Exploring Enrico Fermi's Beta-Decay Theory: A Search for Missing Links

In summary, Fermi's 1933 paper on beta decay described a contact force between particles. Somewhere along the line, a mediator for the weak force was suggested and later proved by 't Hooft and Veltman.
  • #1
Rob S
In 1933 Enrico Fermi published a paper on his theory of beta-decay. He describes it as a contact force, which means he didn't think there was a mediator as there was for the electrodynamic forces. Somewhere along the line, there must have been someone who suggested a mediating particle such as that proposed by Yukawa for the Strong Force. There is a hint that the Yang-Mill Theory inspired a mediator for the weak force, but I can find nothing until the unification of the electrodynamic and weak forces by Glashow, et al, in the 60s.

I'm looking for that missing link. Any clues would be appreciated.
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  • #2
I think indeed that Glashow, Salam, and Weinberg had the idea to use "Higgsed" non-abelian gauge theories (1968) with massive vector-boson exchange to make the weak-interaction model renormalizable (although the renormalizability has been proven a bit later by 't Hooft and Veltman in 1971). Of course there's one important episode between Fermi's 1934 theory and the electroweak standard model: In the mid fifties parity violation by the strong interaction has been discovered (Wu's experiment, Ledermann et al's neutrino experiments), and then after some confusion due to the experimental difficulties the (V-A) structure of the exchange currents was established (among various other theorists this is one of the rare papers co-authored by Feynman and Gell-Mann).

A very good semi-popular book on this history is

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  • #3
Actually, Fermi modeled the weak interaction on what was known about the electromagnetic interaction and photon. He assumed it was a contact force because the range of the interaction was very short and therefore it would be, if nothing else, a useful approximation. That it was an approximation was either already obvious or became so, shortly thereafter as Fermi's theory not only didn't describe all weak nuclear decays, it didn't describe most weak nuclear decays. Very shortly after Fermi's theory came Gamow's and Teller's theory which described the decays that Fermi's did not. So, there are now two theories of beta decay, Fermi decay's, which describe coupling to S=0 and Gamow-Teller decays, coupling to S=1.

There was a lot of work done on trying to understand the weak interaction more fundamentally in terms of gauge bosons. Those difficulties were not overcome until the standard model was fairly complete. One of the biggest problems was that using three guge bosons, the Z describing neutral currents, led to predictions of strangeness changing that wasn't observed in experiments.

Here is one article I found on the subject:
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  • #4
Yep, and that was solved by the "GIM mechanism" (standing for Glashow, Iliopolous, and Maiani), predicting the 4th quark dubbed charm (1970), which was observed in terms of the ##J/\psi## meson in the "November Revolution 1974".
  • #5
S. Weinberg "A Model of Leptons" PRL19, 21 p.1264 (1967).
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FAQ: Exploring Enrico Fermi's Beta-Decay Theory: A Search for Missing Links

1. What is Enrico Fermi's beta-decay theory?

Enrico Fermi's beta-decay theory is a fundamental theory in nuclear physics that explains the process of beta decay, in which an unstable atomic nucleus emits an electron or positron and transforms into a different element. This theory was first proposed by Enrico Fermi in 1933 and has been a crucial tool in understanding the structure and behavior of atomic nuclei.

2. How does beta decay occur according to Fermi's theory?

According to Fermi's theory, beta decay occurs when a neutron or proton in the nucleus transforms into a different type of particle. This transformation is mediated by a weak force, which is one of the four fundamental forces in nature. The weak force is responsible for the decay of unstable particles and plays a crucial role in the stability of atomic nuclei.

3. What are the missing links that this research aims to find?

This research aims to find the missing links in the beta-decay process, specifically in the form of intermediate particles that were predicted by Fermi's theory but have not yet been directly observed. These particles, known as virtual particles, are thought to play a crucial role in the beta-decay process but have been difficult to detect due to their short lifetimes.

4. What methods are being used in this research?

This research is using advanced experimental techniques, such as high-resolution spectroscopy and precision measurements, to study the beta-decay process and search for the missing links predicted by Fermi's theory. Additionally, theoretical calculations and simulations are being used to better understand the behavior of virtual particles and their role in beta decay.

5. Why is this research important?

This research is important because it can help us to better understand the fundamental processes that govern the behavior of matter at the atomic level. By studying beta decay and searching for missing links in Fermi's theory, we can gain insights into the structure and behavior of atomic nuclei, which has implications for fields such as nuclear energy, astrophysics, and particle physics.

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