Indigo Child: Exploring the Phenomenon

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, the term "Indigo Child" was coined by psychic and synesthesiac Nancy Ann Tappe, who classified people's personalities according to the hue of their auras. This phenomenon has been recognized as a significant change in human nature and is believed to be happening globally. The emergence of Indigo children was foretold by Edgar Cayce and is seen as a positive step towards creating a better world. However, there are also criticisms and doubts about the validity of this concept.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Indigo child
The term "Indigo Child" comes from psychic and synesthesiac Nancy Ann Tappe, who classified people's personalities according to the hue of their auras.

Usually each universal age is accompanied by a preponderance of people with that life color. For instance now most adults are either Blue or Violet, the two colors with the attributes most needed in this the Violet Age of transition. During the next age, the Indigo Age, Indigo colors will be the norm (Understanding Your Life Through Color 1982).

According to Tappe,
The Indigo phenomenon has been recognized as one of the most exciting changes in human nature ever documented in society. The Indigo label describes the energy pattern of human behavior which exists in over 95% of the children born in the last 10 years … This phenomena is happening globally and eventually the Indigos will replace all other colors. As small children, Indigo’s are easy to recognize by their unusually large, clear eyes. Extremely bright, precocious children with an amazing memory and a strong desire to live instinctively, these children of the next millennium are sensitive, gifted souls with an evolved consciousness who have come here to help change the vibrations of our lives and create one land, one globe and one species. They are our bridge to the future.*

According to Peggy Day and Susan Gale, the emergence of the Indigo children was foretold by Edgar Cayce long before Tappe's aura labeling.

...The hype and near-hysteria surrounding the use of Ritalin has contributed to an atmosphere that makes it possible for a book like Indigo Children to be taken seriously. Given the choice, who wouldn't rather believe their children are special and chosen for some high mission rather than that they have a brain disorder? [continued]
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  • #2
What are you waiting for?

Do you feel it? Do not be shy... act on it... change the world Indigo Children, Crystal Children. You know who you are... do not let politics get in the way any longer, do not let materials effect your life anymore. Take that leap. We are the change we wish to see people. Do not deny it any longer... I will once again be saddened if this thread is locked up and everyone is not given the chance to review what is unfolding. We are here... it is nearing time now.
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  • #3
wow so many books to sell~!
  • #4
Mary Rodwell, you sad, pathetic demented old quack. Spewing your sick and twisted ideas into innocent minds, people like you should be arrested.
  • #5
Does this remind anyone else of the play "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller?
  • #6
I saw this on some stupid hollywood show one day and it sounded as loonie as one could be. They had a child psychologist on saying the people who started this crap need to be arrested because of its effects on the children that are singled out for this crap.
  • #7
:( Why all the negativity? We are the change we wish to see in the world. These things are not false. There is more to this reality than what you have been restricted to know. If it helps... it will probably hurt me on this forum, more than help. I am an Indigo Child, it is not quackery. I don't want to start a so called "crackpot" thread as it is said to be here, but I could go into much detail with my personal life experiences. Anyone is capable of making these changes, all it takes is belief and will for a better world to come about. We all have the natural human potential to be or do anything we so desire, now is the time to realize that potential and begin to act on it. The world's population is reaching a critical mass of 6.5 billion humans and in 2012 it will reach the fabled and long awaited 7 billion. By this time we will be ready to start the transition. In 100 years nearly all human beings on this planet will be replaced with the offspring of this generation. It's what we do with this generation that determines the future of mankind. In this technologically advanced era there is no room for irresponsiblity.

