Is Requiem for a Dream the Most Depressing Movie Ever?

In summary, "Requiem for a Dream" is a very depressing movie that may not be suitable for some viewers. However, it is an excellent film that is worth watching.
  • #1
Has got to be Requiem for a Dream. Every time I watch this movie it makes me want to die.
Physics news on
  • #2
DeadWolfe said:
Every time I watch this movie it makes me want to die.
Then don't watch it. :biggrin:

I prefer adventure type movies (~LOTR), but not a lot of gratuitous violence, althought LOTR was pretty violent.

I tend to enjoy comedies and romances (chick flicks), although I do not to watch a lot of movies.
  • #3
You should watch The Fountain, also an Aronofsky film. It's both strange and depressing -- but brilliant.

Das Boot and Amadeus are also very depressing movies.
  • #4
DeadWolfe said:
Has got to be Requiem for a Dream.

definitely. It doesn't make me cry, but it just makes me feel like s**te afterwards. when I saw it, at the end, I was so bad and depressed that I felt physically sick... maybe it's because I've seen many friends go that way. all I know is that as much as I love the movie and it's really great, I don't ever want to see it again.
  • #5
There was one movie that had the most depressing effect on me of all time: Zentropa. 20 years later it still makes me feel sick to think of it.
  • #6
Most depressing for me was Charlie. It's based on the story "Flowers for Algernon" and it is heart-rending. Do NOT Google on the novel or the movie if you haven't read/seen them - they are a part of pop culture and the descriptions of both are loaded with spoilers that will absolutely kill the movie or the book for you. PRIME choice for depressing movie.
  • #7
The most disturbing movie you'll ever watch: Irréversible.
  • #8
AKG said:
The most disturbing movie you'll ever watch: Irréversible.
I have not seen that one. My most disturbing movie was "Eraserhead" by David Lynch. Please do not see that one if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if you are feeling helpless, downhearted, or in a state of malaise. There are some terribly disturbing movies out there, but if you can buy into the "normalcy" of the setting of Eraserhead, you're in for a ride. It was Lynch's first feature, shot in B&W with lots of night scenes and dimly-lit sets. It ain't no "Blue Velvet" or "Dune", but Lynch seems to be able to re-invent himself as a director as the project requires.
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  • #9
Leaving Los Vegas--What a great sad movie!
  • #10
An Inconvenient Truth.
  • #11
turbo-1 said:
I have not seen that one. My most disturbing movie was "Eraserhead" by David Lynch. Please do not see that one if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if you are feeling helpless, downhearted, or in a state of malaise. There are some terribly disturbing movies out there, but if you can buy into the "normalcy" of the setting of Eraserhead, you're in for a ride. It was Lynch's first feature, shot in B&W with lots of night scenes and dimly-lit sets. It ain't no "Blue Velvet" or "Dune", but Lynch seems to be able to re-invent himself as a director as the project requires.
All of Lynch's movies are disturbing. I also hate them all - especially Lost Highway.
  • #12
I cried at the end of Phenomenon with John Travolta. Don't laugh, it was sad. :frown:

Elephant Man was sad.

I prefer funny movies, historical pieces and of course fantasy (LOTR).
  • #13
DeadWolfe said:
Has got to be Requiem for a Dream. Every time I watch this movie it makes me want to die.

I will absolutely agree with you that Requiem for a Dream is one of the most depressing movies ever made, but in my opinion it is also one of the absolute best movies I have ever seen, and I swear this movie helped get me into college... So despite the depressing theme I love the movie.
  • #14
The most depressing movie for me was " Starwars ep 3 " that is the ONLY movie I have ever had to sit through, after the 1st 10 mins, I was BEGGING for it to end...
  • #15
For depressing in a sad way : "What Dreams May Come" or "Take Your Heart Out, Throw it On the Floor a Stomp On It Till it's Dry"

For depressing in a "Gnaw your leg off to escape" way, the original "Wings of Desire".

If you want to cry: "Life is Beautiful".
  • #16
On the Beach

After A global nuclear war Australia is the only civilization that remains. One nuclear sub explores the world for remaining life. They return empty handed to an Australia suffering from fallout. Everyone dies as the last civilization collapses.
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  • #17
Johnnie got his gun,
  • #18
DaveC426913 said:
For depressing in a "Gnaw your leg off to escape" way, the original "Wings of Desire".
That movie is why one of my arms is shorter than the other.

