What are your memorable experiences of the kindness of strangers?

  • Thread starter Mattius_
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about people sharing their experiences of receiving kindness from strangers. The first person shares their memory of earning their first dollar by doing lawn work for an old lady, who paid them more than they asked for. The second person shares a memory of a flight attendant bringing them a newspaper clipping about stars and constellations, and the third person shares a story of a stranger offering them a place to sleep for the night when they arrived in a new city.
  • #1
I got this from the thread about Gale17 getting her first job.

Way to go Gale. It fells good, doesn't it. I quess I was around eight years old when I made my first buck. My best friend and I got a lawn mower and grass clippers and went door to door asking for work. Finally, this wonderful old lady took pity on us. After about 15 minutes of work (lawn was small and really didn't need cutting) she gave us each a dollar and a coke. This is twice as much as we asked for. Every now and then I think about her; remembering the nice thing she did.

Reading this makes me think of the time i was on a plane from Omaha to Orlando... This male stuartist with a persian accent noticed that i was working on my astronomy homework and he stopped and chatted with me for a while about school and where i was going and then about 10 minutes later he brought me a newspaper clipping of the stars and constellations that could be seem from the plane that night.

Just one of those nice gestures that will stick with me the rest of my life...

I would like to hear other peoples stories of witnessing the kindness of strangers.
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  • #2
ok. me arrive in brussel at midnight. catch the last train to Leuven. didn't have any arrangement to sleep for the night as my wonderfull (it really is) university doesn't take care of that and it's impossible to do it yourself from 2000 km away. so I ask this guy in the station if I got to the right train, we start chatting and when we arrive he offers to let me sleep on his couch for that night so I don't get to read magazines in the train station or worse, at the police station.

thanks alexander.

don't think he'll read this, he's a first year economics student.
  • #3
Strangers always have the best sweets...

FAQ: What are your memorable experiences of the kindness of strangers?

What is the concept of "The Kindness of Strangers"?

The concept of "The Kindness of Strangers" refers to the idea that individuals can receive help, support, or kindness from people whom they do not know or have no prior relationship with. It highlights the potential for compassion and empathy from strangers in times of need.

Why is the concept of "The Kindness of Strangers" important?

The concept of "The Kindness of Strangers" is important because it reminds us that in a world where we may feel alone or disconnected, there are still people who are willing to lend a helping hand. It shows that despite our differences, there is still kindness and goodness in humanity.

Can "The Kindness of Strangers" have a positive impact on society?

Yes, "The Kindness of Strangers" can have a positive impact on society. Acts of kindness from strangers can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to also show kindness and compassion. It can also promote a sense of community and belonging, leading to a more harmonious and supportive society.

Are there any scientific studies on "The Kindness of Strangers"?

Yes, there have been several scientific studies on "The Kindness of Strangers". Research has shown that acts of kindness from strangers can increase feelings of happiness, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. It has also been linked to increased levels of trust and social connection.

How can individuals promote "The Kindness of Strangers" in their daily lives?

Individuals can promote "The Kindness of Strangers" by practicing empathy and compassion towards others, being willing to help those in need, and actively seeking opportunities to make a positive impact in their communities. Simple acts of kindness, such as offering a smile or a listening ear, can also go a long way in promoting kindness from strangers.

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