What Are Key Considerations for Satellite System Placement and Antenna Choices?

  • Thread starter kawatsu
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In summary, we discussed the reasons for indoor and outdoor placements of satellite systems, the advantages and disadvantages of Cassegrain antenna, when to use different tracking systems, and the relationship between beamwidth and antenna pointing accuracy.
  • #1
hi, firstly would like to apologise because i don't know where i should be posting this, hope its in the right section.. o:)

I have some questions regarding satellites.. hope you guys will enlighten me..
(1) What are the reasons for indoor and outdoor placements of satellites systems?

(2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Cassegrain antenna?(tried to search for info on the net, but can't find.. )

(3) When to use "Automatic", "Manual" and "Program" tracking system??

(4) How Beamwidth and Antenna pointing accuracy related?

Thx for your help.
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  • #2

Hello there, thank you for reaching out with your questions about satellites. I am happy to help provide some information and clarification for you.

(1) Indoor and outdoor placements of satellite systems have different reasons depending on the specific system and its purpose. Indoor placement is often used for smaller, low-power satellites that do not require a large antenna or have a limited range of coverage. It also offers more protection from weather and potential damage. Outdoor placement is typically used for larger, high-power satellites that require a larger antenna and have a wider range of coverage. It allows for better line-of-sight with the satellite and can also provide a stronger signal.

(2) The Cassegrain antenna is a type of reflector antenna that has a parabolic primary reflector and a hyperbolic secondary reflector. This design allows for a wider frequency range and a smaller antenna size compared to other types of reflector antennas. However, it can also have higher losses and more complex feed systems.

(3) The choice between "Automatic", "Manual", or "Program" tracking system depends on the specific needs and capabilities of the satellite system. "Automatic" tracking uses a computer system to continuously adjust the antenna's position to maintain a connection with the satellite. "Manual" tracking requires human intervention to adjust the antenna's position when necessary. "Program" tracking uses a predetermined schedule to adjust the antenna's position based on the satellite's orbit.

(4) Beamwidth and antenna pointing accuracy are related in that a narrower beamwidth allows for a more precise pointing of the antenna, resulting in better accuracy. However, a narrower beamwidth also means a smaller coverage area, so it may not be suitable for all applications.

I hope this helps answer your questions. Let me know if you have any further inquiries.
  • #3

No need to apologize, it's great that you're seeking information and asking questions. As for your questions about satellites, I can offer some insight:

(1) Indoor placement of satellites is usually done for smaller, personal systems like satellite TV or internet. It's more convenient for users to have the equipment inside their homes and not have to worry about weather or environmental factors affecting the signal. Outdoor placement is usually for larger, more complex systems that require a clear line of sight to the sky and can withstand weather conditions.

(2) The Cassegrain antenna is a type of reflector antenna that has a secondary reflector placed in front of the primary reflector. This design allows for a wider frequency range and better signal strength. However, it can be more complex and expensive to manufacture and maintain compared to other antenna designs.

(3) The different tracking systems refer to the methods used to track the satellite's position in the sky. "Automatic" tracking uses sensors and software to automatically adjust the antenna's position to maintain a clear signal. "Manual" tracking requires a person to physically adjust the antenna's position. "Program" tracking is a combination of both, where the system can be programmed to automatically adjust at certain times and also allows for manual adjustments if needed.

(4) Beamwidth refers to the width of the signal beam emitted from the antenna. A narrower beamwidth means a more focused and stronger signal, while a wider beamwidth means a broader and weaker signal. Antenna pointing accuracy is related to how precisely the antenna can be aimed at the satellite. The more accurate the pointing, the better the signal strength and quality.

I hope this helps answer your questions. If you need more specific information, it may be helpful to consult with a satellite technician or do further research online. Good luck!

FAQ: What Are Key Considerations for Satellite System Placement and Antenna Choices?

1. What are satellites used for?

Satellites are used to gather and transmit information from space, such as weather data, images of Earth, and communication signals.

2. How are satellites launched into space?

Satellites are launched into space using rockets, which provide enough thrust to overcome Earth's gravity and propel the satellite into orbit.

3. How long do satellites typically last in orbit?

The lifespan of a satellite varies depending on its purpose, but most satellites are designed to last between 5-15 years in orbit.

4. How do satellites stay in orbit?

Satellites stay in orbit by constantly moving at a high speed and at a specific altitude, which allows them to maintain a balance between Earth's gravity and their own momentum.

5. Can satellites be brought back to Earth?

Some satellites can be brought back to Earth, but it is not a common practice. Most satellites are designed to remain in orbit until they naturally deorbit and burn up in Earth's atmosphere.

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