a solar reflector/mirror for a northerly wall?

It is essential to handle and position the solar reflector/mirror carefully to avoid any direct exposure to sunlight, which can cause eye damage. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the solar reflector/mirror is securely attached to the wall to prevent any accidents or damage.