I watched just because Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds had a cameo. The movie put me off Nick Cave after that.
  • #19
Chi Meson said:
The movie put me off Nick Cave after that.

NO! Say it isn't so.
Pleased I haven't seen it.

I had to study La Grande Bouffe once.
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  • #20
Most depressing movie ever? "Closetland".
  • #21
Salt Lake City Punk.
  • #22
daveb said:
Most depressing movie ever? "Closetland".
I don't know about depressing, but it's not exactly feel-good, now is it? :rolleyes: I wonder how many people have seen it?
  • #23
Chi Meson said:
That movie is why one of my arms is shorter than the other.

I watched just because Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds had a cameo. The movie put me off Nick Cave after that.
Who is Nick Cave and what does he have to do with Wings of Desire? We're talking the German film, right?
  • #24
DaveC426913 said:
Who is Nick Cave and what does he have to do with Wings of Desire? We're talking the German film, right?
Nick Cave

I like his music, don't know about the German film connection.
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  • #25
An Inconvenient Truth

  • #26
morphism said:
All of Lynch's movies are disturbing. I also hate them all - especially Lost Highway.

I only saw Blue Velvet and Wild At Heart, and they're masterpieces. Although some Lynch's movies are total crap, for example Mulholland Drive.

Well, movies that specially touched me were Forrest Gump, American Beauty and Bridges of Madison County.

There are lots of other ones which lured tears out of my eyes, but if someone asked, I'd mention these three immediately.
  • #27
12 monkeys.
  • #28
DaveC426913 said:
Who is Nick Cave and what does he have to do with Wings of Desire? We're talking the German film, right?

Nick Cave is an Australian singer who led a band called "The Birthday Party." He settled in Berlin in the late 80 with a new band (then)called "The Bad Seeds," joined by german "musician" Blixa Bargeld, the former frontman for the band "Einsturzende Neubauten" (translates as "collapsing new buildings.")

The Bad Seeds are the band planying in that final bar scene when the angel finally meets with the woman. This is where my arm got shorter.

I just realized that his name sounds like "Nick Cage" who played the angel in the american "remake" of the movie. I have to stop, I've run out of quotation marks.
  • #29
i'm going to have to go with "the house of sand and fog"
  • #30
I'll also add "Enough" to the list... how a movie this bad ever got the green light is so horribly depressing...
  • #31
schindlers list, they should force everyone to watch this movie!
  • #32
Anttech said:
schindlers list, they should force everyone to watch this movie!

WW2 nazi themes are incredibly boring, but it's a matter of taste I guess.

Oh yes, and I'd like to add The Thin Red Line.
  • #33
radou said:
WW2 nazi themes are incredibly boring, but it's a matter of taste I guess.

Oh yes, and I'd like to add The Thin Red Line.
Glad you find the holocaust "boring"
Its actually a movie with a purpose, unlike most of the drivel that comes out of Hollywood these days.

The Thin Red Line is a good movie so you are forgiven..
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  • #34
Anttech said:
Glad you find the holocaust "boring"
Its actually a movie with a purpose, unlike most of the drivel that comes out of Hollywood these days.

The holocaust itself isn't something that can be boring or not, so what you said doesn't make any sense, and I didn't say such a thing at all. :smile:

It's only my opinion that holocaust related movies are boring.

Although, I intend to watch "Der Untergang", it's supposed to be a really good movie.

Anttech said:
The Thin Red Line is a good movie so you are forgiven..

Am I? Aww, how nice of you.. :biggrin:
  • #35
The holocaust itself isn't something that can be boring or not, so what you said doesn't make any sense, and I didn't say such a thing at all.
No that doesn't make sense. The holocaust is an event, which could be deemed to be a boring (not interesting) event. You didnt say it, but pointing towards something and going "boring", is 9/10 the law so to speak, perhaps I misunderstood you.
It's only my opinion that holocaust related movies are boring.
History can also be boring, but this thread is about depressing films. What happened to the characters in the Schindlers list (based on true events) Is very depressing. So your opinion of the film about this historical event is rather crude. It would probably be better if you were to say, you find the way the holocaust was depicted in that particular movie boring, but not the gender and thus indirectly the event, because that my friend wouldn't be a "clever" thing to say.

Anyway I believe everyone should see that film once, so as to understand what these people went through, and try to stop this sort of thing happening again.

I can't believe I envoked goodwin in a thread about films!:-p
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