How to Solve a Differential Equation Using the Superposition Approach?

In summary, the author is explaining how to find a particular solution to a differential equation when the right side is of the form P(x)ekx. The particular solution is xsQ(x)ekx, where deg(Q) = deg(P). This solution can be found by taking the derivative of the equation with respect to x, setting it equal to the given solution, and solving for a and b.
  • #1
Solve this equation by superposition approach (undetermined coefficients); pg. 154 in Zill, according to the formula Y = Yc + Yp

y''' -2y'' -4y' +8y = 6xe^(2x)

I got:
Yc = C1 e^(-2x) + C2 e^(2x) + C3 xe^(2x)
for the complementary function Yc...

I'm having trouble finding the particular solutions Yp

Any help is greatly appreciated
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  • #2
Your book should give you a standard way to find a particular solution when the right sides is of the form P(x)ekx where P(x) is a polynomial and k is some real number. I believe the particular solution should take the form Q(x)ekx where Q and P have the same degree. Since in your problem, P(x) = 6x is a degree 1 polynomial, let Q(x) = ax + b be an arbitrary degree 1 polynomial. Plug in y = (ax+b)e2x into your differential equation, and solve for a and b.
  • #3
since 6xe^(2x) matches the general term C3xe^(2x), the 6x has to be raised in power to 6x^2; in that case the equation is (Ax^2 + Bx +C)e^(2x)... but when I try to take all 3 derivatives of this function and then substituting them back into the y''' - 2y'' - 4y' + 8y equation, it doesn't match up...

i get 8Ae^(2x) = 6x^2e^(2x), but the A constant needs an X^(2) in order to work, otherwise you can't solve for it

any way I can resolve that?
  • #4
Show all your work, otherwise how can we tell where you're messing up.
  • #5
The solution formula is Y = Yc + Yp

Yc = (C1 e^-2x) + (C2 e^2x) + (C3 xe^-2x) <--- since this C3 matches 6xe^2x, the rule is that it has to increased in power and it becomes 6x^2e^2x

the formula to find Yp when the polynomial in front of e^2x is of 2nd power is
(Ax^2 + Bx + C) e^2x

y = (Ax^2 + Bx + C) e^2x
y' = 2Axe^2x + 2Ax^2e^2x + Be^2x +2Bxe^2x + 2Ce^2x
y'' = 2Ae^2x + 8Axe^2x + 4Ax^2e^2x + 4Be^2x + 4Bxe^2x + 4Ce^2x
y''' = 12Ae^2x + 24Axe^2x + 8Ax^2e^2x + 12Be^2x + 8Bxe^2x + 8Ce^2x

So i take that new form y, and it's three derivatives (y', y'', y''') and plug it back into the original y''' - 2y'' - 4y' + 8y and set it equal to 6x^2e^2x

everything cancels and I'm left with 8Ae^2x = 6x^2e^2x

I can't solve for A however, because it doesn't have equal powers with 6x^2
if it were 8Ax^2e^2x then I could cancel the X's and solve for the A constant
  • #6
Okay, I did a little reading and I think this is the approach: if the right hand side is P(x)ekx, then your particular solution takes the form xsQ(x)ekx where deg(Q) = deg(P), and s is the multiplicity of k as a root of the characteristic polynomial of the differential equation. In your case, the characteristic polynomial is:

z3 - 2z2 - 4z + 8
= (z - 2)2(z + 2)

k = 2, and P(x) = 6x. So set Q(x) = (ax+b), and set s = 2, since k (which is 2) is a double root of your characteristic polynomial.

yp = x2(ax+b)e2x = (ax3 + bx2)e2x.

Plug this into your diff. eq. and solve for a and b.
  • #7
o wow! that works out... thank's a lot for all your help :smile:
  • #8
I always go back to this site when I get rusty with basic differential equation theory.

FAQ: How to Solve a Differential Equation Using the Superposition Approach?

1. What is the superposition approach?

The superposition approach is a method commonly used in physics and engineering to analyze complex systems by breaking them down into simpler parts and combining the results. It is based on the principle of superposition, which states that the total response of a system is equal to the sum of the individual responses of its parts.

2. How is the superposition approach used in science?

The superposition approach is used in a wide range of scientific fields, including physics, chemistry, and engineering. It is particularly useful for analyzing systems that are too complex to solve using traditional methods. By breaking down the system into simpler parts and using the principle of superposition, scientists can better understand how the different parts of the system interact and contribute to the overall behavior.

3. What are the benefits of using the superposition approach?

One of the main benefits of using the superposition approach is that it allows scientists to solve complex problems in a more efficient and accurate way. By breaking down a system into smaller parts, they can apply known principles and equations to each part individually, making the problem more manageable. Additionally, the superposition approach can help identify key factors and relationships within a system that may not be immediately apparent.

4. Are there any limitations to the superposition approach?

While the superposition approach can be a powerful tool for analyzing complex systems, it does have some limitations. It is most effective for linear systems, meaning those where the response is directly proportional to the input. Non-linear systems can be more difficult to analyze using the superposition approach. Additionally, the superposition approach may not be suitable for systems with highly non-uniform or discontinuous parts.

5. Can the superposition approach be applied to real-world problems?

Yes, the superposition approach is commonly used to solve real-world problems in a variety of fields. For example, it is often used in electrical engineering to analyze circuits, in structural engineering to analyze the behavior of buildings and bridges, and in quantum mechanics to study atomic and subatomic particles. The superposition approach has also been applied to problems in economics, biology, and other disciplines.

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