Taking the gradient of 1/r (solid sherical harmonics?)

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the gradient twice for 1/r in spherical coordinates. The first step is to use the ∂/∂r operator, which results in a vector. The second step involves using the dot product between ∇ and ∇(1/r), which yields a tensor. However, the resulting answer is incorrect and the correct approach involves using identities and applying each operator prior to performing the dot product. The final result should be a tensor of the form \frac{3}{r^{5}}\vec{r}\vec{r}-\frac{I}{r^{3}}.
  • #1
Hi all, just an very elementary question, arising from the first study of generating harmonic solutions.

How to get the gradient twice for
[/itex] in spherical coordinates?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi hanson! :smile:

What's the difficulty?

1/r obviously doesn't depend on θ or φ, so just use ∂/∂r. :wink:
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
Hi hanson! :smile:

What's the difficulty?

1/r obviously doesn't depend on θ or φ, so just use ∂/∂r. :wink:

Hello. Yea,
I think I can get the gradient of 1/r once, using the ∂/∂r, and that will gives me a vector.

What confuses me is taking it another time, which will gives me a tensor. However, the answer I got is different from what is supposed to be.
  • #4
tiny-tim said:
Hi hanson! :smile:

What's the difficulty?

1/r obviously doesn't depend on θ or φ, so just use ∂/∂r. :wink:
This is SO wrong!

Let us do this properly (sort of!):


Now, [tex]\nabla^{2}\frac{1}{r}=(\vec{i}_{r}\frac{\partial}{\partial{r}}+\vec{i}_{\theta}\frac{1}{r\sin\phi}\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}+\vec{i}_{\phi}\frac{\partial}{r\partial\phi})\cdot(-\frac{1}{r^{2}}\vec{i}_{r})[/tex]

Now, you are to apply each of these operators PRIOR to perform the dot products!

Since the vector [itex]\vec{i}_{r}[/tex] depends upon both the angular variables, differentiating that vector will yield components PARALLELL to the direction of the angular variable.
Thus, non-zero contributions to the full Laplacian of 1/r will appear from these differentiations.
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  • #5
Okay, I'm generous today, so we use the identities:

Thus, we get:

As you should get.
  • #6
In general, when dealing with a function f(r), where r is the radial vector in spherical coordinates, we have the simple relation:
  • #7
arildno said:
This is SO wrong!

Let us do this properly (sort of!):


Now, [tex]\nabla^{2}\frac{1}{r}=(\vec{i}_{r}\frac{\partial}{\partial{r}}+\vec{i}_{\theta}\frac{1}{r\sin\phi}\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}+\vec{i}_{\phi}\frac{\partial}{r\partial\phi})\cdot(-\frac{1}{r^{2}}\vec{i}_{r})[/tex]

Now, you are to apply each of these operators PRIOR to perform the dot products!

Since the vector [itex]\vec{i}_{r}[/tex] depends upon both the angular variables, differentiating that vector will yield components PARALLELL to the direction of the angular variable.
Thus, non-zero contributions to the full Laplacian of 1/r will appear from these differentiations.

Hi, arildno. Thanks for the detail reply.
But what if it is not a dot product between [tex]\nabla[/tex] and [tex]\nabla \frac{1}{r}[/tex]? If it is a dot product, then we will get a Laplacian. However, if it is like a "dyadic product" (I am not sure if this is the right term to use, but seems to be), then we should get a tensor out of this, right? And the result should be something like [tex]\frac{\vec{\vec{I}}}{r^3} + 3 \frac{\vec{r}\vec{r}}{r^5}[/tex], where [tex]\vec{r} = r\vec{i}_{r}[/tex] and [tex]\vec{\vec{I}}[/tex] is the identity matrix. I am not sure how to get this. I kind of got the second term, but not the first one. Could you please help?

p.s. I am sorry about the missing "arrows" above the identity matrix and the "r"s. They cannot display properly, since I am not familiar with latex typing here...
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  • #8
OKay, I was a bit unsure if it was the Laplacian or the dyadic tensor you were after; it is, however, fairly trivial to set up in this case (remember that the Laplacian is the sum of the diagonal terms)!

