- #1
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Homework Statement
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I know you have to analyze the circuit by turning off each independent current/voltage source and I've done several practice problems in my book but I've never run into this paticular set up. I spent all night trying to figure this one out. Any help or direction appreciated.
This is where I got: shutting off the current source I got I = 0.116 Amps but I'm not sure where that current applys or if it splits up since the voltage source is in parallel. Is it right next to the voltage source or on the branch with all the resistors? Do I apply current division? I'm confused...
Then shutting off the voltage source I used current division but I'm confused at this point: are the 15 ohm and 5 ohm resistors in series and then in parallel with the 10 ohm? I'm confused.