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So I've observed the animal I am studying dry it's self (a survival mechanism called anhydrobiosis) to avoid freezing (laseration by ice crystals). Life forms given time produce a number of protectants in order to survive. Trehalose a sugar is produced to 2-4%. This will act as an antifreeze to aprox minus 4 C. Additionally Trehalose appears to act as a water substitute protecting structures from failing due to dehydration. Protein molecules deprived of water will fold into new incompatible structures collapsing the house of cards that is life. I am trying to write a paper for publication and I want to master this equation ( I = 4 Pi D R (c1-c2)). I have spent day's trying but still do not have a clear idea. Examples I have found use it as a reference point and mostly a starting point to add variables ( velocity and heat flows ) formulated with advanced calculus most of all fail because the added variables are unstable in nature and then the next researcher starts again with Maxwell. You get a sense of the genius of Maxwell by leaving the obvious ( velocity and heat) out. I am not a genius and am unable to read around the advanced calculus content of these journal articles. I just want a sense of the maximum evap rate as a percent of drop mass. One could also call it initial evap rate. My drops (the organism) temperature, diameter and concentration of solutes will immediately change with the evaporation. My biggest problem with the formula has to be with the dissociation coefficient. I have read "the quantity of gas traveling one cm through one cm x cm. Then I'll see 1 m x 1m so in that case is the travel distance a meter or still one cm through orifice of area x. Not mentioned is the units of the quantity ( example grams, moles etc ). I saw something like D = 0.022 + (0.134 c1-c2). Density effects D. D for water is different than for methane etc. I think it's different for different temperatures. I want to carefully get the correct D, conserve my units so the final answer makes sense and is correct. I don't want to be forced to print a retraction. Most of the work that I could find using this rarer Maxwell formula is for metereology and some evaporator uses, spray use or to explain other phenomonom like sailors being pelted with dry salt crystals while at sea.