Solving laplaces equation in a 90deg annulus

  • Thread starter EngageEngage
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In summary, the problem involves solving Laplace's equation inside a 90 degree circular annulus with given boundary conditions. The usual method for separation of variables is used, resulting in a separated expression where both sides are set equal to -lambda. Cauchy-Euler method is then used to solve the first ODE, resulting in a general solution with two arbitrary constants. To simplify the problem, the argument of ln is changed from ln(r) to ln(r/a) which only affects the constants in the general solution. This simplification is allowed because the range of r is between a and b.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Solve laplaces equation inside a 90 degree circular annulus(a<r<b, 0<theta<pi/2) subject to the boundary conditions:
[tex] u(r,0)=0[/tex]
[tex] u(r,\pi/2)=f(r)[/tex]
[tex] u(a,\theta)=0[/tex]
[tex] u(b,\theta)=0[/tex]

Laplaces Equation in 2 dimensions:
r \left( {\frac {\partial }{\partial r}}u \left( r,\theta \right) +r{
\frac {\partial ^{2}}{\partial {r}^{2}}}u \left( r,\theta \right)
\right) =-{\frac {\partial ^{2}}{\partial {\theta}^{2}}}u \left( r,
\theta \right)
[tex] u(r,\theata) = \phi(\theta)*G(r)[/tex]
doing the usual method for sep of vars, i sub this and divide to get a separated expression:

{\frac {r \left( {\frac {d}{dr}}G \left( r \right) +r{\frac {d^{2}}{d{
r}^{2}}}G \left( r \right) \right) }{G \left( r \right) }}=-{\frac {{
\frac {d^{2}}{d{\theta}^{2}}}\phi \left( \theta \right) }{\phi \left(
\theta \right) }}
I then set both sides equal to [tex]-\lambda[/tex]:
r \left( {\frac {d}{dr}}G \left( r \right) +r{\frac {d^{2}}{d{r}^{2}}}
G \left( r \right) \right) +G \left( r \right) \lambda=0
{\frac {d^{2}}{d{\theta}^{2}}}\phi \left( \theta \right) =\phi \left(
\theta \right) \lambda

I use Cauchy-Euler method to solve the first ODE:
[tex]G = r^{p}[/tex]
subbing this into the differential equation i get:
p = \pm i \sqrt{\lambda}
G = r^{\pm i \sqrt{\lambda}}=e^{\pm i \sqrt{\lambda}*ln(r)}
this allows me to write (unfortunately incorrectly) the general solution the the first problem:
G = c_{1}cos(\sqrt{\lambda}*ln(r))+c_{2}sin(\sqrt{\lambda}*ln(r))
I am stuck here -- the book says the general solution of this part should be:
G = c_{1}cos(\sqrt{\lambda}*ln(\frac{r}{a}))+c_{2}sin(\sqrt{\lambda}*ln(\frac{r}{a}))
I'm not sure how they got to this (the argument of ln has changed). It makes sense, of course because the solution works but how they got there is unclear to me. If someone could please help me get past this barrier i would appeciate it greatly.
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  • #2
I actually read the back of the book again and found something weird:

They say that the real solutions are the ones that i got but then they say:
"it is more convenient to use independent solutions which simplify at r = a, cos(root(lambda)ln(r/a)) and sin with the same argument."...

i can see why this would simplify the problem a great deal, but what allows them to do this?
  • #3
r ranges between a and b. You can simplify finding boundary values at a by using ln(r/a) (which is 0 at r= a) instead of ln(r). You can do this because ln(r/a)= ln(r)- ln(a) and sin(ln(r)-ln(a))= cos(ln(a))sin(ln(r)- sin(ln(a))cos(ln(r)) while cos(ln(r)- ln(a))= cos(ln(a))cos(ln(r))+ sin(ln(a))sin(ln(r)) so that changing from ln(r) to ln(r/a) only changes the constants multiplying sin(ln(r)) and cos(ln(r)).
  • #4
Ahh, I hadn't realized that. So this will only change my coefficients at the end of the problem? Thanks a lot for the help!

FAQ: Solving laplaces equation in a 90deg annulus

What is Laplace's equation?

Laplace's equation is a second-order partial differential equation that describes the behavior of a scalar field in a given region. It is used in many areas of physics, engineering, and mathematics to model various physical phenomena.

What is a 90-degree annulus?

A 90-degree annulus is a geometric shape that resembles a ring with a 90-degree angle between the inner and outer boundaries. It can also be thought of as a sector of a circle with an inner radius and an outer radius.

Why is Laplace's equation important in solving problems in a 90-degree annulus?

Laplace's equation allows us to calculate the behavior of a scalar field in a given region, such as temperature or electric potential, by specifying boundary conditions on the inner and outer boundaries of the annulus. This can help us understand and predict the behavior of physical systems in this particular shape.

What are the methods for solving Laplace's equation in a 90-degree annulus?

There are several methods for solving Laplace's equation in a 90-degree annulus, including separation of variables, conformal mapping, and numerical methods such as finite difference or finite element methods. The choice of method depends on the specific problem and the desired level of accuracy.

What are the applications of solving Laplace's equation in a 90-degree annulus?

The applications of solving Laplace's equation in a 90-degree annulus are numerous and diverse. It can be used in heat transfer problems, electrostatics, fluid mechanics, and many other fields. This type of problem also has applications in engineering design, such as optimizing the shape of heat exchangers or designing efficient electronic circuits.
