Solve S (x+5)½/x-4 dx with Substitution Method

In summary, the conversation is about solving a substitution integral using either sin or cos. The solution is obtained by setting u^2 = x + 5 and using trig substitution to get the answer of 2(x+5)½+3ln[(x+5)½-3/(x+5)½+3]+c. The conversation also discusses the use of LaTeX in the physics forum and the decision process for choosing the positive or negative root.
  • #1

I have another problem about substitution Method. I think this method is used to make the problem to solve in easy way but it is making my procedure too long for this problem. Can you solve it by substitution method.

S (x+5)½/x-4 dx

where S is the sign of integral. The answer of this problem is

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  • #2
You will have to do a trig substitution using either sin or cos. I hope your at least attemping these homework problems before you ask for the anwser, because they seem like homework. :rolleyes:
  • #3
i set [tex]u^2= x+5[/tex]

i get integral:
[tex]2\int \frac {\2{u^2}}{(u+3)(u-3)} du [/tex]

then do the long division, do partial fractions then i get the same answer as u posted.

answer is : [tex]2u -3\ln(u+3) + 3\ln(u-3) + c[/tex]

i was wondering how do u know if
[tex] u=? +\sqrt{x+5} \ or \ u=?-\sqrt{x+5}[/tex]
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  • #4
nice choice of subsitution unggio, i take back having to use trig now that I see what you wrote.

You can learn to use the [tex] LaTeX [/tex] in the physics forum.
  • #5

[tex]u^2 = x + 5[/tex]

[tex]2 \int \frac{u^2}{(u + 3)(u - 3)} du = 2 \left( u + \frac{3}{2} \ln [u - 3] - \frac{3}{2} \ln [u + 3] \right) + C[/tex]

[tex]2 \left( u + \frac{3}{2} \ln [u - 3] - \frac{3}{2} \ln [u + 3] \right) + C= 2u + 3 \ln (u - 3) - 3 \ln (u + 3) + C[/tex]

[tex]2u + 3 \ln (u - 3) - 3 \ln (u + 3) = 2 \sqrt{x + 5} + 3 \ln (\sqrt{x+5} - 3) - 3 \ln (\sqrt{x + 5} + 3) + C[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{ \int \frac{\sqrt{x + 5}}{x - 4} dx = 2 \sqrt{x + 5} + 3 \ln (\sqrt{x+5} - 3) - 3 \ln (\sqrt{x + 5} + 3) + C}[/tex]

My research also located an Identity:
[tex]\tanh^{-1} \left( \frac{u}{3} \right) = \frac{1}{2} ( \ln [u + 3] - \ln [u - 3] )[/tex]

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  • #6
how do u decide that u is the positive or negative?

[tex] u=? +\sqrt{x+5} \ or \ u=?-\sqrt{x+5}[/tex]
  • #7

The functional identity:
[tex]\tanh^{-1} \left( \frac{u}{3} \right) = \frac{1}{2} ( \ln [u + 3] - \ln [u - 3] )[/tex]

There are two possible solutions in Quadrants I and III, therefore [tex]u = \pm \sqrt{x + 5}[/tex]

However, the solution:
[tex]2 \sqrt{x + 5} + 3 \ln (\sqrt{x+5} - 3) - 3 \ln (\sqrt{x + 5} + 3) + C = 0[/tex]

Has x-intercept only at [tex]x = 7.953[/tex], therefore [tex]u = + \sqrt{x + 5}[/tex]
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FAQ: Solve S (x+5)½/x-4 dx with Substitution Method

1. Can you explain what the Substitution Method is?

The Substitution Method is a technique used in calculus to simplify and solve integrals. It involves substituting a variable in the integral with a new variable, making the integral easier to solve.

2. How do I know when to use the Substitution Method?

If you have an integral that involves a function inside a function, such as (x+5)½ or sin(x), then it is a good indicator that the Substitution Method may be helpful in solving the integral.

3. What is the general process for using the Substitution Method?

The general process for using the Substitution Method is as follows:1. Identify the function inside the integral that can be substituted with a new variable.2. Choose a suitable variable to substitute.3. Rewrite the integral in terms of the new variable.4. Solve the new integral.5. Substitute the original variable back in to get the final solution.

4. Can you provide an example of using the Substitution Method?

Sure! Let's use the given integral, Solve S (x+5)½/x-4 dx, as an example. We can substitute (x+5)½ with u, so the integral becomes S u/x-4 dx. We then use the substitution u=x+5, which means that du/dx=1. Rearranging for dx, we get dx=du. Substituting back into the integral, we get S u/x-4 du. This integral is much easier to solve, and once we have the solution in terms of u, we can substitute u back in to get the final answer.

5. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when using the Substitution Method?

Yes, there are a few common mistakes to watch out for when using the Substitution Method. These include:- Not choosing a suitable variable to substitute- Forgetting to substitute back in the original variable in the final solution- Making mistakes in differentiating the new variable- Not checking for any remaining u terms and substituting them back in
