Speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas

In summary, we are looking at the propagation of sound waves in an ideal gas, where the mean density and mean speed of sound are represented by \rho_0 and c_0 respectively. The equation of state is given by p = const * \rho^\kappa and the sound speed is given by c = \sqrt{\frac{\partial p}{\partial \rho}}. In order to eliminate the constant, we can use the equation of state again to write c^2 = \kappa \frac{p_0}{{\rho_0}^\kappa} \rho^{\kappa-1}. A more common calculation results in c^2 = \gamma \frac{p}{\rho}, where
  • #1

Homework Statement

[tex] \rho_0, c_0 [/tex] is the mean density, the mean speed of sound in the ideal gas.
Is the following correct?
[tex] c(\rho)=c_0\left(\frac{\rho}{\rho_0}\right)^{\frac{\kappa-1}{2}} [/tex]

Homework Equations

[tex] p = const * \rho^\kappa, c=\sqrt{\frac{\partial p}{\partial \rho}} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex] c=\sqrt{\frac{\partial p}{\partial \rho}} = \sqrt{const*\kappa*\rho^{\kappa-1}}=const*\rho^{\frac{\kappa-1}{2}} [/tex]
With c(\rho_0)=c_0, I get:
[tex] c(\rho)=c_0\left(\frac{\rho}{\rho_0}\right)^{\frac{\kappa-1}{2}} [/tex]

Can I then say, that the refractive index is:
[tex] n(\rho)=\frac{c_0}{c(\rho)}=\left(\frac{\rho}{\rho_0}\right)^{\frac{1-\kappa}{2}} [/tex]
Hence, the ratio of 2 refractive indexes, like it is needed in the refraction law, is independent of [tex] \rho_0 [/tex]?
Is there a mistake in the reasoning? Thank you very much for your help!
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  • #2
I assume that your equation of state is [itex] p = A \rho^\kappa [/itex]. Then
[itex] c^2 = \displaystyle \frac{dp}{d\rho} = \kappa A \rho^{\kappa-1} [/itex]
You then appear to want to eliminate A - is that right? If so, use the equation of state again to write
[itex] p_0 = A \rho_0^\kappa \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ A = \frac{p_0}{{\rho_0}^\kappa} [/itex]
so that
[itex] c^2 = \displaystyle \frac{dp}{d\rho} = \kappa \frac{p_0}{{\rho_0}^\kappa} \rho^{\kappa-1} [/itex]
I am not sure where you want to go from here.

The following calculation is more common:
[itex] c^2 = \displaystyle \frac{dp}{d\rho} = \gamma \frac{p}{\rho} [/itex]
This is how this result is usually stated.

You seem to want to introduce [itex] c_0 [/itex], though I can't see why. Presumably you define
[itex] {c_0}^2 = \displaystyle \left.\frac{dp}{d\rho}\right|_0 = \gamma \frac{p_0}{\rho_0} [/itex]
in which case
[itex] c^2 = {c_0}^2 \displaystyle \frac{p}{p_0} \frac{\rho_0}{\rho} [/itex]
[itex] c = {c_0} \displaystyle \sqrt{\frac{p}{p_0} \frac{\rho_0}{\rho}} = c_0 \left( \frac{\rho}{\rho_0} \right)^{(\kappa -1)/2} [/itex]
as you claim.

Finally, you want to speak about a refractive index, but I don't know what that means in this context. You are looking at the propagation of sound waves in an homogeneous isotropic medium which, in its undisturbed state it at pressure [itex] p_0 [/itex] and density [itex] \rho_0 [/itex]. You have no interfaces where the wave passes from one medium into another, so you won't encounter any refraction. Your two sound speeds are for the same medium (?) and so cannot be used define a refractive index.

In fact, I don't know how to interpret your sound speed c. The usual interpretation is that [itex] c_0 [/itex] is the sound speed for small amplitude waves in the original medium. The speed c is calculated with different values of [itex] p, \rho [/itex] which are not constant, but change sinusoidally about mean values [itex] p_0, \rho_0 [/itex] as a wave propagates through the medium. So what does it represent physically? The speed of a wave traveling through your wave? That makes no sense. Does your wave (large amplitude, perhaps) change its speed as the medium compresses and rarefies? Will this lead to shock waves?

If you want to define a refractive index for sound waves, how would you do it? Sound waves do not propagate through a vacuum, so you cannot take the sound speed in vacuum and divide it by the sound speed in your medium. I suppose you could use the sound speed in some suitably defined standard medium (air at STP?) and then measure all sound speeds relative to that - but I have never seen this done.
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FAQ: Speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas

1. What is the speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas?

The speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas refers to the speed at which sound waves travel through the gas with no change in entropy (disorder) of the gas. This is typically represented by the symbol c and can be calculated using the formula c = √(γRT), where γ is the adiabatic constant, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature of the gas in Kelvin.

2. How does the speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas differ from other gases?

The speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas is dependent on the adiabatic constant, which varies for different gases. This means that the speed of sound will differ between gases, with lighter gases having a higher speed of sound and heavier gases having a lower speed of sound.

3. What factors can affect the speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas?

The speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas can be affected by several factors, including the properties of the gas (such as density, temperature, and adiabatic constant), external pressure, and the presence of any impurities or particles in the gas.

4. How does temperature affect the speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas?

As mentioned before, the speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas. This means that as the temperature of the gas increases, the speed of sound will also increase. However, this relationship only holds true for gases at a constant pressure and volume.

5. What is the significance of the speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas?

The speed of sound in an isentropic ideal gas is an important concept in thermodynamics and fluid dynamics. It helps us understand the behavior of sound waves in gases and is used in various industries, such as aerospace engineering and meteorology, to make calculations and predictions about gas dynamics.
