- #1
confused student
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Homework Statement
(It should be noted that the actual problem has specific values associated with a, b, and c. However, at this point I'm trying to find a method to solve the problem rather than a specific solution).
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
When I was trying to solve this initially, I didn't realize that D changed with respect to t; for that reason my solution only applies for when D is constant. I calculated dv/dt with a constant D and multiplied that slope by small increments of t in order to get values of v. I know there are more efficient methods to do numerical integration like the Runge Kutta method, but I was trying to blow through the problem without them. My excel sheet started giving non real numbers when I added in the second differential equation (dD/dt), so I'm really stuck. How should I go about solving this with the additional differential equation? Thank you in advance for any assistance!