Peace and love in the light of truth,

This is me, this is who I am... if anyone is interested.
Talk to me, get to know me. I want to know you.
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  • #8
Well let me ask you something

1) Why is 6.5 billion called "critical mass"
2) Why is 7 billion "fabled and long awaited"?
  • #9
It is "critical mass" because it is the point of no return. Our technological advances are exploding, and in order to get them out to benefit the public we must show our responsibility. We cannot continue to deny the reality of this universe. We cannot continue to strap suicide vests on ourselves and blow each other up.(critical mass is the stage just before 2012 and 7 billion, the transformation/transfiguration period in the human species that WILL take place) 7 billion will hit in 2012... 2012 and 7 billion coincide with one another... it's not just fairy tale... if this thread gets too out of hand for you Ivan.. just go ahead and shut it down, or delete my posts that are too "pushy/iffy".. I'm not saying that in a mocking way... I mean that in all truth and respect to this web site. I understand you have strict rules here. But I will continue to answer questions to the best of my ability. I am special... but not prefect... nor any different from anything that you could ever become or be. We all contain this potential within us. By 2013 the Earth and it's inhabitants will be engulfed with the light of love, consciousness and awareness. Ask away.. I'll be more than glad to discuss it with you. I enjoy these conversations immensely. Although I wil admit, I am limited, and I do not have all the answers... I am only human... just as you are. I've just experienced and seen things that you may never have... yet. Time will answer all of your questions. I can only ask for your trust, your love, and your compassion in moving forward.
  • #10
1) Why is it the point of no return
2) Suicide bombing is a very limited affair and has been done for quite some time, why have you mentioned it?
3) What is so special about 2012 coincidng with 7 billion and why do i feel there is no coincadence about the years and you simply picked up the USCB's reports about the world hitting 7 billion in 2012 that was picked up by a large # of media outlets
  • #11
We can treat this as a sociological phenomenon for the moment.

What gave you these ideas?
  • #12
Pengwuino said:
1) Why is it the point of no return
2) Suicide bombing is a very limited affair and has been done for quite some time, why have you mentioned it?
3) What is so special about 2012 coincidng with 7 billion and why do i feel there is no coincadence about the years and you simply picked up the USCB's reports about the world hitting 7 billion in 2012 that was picked up by a large # of media outlets

1.) It is the point of no return because of the technological leaps we are making. We must be responsible. I wouldn't want to see monkeys with guns... you know what I mean? It's a tough analogy to make, but it's somewhat similar.

2.) I mentioned suicide bombings because it is viewed by me as the lowest depth of spirituality and reality. The answer to question number 1 can also be attributed to this question. How can one bring oneself to a suicide mission? There is much more to live for. Death is eternal, not life. We must work worldwide to stop any and all forms of cruel and misdirected death and destruction. Right now... we simply don't... we only allow those in power to do it for us. Why should we trust them? We are living on Earth as a living organism which is the human species, we are ONE. We must act as one. All of us can make change come about, not just the few.

3.) You are correct... it is no coincidence, it is much more then that. Of course everyone understands the significance of the year 2012. It is the dawning of the new age in many ancient texts. I did read the news as well. Nothing is secret anymore. It will all be coming out in the years to come.

If I cannot answer some of the future questions posed, I apologize ahead of time... as I suppose it is what will become of this thread... I'll continue to do my best.
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  • #13
Ivan Seeking said:
We can treat this as a sociological phenomenon for the moment.

What gave you these ideas?