You get the tensor:
  • #9
Note that this is rewritable as:
where I is the identity matrix.
  • #10
arildno said:
OKay, I was a bit unsure if it was the Laplacian or the dyadic tensor you were after; it is, however, fairly trivial to set up in this case (remember that the Laplacian is the sum of the diagonal terms)!

You get the tensor:

Oh...the "f' here refers to a general function? So, you get this formula basically by performing similar steps below, right?

I have done this is the most boring and lengthy way

In spherical coordinates,
\nabla = \vec{i}_r \frac{\partial}{\partial r}+ \vec{i}_{\phi} \frac{1}{r} \frac{\partial}{\partial \phi}+\vec{i}_\theta \frac{1}{r sin \phi} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}

\nabla \left(\frac{1}{r}\right) = \vec{i}_r \frac{-1}{r^2}

which is

\nabla(\nabla(\frac{1}{r})) = \vec{i}_r \vec{i}_r \frac{2}{r^3} + \vec{i}_\phi \vec{i}_\phi \frac{-1}{r^3}+\vec{i}_\theta \vec{i}_\theta \frac{-1}{r^3}

And, it is rewritten as
\vec{i}_r \vec{i}_r \frac{3}{r^3} +\vec{i}_r \vec{i}_r \frac{-1}{r^3} + \vec{i}_\phi \vec{i}_\phi \frac{-1}{r^3}+\vec{i}_\theta \vec{i}_\theta \frac{-1}{r^3},

which is
\vec{i}_r \vec{i}_r \frac{3}{r^3} - \frac{\vec{\vec{I}}}{r^3}

p.s. I edited this 100 times but the latex still doesn't show up properly...i want to give up...

But the above steps are basically correct, right?
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  • #11
YEs, f was a general scalar function, only dependent upon the radial variable.

What you have done above is correct, and you Latex seems just fine.

If you want a similar tensorial form for a general f, you might rewrite post 8 as:
where I is, again, the identity matrix.
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  • #12
arildno said:
YEs, f was a general scalar function, only dependent upon the radial variable.

What you have done above is correct, and you Latex seems just fine.

If you want a similar tensorial form for a general f, you might rewrite post 8 as:
where I is, again, the identity matrix.

Thanks arildno!
  • #13
divergence theorem

You can also find ∇2 of a spherically symmetric f(r) using the divergence theorem

V2f(r)dV = ∫S f(r).dS = ∫S df/dr er.dS

So if V is the volume between two concentric spheres of radius r and r + dr (so that S is the surface of the two spheres, and er.dS = ±dS),

then 4πr22f(r) dr = d/dr(4πr2 df/dr) dr,

so ∇2f(r) = (1/r2) d/dr(r2 df/dr) :wink:

FAQ: Taking the gradient of 1/r (solid sherical harmonics?)

What is the gradient of 1/r?

The gradient of 1/r is a vector that describes the rate of change of the function 1/r in each direction. It is represented as ∇(1/r) and is calculated by taking the partial derivative of the function with respect to each variable.

How is the gradient of 1/r related to solid spherical harmonics?

The gradient of 1/r is closely related to solid spherical harmonics, as they are both used in the study of electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. Solid spherical harmonics are a set of mathematical functions used to describe the symmetry properties of a physical system, while the gradient of 1/r is used to calculate the electric and magnetic fields of a charged particle.

What are the applications of taking the gradient of 1/r?

The gradient of 1/r has many practical applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It is used to calculate electric and magnetic fields, determine the direction and rate of change of a physical quantity, and solve differential equations. In computer graphics, the gradient of 1/r is used to create realistic lighting effects and simulate fluid flow.

How is the gradient of 1/r calculated?

The gradient of 1/r is calculated by taking the partial derivatives of the function 1/r with respect to each variable. For example, if the function 1/r is expressed as f(x,y,z), then the gradient of 1/r is given by ∇f(x,y,z) = (∂f/∂x, ∂f/∂y, ∂f/∂z).

What is the significance of the gradient of 1/r in physics?

The gradient of 1/r plays a crucial role in the study of physics. It is used to calculate the electric and magnetic fields of charged particles, which are essential in understanding the behavior of electromagnetism and electromagnetic radiation. Additionally, the gradient of 1/r is also used in the Schrödinger equation, which describes the quantum behavior of particles in quantum mechanics.

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