Studying Math on My Own: A New Challenge

In summary: I'm not sure if I should buy the book or not, I don't really know if I need it or not.In summary, the benefit of having a professor to talk to is that you can share your ideas with them and they can correct you if you're wrong. You can discuss problems with them and hopefully clarify things that you do not understand. This will definitely aid in studying apart from reading and working on problems (practicing).thx. good chance i'll go ahead any buy this book, been told it should do a good job :)any other ideas for books would be awesome, I have 50$ in my paypal account waiting to be used..oops, I was talking about a book someone has recomm
  • #1
Hey everybody.
I'm about to start studying Computer science and Math in 4 months.
I have a lot of free time now, the studies where I am going to be are known to be extremely challenging.
I'm trying to make a good use of my time, I've started studying some C programming by myself which goes pretty well and is lots of fun.
I was thinking I should do the same with Math, get some better fundementals on the big topics instead of wasting the time I have.
I've always loved Math, I've never got much further than high school level but I am pretty sure I have the right mind for it.
My question is, how can I study Math by myself? I can understand stuff for myself and don't really need a teacher(for the basics ofcourse) but I do need some overall guidence.
I can't say I remember much from the high school studies, they were poor and I have to go through an army service since than. I guess that recommandations of good basic articles in the main fields(Algebra, Geomerty, Number Theory, whatever is important :)) would be a great help.

Just tell me whatever you think.
Hope this kind of topic suites this forum.
Thanks in advanced!
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  • #2
Read and /understand/ the material then work out problems. That's pretty much IMO the best thing you can do when you're by yourself.

The benefit of being able to have a professor to talk to is that you can share your ideas with them and they can correct you if you're wrong. You can discuss problems with them and hopefully clarify things that you do not understand. This will definitely aid in studying apart from reading and working on problems (practicing).
  • #3
thx. good chance i'll go ahead any buy this book, been told it should do a good job :)
any other ideas for books would be awesome, I have 50$ in my paypal account waiting to be used..
  • #4
oops, I was talking about a book someone has recommanded me on another thread.
anyhow, book recommandations would be awesome.
  • #5
First off, if you have not, check out this thread started by a math professor:

It provides a lot of information about studying mathematics.

Before anyone can recommend any books, which field(s) seem particularly interesting and something you would want to study?
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  • #6
I'm not really interested in any particular field at the moment. I just want to broad my Math knowledge in any possible direction. I do prefer studying stuff that will eventually help me out with early college Math studies, but that's not highly important.
from my shallow math knowledge, I know that statistics, combinatorics, number theory are all interesting. only thing I can say is that geometry seems to be less at atractive to me, but you can't really judge anything from high school level studies.

good day :)
  • #7
What have you covered in high school? Up to pre-calculus or have you calculus?
  • #8
As for preparing for your Comp Sci stuff, I highly recommend beginning going through the K&R C book here:

(if you aren't already), doing all the exercises (it takes a lot of time, don't expect to get through the book quickly). Programming is just like math, you learn by doing.

Also there are a lot of badly written C/C++ books out there that are likely to just confuse you, or over simplify things.
  • #9
K&R C is a great book, I also recommend it if you're trying to learn C.

Don't mind the type-set the book's content is priceless.
  • #10
I think I'm doing pretty well with the programming, I know two guys who help me when I need it and I don't have to sweat too much to understand the basics.

as for high school, your being taught how to pass your finals, you learn how to use the calculus without having a clue what it is. we did got to calculus, I can't say I remember much about it although I think I just need to refresh my memory a bit.

FAQ: Studying Math on My Own: A New Challenge

What are the benefits of studying math on my own?

Studying math on your own allows you to learn at your own pace and focus on areas that you find particularly challenging. It also helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are valuable in many fields.

What are some tips for successfully studying math on my own?

It is important to set specific goals, create a study schedule, and stay motivated. Practice regularly and use resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, and practice problems. Don't be afraid to ask for help when needed.

How can I stay motivated while studying math on my own?

One way to stay motivated is to set achievable goals and reward yourself when you reach them. You can also find a study partner or join a study group to stay accountable and motivated. Remind yourself of the benefits of learning math and the progress you have made.

What are some challenges I may face while studying math on my own?

Some challenges you may face include lack of accountability, difficulty understanding certain concepts, and feeling overwhelmed with the amount of material. It is important to stay motivated, seek help when needed, and break down difficult concepts into smaller, more manageable parts.

How can I track my progress while studying math on my own?

You can track your progress by setting specific goals and tracking your completion of them. You can also use practice problems and quizzes to assess your understanding of the material. Don't be discouraged by mistakes, but instead use them as learning opportunities to improve.

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