What Is the Most Ridiculous Infomercial Ever Aired?

  • Thread starter Pengwuino
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In summary, the stupidest infomercial or tv selling show is "Natural Cures THEY don't want you to know about." The top of the steaming dung heap has to be Ronco's Spray on Hair.
  • #1
Gold Member
So what do you think the stupidest infomercial or tv selling show can you think of?

"Natural cures THEY don't want you to know about" surely tops the list for me. Did you guys know there's cures for aids and cancer and herpies? Thats right! You can live the crappiest life and boom, magic, gone.

Most infomercials with the stupid blonde women on them usually crack me up even if there not entirely stupid products. OH MY GOD, are you telling me I don't have to cut my own vegetables and live with the inevitable emergency room visit everytime i want salad?

What tops YOUR list?
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  • #2
the magic bullet infomercial. with the austra;ian guy and stupid blonde. just really cheese.

I saw one that I thought was cheesier, I can't remember which one it was though
  • #3
I agree with the Natural Cures infomercial. However, it's more because of the salesman than the product he's trying to sell. Kevin Trudeau, who is the marketer behind Natural Cures, as well as Coral Calcium and Mega Memory, is a fraud and has been charged by the Federal Trade Commission for fraudulent claims - specifically that his products can cure diseases and cancer.
  • #4
The top of the steaming dung heap has to be Ronco's Spray on Hair. I'll debate that one to my grave.
  • #5
There is a product on the market that so successfully camouflages bald & thinning spots that I had no idea this person was using something. I'd recommend it.

I don't usually watch late night tv, so I miss all the infomercials.
  • #6
The old Tom Vu infomercials.
  • #7
there's this one about an egg peeler...

and anything from ronco
  • #8
"are you over 30? do you have excessive body fat around your belly, bla bla, you have a cortisol imbalance!"

i swear if i was younger and dumber id kill that woman from commercial

and the other one is the one that pops up on the science channel and sometimes on the national geographic commercial


This guy really pisses me off
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  • #9
oh, the question mark guy. he pisses everyone off.

anything from ronco is a scam, plus ron is a very bad actor.
  • #10
yomamma said:
anything from ronco is a scam,

Surely you are not including the "Pocket Fisherman"!
  • #11
Janus said:
Surely you are not including the "Pocket Fisherman"!
Too funny, I was just thinking of that!

You never know when you might need to fish...
  • #12
I've seen ronco's 'mini rottiserie' which to me, looks poorly built. but for an extra $100, you can get one that's about an inch taller!

don't even get me started on the 'pocket fisherman'.
  • #13
yomamma said:
I've seen ronco's 'mini rottiserie' which to me, looks poorly built. but for an extra $100, you can get one that's about an inch taller!
But in just 4 hours, you can have a small chicken perfectly roasted on the rotisserie (it reminds me of trying to bake cookies with an EZ Bake Oven)...or put it in the oven and have it done in an hour! :smile:
  • #14
only 3 added hours!?
*calls ronco to purchase this amazing deal*
  • #15
I forget what it was called- it's this new, amazing exercise machine- the Butt Blaster or some such name. It's a trampoline. A single person trampoline. There are even half a dozen exercise videos for it. A trampoline. Oh, I found it. It's the Urban Rebounding System. (Seriously, it's really just a trampoline.)
The Urban Rebounding System is the powerful total body workout that is in nearly 3,000 health clubs worldwide (Bally's, Crunch, Equinox, Gold's, New York Sports Clubs, Sports Club LA, and the YMCA's, to name a few)

New York Magazine ranked Urban Rebounding # 1. A growing number of books are devoting whole chapters to the benefits of rebounding: Anthony Robbins’ “Unlimited Power”, “Fit For Life”, and “The Detox Book”.

Now you can do Urban Rebounding in your home. In just 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week, the Urban Rebounding Workout melts pounds of fat away, without any pain or stress on your joints. And it’s so much fun it’s the first exercise you’ll actually look forward to! It also improves your balance and coordination, which is good news for athletes and seniors.