I use my potential... I think a lot... I accept extraterrestrial life and Earth's place in the galactic community, it puts things into perspective. I discuss a lot on these matters with my friends and family and anyone else who wants to get something done. I also have dreams of these things, and write about them first thing in the morning when I wake up... they seem to either come true, or be true already. I read a lot. Hours a day, everyday. I play music vigorously... I aim for ambidextrous physicality and mentality. Life is like a video game to me... and my mind is the control interface, I can create my character to whatever I'd like... all I have to do is try. I'm doing my best, I know this may look a bit edgy, yet it's all off of the top of my head. Bare with me. I'm trying to explain as best ' I can.
  • #14
Where did you first learn about the Indigo concept?
  • #15
Actually, I only heard of it about a month ago. I came in one night after spending some time with my friends and playing music. I walked up next to my parents door (which was closed) and I listened in (my dad has bad hearing so he always has the T.V. up really loud) I heard something about Indigo children... Yet, strangely enough, the actual concept was not given to me until 2 days ago. Right when I read it, I knew it was exactly what I was, want and have desired my whole life. I had lost myself. When I was a child I was extremely outgoing, and as brilliant as the stars in the sky. As I grew up, I found myself more and more out of place in the social picture. I've just recently found myself... and in the past few months, and more profoundly, these past few days in particular... it has all been returning to me at an incredible rate. I'm found... those of us who have not been lost... can be transformed. All it takes is the recognition of your natural ability and potential. We all have it... what is there to lose? EVERYTHING, so give it your all, everyday... every second of existence is precious.
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  • #16
So everything that you said earlier - your cited "insights" - come from dreams?
  • #17
No, not everything. In fact, very, very little of it(I stress little and very). I try to stray away from dreams unless I can prove them to hold some credence. Most of the time they are just... those meaningless dreams. Then sometimes they have meaning, and the things I dreamed about either come true, or have already happened and I didn't have any prior knowledge of them. 99.9% of my knowledge comes from activating my "potential" as I like to call it. We all have it. Most of the time our laziness and procrastinating ways take over. Such as is the case with the current world situation. I still stick to it, we are the change... no one will change us for us. On the many forums that I visit daily I see speculation about and on the topic of the NWO... and, "when are THEY going to change it"... always "they, they, they"... no one ever realizes... it's us, us, us... me, me, me... you, you, you... why does the work have to be done for us? It really can't be... this is an impossiblity. I am no prophet... I am no alien... I am an enlightened human being... coming forth in all honesty to share my message. In all my years of trying to come forward, I now tolerate and respect the people that do not want to listen to me. I can't make anyone listen. The only thing I have to say to them is, "you'll never know if you never try". Thank you for allowing me to share as long as you have, I really didn't expect this, I view it as a gift. I'd love more questions as well... the more you ask, the more I find out about who I am. Sometimes the questions I am asked spark off answers that I'd never even realized before until the typing and thinking begins. It's all philosophical... and it's all correct if you view it in true reality.
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  • #18
So this just flows from your head to mouth, so to speak.
  • #19
Well yes... but doesn't everything from everyone? First I must feed my brain before it can flow. The brain, if conditioned correctly... can be a computer that fits together the puzzle pieces of reality (I can't explain it any other way at the moment) If you seek the knowledge and store it in your head.. you can then compare and contrast realities(or other knowledges?) and come to very feasible conclusions... of course we can then also add in our own beliefs and see where they fit in... sometimes you'll realize you need to restructure your entire belief system, but not until we all learn how to do these things will we ever achieve peace. Right now, there are too many human beings on this planet that are happy with living the way that we are. I read a LOT... hours a day... anything and everything. Some things MUST unconsciously pop up from my memory bank every now and then, because I can't recall everything I've ever read word for word. So... it's not just a complete randomization of thoughts flowing from head to mouth... rather, it's a mixture of wisdom and knowledge... a lot of it. It's an opinion... a very well informed opinion, a very well thought out opinion. We are the action that needs to be taken. Who can control 7 billion humans at anyone time? Only the 7 billion humans themselves... that is... unless you believe in... E.T. Which I have no doubt exists... I probably shouldn't be speculating on that, because I have no knowledge on what their part would be... but I can see them getting involved if things here got too bad in the future... we'll have tech that could easily effect them. Can you put yourself in their shoes and view us from their eyes? (this is speculation... just as anyone would speculate... don't let it downgrade my credibility, please) But I mean, the true reality of our existence is... you should accept you are NOT alone. Now, what becomes of us when we can no longer take care of ourselves... and we have the intellectual capacity to do so... along with the technological capabilities of mass destruction on a scale never even imagined? Is it still safe to move into 2012/13 in a world full of barbaric murderers who don't care about the future of the Earth or the human species? Evil is winning the game right now... where is the good in the news? No one is dedicating themselves... only a few musicians, astronomors and inventors... that I've seen. We can cure ourselves... we just need to stop turning our heads away from the medicine. Love, compassion, caring, a heightened sense of global and universal awareness is the medicine that will bring about the responsibility we yearn for so badly in these hard times... but everyone views it as non-sense... why? When you know that is the one and only true answer to the problems.
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  • #20
Why do you think this is of the Indigo child and not just you. In other words, why should we think that this is anything more than your own opinions and beliefs in the same sense that everyone has opinions and beliefs? Why do you believe that you have achieved enlightenment? What specifically has caused you to believe this? You seem to say that you just know?
  • #21
Ah, the cause. Very good question... but first let me answer the question pertaining to 'opinion'. Yes... it is only my opinion. Like I said.. and I stress so much... I am no different than anyone in this world, I was once at a point of confusion and misdirection... as we all usually experience at some point in our lives. Anyone can become Indigo... Ivan. It is me speaking... my personal opinions. I am not claiming to be a God... I am not claiming to be a prophet... I am a kind, caring, loving human being who wishes to see the best in humanity's future. The reason I say this is of the "Indigo CHILD", is because when I was a child... I was born into enlightenment. I accelled at everything I did. Straight A's up 'till 6th grade. All star baseball player, karate trophies taller than I am, soccer championships and many more. Somewhere along the line things began to fall apart. My Mom and Dad began arguing profusely night and day.. my concentration and focus were thrown out of alignment.. my grades slipped as well as my physical abilities and well being... I stopped brushing my teeth... I stopped showering daily... horrible times. THIS >IS< NOTHING MORE THAN MY OWN personal OPINIONS AND BELIEFS, what else have we got to go by? But as I said... they are well informed, both intro- and extrospectively, exclusively and logically concluded to be morally and realistically correct. If there is anything you do not understand (sometimes I have trouble understanding myself) just go ahead and ask me to re-word something, or elaborate more, I'll do my best to explain in depth.

