Sources for opinions on graduate application essays?

In summary: It's an important part of your application and should not be glossed over.In summary, there are resources available to help with writing essays for graduate applications, but they may not be available to professors who are young professors just leaving graduate school.
  • #1
Greetings all,

Are there resources around to help with writing essays for graduate applications? I have asked a few professors around my department, but as we don't have a graduate program and most of them are young professors who have only recently left grad school themselves, most of them aren't confident in their abilities to proofread essays and make suggestions.

I've also contacted my schools "career center" as they have an advisor who deals in helping students apply for graduate school, but their suggestions seemed more apt for a liberal arts major or something. For instance, when a school's prompt for their personal statement asked for research experience, the career center lady said I should cut out some discussion of my research in favor of more general "why I like science" sort of things, which seems silly.

If it were just one essay I would feel fine with posting it to a forum such as this, but the reality is that there are probably 4 or 5 unique essays needed: diversity statement, personal statement, statement of purpose (apparently those are two different things), etc. etc.

Are there any sort of resources I can use? Posting things online isn't my personal preference, but at this rate it's better than nothing.
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  • #2
Dishsoap said:
the career center lady said I should cut out some discussion of my research in favor of more general "why I like science" sort of things

Oh dear. Whenever I see professors talk about statements of purpose, that's the exact opposite of what they say.

I don't have the resources you ask of, but if you haven't already stumbled across it, see this (related) response I found the other day when doing my own research on SOPs:
  • #3
axmls said:
Oh dear. Whenever I see professors talk about statements of purpose, that's the exact opposite of what they say.

I don't have the resources you ask of, but if you haven't already stumbled across it, see this (related) response I found the other day when doing my own research on SOPs:

Ah, yes! I actually have that site bookmarked as it's very useful. I think that the content I have is good for the most part, but I really think the essays could use some tweaking. My statement of purpose seems too long and I want advice on how to shorten it without leaving important things out, I'm not sure if my diversity essay sounds too whiny, etc. etc.
  • #4
Dishsoap said:
Are there resources around to help with writing essays for graduate applications? I have asked a few professors around my department, but as we don't have a graduate program and most of them are young professors who have only recently left grad school themselves, most of them aren't confident in their abilities to proofread essays and make suggestions.
I would have thought young professors are the best for this sort of thing - after all, they have recently gone through the whole process on which you are embarking!

Anyway, as above, I would disagree with the suggestion to remove discussion of your research!

FAQ: Sources for opinions on graduate application essays?

What are the best sources for opinions on graduate application essays?

The best sources for opinions on graduate application essays are current graduate students, admissions counselors, professors, and online forums or communities specifically dedicated to graduate school admissions. These sources have first-hand experience and knowledge about the application process and can provide valuable insights and tips.

Can I trust the opinions of current graduate students?

Yes, the opinions of current graduate students can be trusted as they have recently gone through the application process and have firsthand knowledge of what admissions committees are looking for. However, it is important to keep in mind that their opinions may be biased towards their own experiences and may not apply to all graduate programs.

Why is it important to get opinions on graduate application essays?

Getting opinions on graduate application essays can provide valuable feedback and insights that can help improve the essay and increase the chances of being accepted into a graduate program. These opinions can also help identify any weaknesses or areas that need improvement in the essay.

Are online forums a reliable source for opinions on graduate application essays?

Online forums or communities dedicated to graduate school admissions can be a helpful source for opinions on graduate application essays. However, it is important to use caution and critical thinking when considering these opinions, as they may not always be from reliable or knowledgeable sources.

How can I incorporate opinions into my graduate application essay?

Incorporating opinions into your graduate application essay can be done by using the feedback and insights to make necessary changes and improvements to the essay. It is important to carefully consider the opinions and use them to strengthen the essay without compromising your own unique voice and perspective.

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