Urban Rebounding is also safe. In proper form, your feet barely leave the surface. You don’t jump high, you jump strong. And First Timers can use the Training Bar until they get the hang of it, like training wheels on a bicycle.
A training bar for a trampoline. They really thought of everything. Only $119.97! :smile: :confused:
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  • #16
what the ****!?
  • #17
yomamma said:
what the ****!?
Apparently, packaging really is everything. Maybe no one notices that it's just a trampoline? Or maybe some people have never seen a trampoline before? Yeah, I don't know. It says
N.A.S.A. has been using rebounding to train their astronauts for years. A N.A.S.A study called rebounding a “miracle exercise”.
I wonder if they really mean that NASA has used trampolines. Hm, or maybe there is something special about "rebounding". Maybe you can't jump on regular trampolines in the right way. Maybe I should get one of those Urban Rebounders. :!)
  • #18
I saw a japanese infomercial on a machine that was supposed to make you taller. they strapped someone in, started working it, and then they showed the person's ankles and they shortened her pants, giving the effect of her legs growing. pretty stupid?
  • #19
honestrosewater said:
A training bar for a trampoline. They really thought of everything. Only $119.97! :smile: :confused:

I did see a NORMAL trampoline, ie. one that's been available in supermarkets since uh...a long time ago, for equivalent of $20!

Oh BUT WAIT, you don't get the video tapes with that offer. Oh damn :smile: :rolleyes:
  • #20
Also, has anyone seen that ad for the 5-in-1 aero-space bed (or whatever it's called). It cracks me up everytime.
  • #21
yomamma said:
anything from ronco is a scam, plus ron is a very bad actor.
It is amazing that Ron Popeil has made many millions making his stuff.
  • #22
Ive seen this one infomercial that was so rediculous with their counter of sold items (we all know its fake). This thing was incrementing every 1/4 second. When they started it was around zero and in just a few minutes it was up in the thousands, then tens of thousands. I was rofl. It was going up so rediculously fast i thought it was a joke.

I have a vid I am looking for regarding an infomercial gone bad. Its funny. brb.
  • #23
mapper said:
Ive seen this one infomercial that was so rediculous with their counter of sold items (we all know its fake). This thing was incrementing every 1/4 second. When they started it was around zero and in just a few minutes it was up in the thousands, then tens of thousands. I was rofl. It was going up so rediculously fast i thought it was a joke.

I have a vid I am looking for regarding an infomercial gone bad. Its funny. brb.

haha the funniest part is when you see those dumb counters but the shows are repeats or on at like 2am.
  • #24
juvenal said:
The old Tom Vu infomercials.

darn you beat me to it

"if someone gets in your way, look at them- are they rich? if not them them-get the hell out of my way, you're nothing, and I'm something". You too, can make loooootta money."

Cracks me up every time

FAQ: What Is the Most Ridiculous Infomercial Ever Aired?

1. What makes an infomercial the "stupidest" ever?

An infomercial can be considered the "stupidest" ever based on various factors, such as the product being advertised, the delivery of the message, and the overall effectiveness of the infomercial. It is subjective and varies from person to person.

2. Are there any infomercials that are universally considered the "stupidest" ever?

There are some infomercials that have gained a reputation for being particularly ridiculous or ineffective, such as the Snuggie or the Shake Weight. However, opinions may vary and what one person considers the "stupidest" may not be the same for someone else.

3. Are all infomercials considered "stupid"?

No, not all infomercials are considered "stupid." Some infomercials are informative and effective in promoting a product or service. It ultimately depends on the quality and content of the infomercial.

4. How do infomercials affect consumer behavior?

Infomercials can have a significant impact on consumer behavior, as they are designed to persuade viewers to purchase the advertised product. However, their effectiveness may vary depending on the individual and the quality of the infomercial.

5. Is there any scientific research on the effectiveness of infomercials?

Yes, there have been numerous studies on the effectiveness of infomercials and their impact on consumer behavior. Some research suggests that infomercials can be effective in increasing sales, while others argue that they may be more effective for certain products or demographics.

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