How I achieved mental and spiritual oneness/enlightenment: This may burn down some of my believability; I got to a point of extreme depression, yet at the same time always feeling that nagging "specialness" feature/quality about/within me. I turned to marijauna... I have no reason why, except to say that I was depressed, so I decided to forget about every rule that I had ever been taught as a child. I was high one night... thinking about the many wonders of the universe and this existence, creation and reality... I started to ponder death.. I fast forwarded my life (not literally... just mentally, kind of like a test) I set up the scenario in my head... I put myself on my death bed... peering back in retrospect on the life I am currently living... I asked myself if I was happy... was there anything more that I could have done? And why didn't I? I am going to die.. I can never go back and do it again. Every second is precious, every action, every word. I began to cry as I looked back at my childhood, where I am and what I have now become. I was doing nothing with my life. Time is not patient... it will not wait. I started to seek for others who shared the same experiences as me... who want the most out of life, because we are now at peace with dying. I found them... they started to pop up everywhere the more that I searched. It's strange the way things work. I feel as if I am writing so sloppily at the moment... sorry for my sporadic writing. I have just never shared this with such a large audience before, it's usually only a one on one "trust" basis. Yet, I guess that's what has brought me here to share this... life is short... you know you have the answers, if you hold them in forever, no one will ever see them. Do you disagree that, "we are the change that we wish to see?" That we are the NWO... we are the peaceful world that we desire... that we must create it? Summed up... I reached enlightenment because I seeked it... I did everything humanly possible in my will, to make myself understand things a little bit better. The journey continues. I am only 21 years old. I am glad I have gotten this far at such a young age, all signs now point down the road of success. We are capable of self motivation... we are capable of self change... we are capable of self destruction...

I practice meditation... I practice thinking out the many different outcomes of a situation or action before I commit... I practice perfection. There is much more I practice... practice makes perfect. Continue to ask... please... all I can do is be honest. Take me or leave me for who I am and what I wish to get across. Love... unity... Peace... thank you for your willingness to hear me out.. I appreciate it, I hope you appreciate what is of ME that I am sharing and doing my best to verbally write out with you and anyone else who may be reading and trying to understand what this phenomena is all about... and actually... it's about.. and within all of us.

Edit] I wanted to add on other things that spiritually guided me and helped enlighten me... Researching the universe, researching religions... during meditation, specifically putting myself alone on a planet surrounded by beings which are not human, and trying to find peace in that moment. I've seen a UFO. That helped the most. Basically, just pushing the limits of human imagination to its bursting point and never looking back. Yet, always trying to keep a level head at the same time and studying my own experiences after they happened... we can all learn from each other and ourselves as well. It's all about our potential, and we're all capable of just about anything we put our minds to. You just have to believe in it. It's true.
In all honesty... I have tried to levitate... I have tried telepathy (I know for a fact worked ONE time) I have tried anything and everything mentally stimulating... there are no wrong ways when working in unison TOWARDS a common goal. Who is to tell us the limits of this reality and this existence when we don't even know how it got here, where it ends, why it is here, who else exists in it and if it's all even real at all? We are lead to believe that the true life is in death? The afterlife? What about this life here.. I am speaking to you... people are dying in a war who's cause is misunderstood... I am breathing... THIS is the real existence. Experience it... love it... be kind.. live in peace and joy. The other ways just don't make sense...
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  • #22

What is your physical age right now please?

  • #23
I am 21. My birthdate was February 7th, 1985. You can call me David if you'd like.
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  • #24
Serpo said:
I am 21. My birthdate was February 7th, 1985. You can call me David if you'd like.

Thank you David,

And I really would like to talk to you.

Contact me if you like.

  • #25
Okay Suzanne, I have sent you a private message. Anything we talk about, I'd like it to be shared here as well. I want people to know what we are, why we're here, and our purpose... I say we, we're and our... in accordance with all of us... but at this moment... just people like me. Yet, we can all become apart of it. This should become a worldwide movement of peace, love and enlightenment.. not of religion. These are emotions, not organizations, and not profits. My words are clean of any books. I am not here to sell anything but my message to the people. My hope is in motivating and bringing about love and kindness through the words of truth. My name is David Goodpasture, I live in Stockton California, you have my birthdate... steal my posessions... take my money from my bank account... but in the end I am still me... and I will still succeed in being me. I will effect others lives not by my possessions... not by my money... not by my cars nor my gold teeth... but by my actions... and my words... and by being true to the cause and the species that I love, which is a part of me and which IS me. You can talk to me on A.I.M. at the S.N. Daveg985. I'm more than willing to talk and spend time with anyone and everyone. If there's anythng else you'd like to know, simply ask :)
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  • #26
I have tried to prove myself through answering questions that are brought up in the philosophy section... the philosophy of philosophy is... One should never worry about winning... the main concern is finding truth. :) Because in essence.. when we are all one, we all win when the truth is found. All other means are just a hazard in the road to enlightenment. When we can get over our ego's and work together with one another, the answers begin to flow freely. It's all in love and positivity :) Let's do this you guys... all together, as one.
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  • #27
Well, Serpo, you sound to me like a driven young man who has a lot of energy and who cares very deeply about the world around us. I suggest that you consider that all that you feel and experience is, in some fashion, common to the human experience, and just a normal part of growing up. I do believe that we each have a purpose in life, and I do believe that this purpose has divine origins, but I also think it is dangerous to dwell on these things. Perhaps you might re-direct your energy to achievement, rather than trying to convince other of what you believe to be true.

Related to Indigo Child: Exploring the Phenomenon

1. What is an Indigo Child?

An Indigo Child is a term used to describe a person who is believed to possess special and unique abilities, such as heightened intuition, creativity, and a strong sense of self-awareness. They are often described as having a deep connection to spirituality and a strong desire to make positive changes in the world.

2. How do Indigo Children differ from other children?

Indigo Children are said to possess certain characteristics that set them apart from other children. These may include a strong sense of empathy, a rebellious nature, a strong intuition, and a deep connection to spirituality. They may also have difficulty conforming to traditional societal norms and may struggle with authority.

3. Is there any scientific evidence to support the concept of Indigo Children?

While there is no concrete scientific evidence to support the existence of Indigo Children, some researchers have suggested that these traits and characteristics may be linked to certain genetic and neurological factors. However, more research is needed in this area to fully understand the concept of Indigo Children.

4. Can anyone become an Indigo Child?

The concept of Indigo Children is often seen as more of a spiritual belief rather than a scientific fact. Some people may identify as Indigo Children, while others may not. It is not something that can be learned or acquired, but rather something that is believed to be innate in certain individuals.

5. How can we support and nurture Indigo Children?

It is important to recognize and embrace the unique qualities and abilities of Indigo Children. They may benefit from a nurturing and supportive environment that allows them to express their creativity and individuality. It is also important to provide them with guidance and understanding as they navigate their way through life with their unique perspectives and experiences.
