There is a very thin line between Dictatorship and Democracy

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  • Thread starter timmydd
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In summary, the conversation is about the frustration and anger towards police, government, and controlling organizations. The speaker believes that the country has become a police state with no real morals, and they express their disbelief at being treated unfairly and threatened with arrest by police. The conversation ends with someone dismissing the speaker's thoughts as a pointless rant and locking the thread.
  • #1
As of late, I have become ever more enraged by the acts of police, governments and higher controlling organisations. If its not the fact that me working let's someone else who was stupid enough to have a kid (or 10) at the age of 13, sit on their arse all day long, watching the cash roll in. Then its the fact that everything is deemed racist (such as the immigration ISSUE!), we don't seem to care about people already existing in this country, we only care for people coming INTO this country (legally and illegally I might add). Also who has the right to say what is Right or Wrong? (morally), not a day goes by that I don't get spoken to as if I am a mere piece of filth doing something wrong by living a 'normal' life, not to mention when the policeman bumps into me, threatening to arrest me for GBH towards an officer...who the F*** is an officer? why can they do this crap to me, but when I treat them how they treat me I receive threats of an arrest and criminal record?

So please tell me if I am thinking to much into this, but I do believe this god forsaken country has become a police state, with no real morals, just that which the corrupt governments choose to force upon us.

Maybe its just me...

God save the queen...and all that patriotic bull.
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  • #2
Well what you describe doesn't really have anythin to do with dictatorship, it is more like democratic socialism...but I feel your pain
  • #3
This is a pointless rant. There is absolutly no possibity of a meaningful dissucssion.

Thread locked.

FAQ: There is a very thin line between Dictatorship and Democracy

1. What is the difference between dictatorship and democracy?

The main difference between dictatorship and democracy is the way in which power is held and exercised. In a dictatorship, power is held by a single individual or a small group of individuals who have complete control over the government and its decision-making processes. In a democracy, power is held by the people through elected representatives who make decisions on their behalf.

2. Can a dictatorship turn into a democracy?

Yes, it is possible for a dictatorship to transition into a democracy. This can happen through various means such as popular uprisings, political reforms, or external pressure. However, the process of transitioning from a dictatorship to a democracy can be challenging and may take time to achieve.

3. How does a dictatorship affect the rights and freedoms of its citizens?

In a dictatorship, the rights and freedoms of citizens are often restricted or even completely disregarded. This is because the dictator or ruling group holds all the power and can impose their will on the people without any checks and balances. This can lead to human rights abuses, censorship, and limited political participation for citizens.

4. What are some examples of countries that have experienced both dictatorship and democracy?

There are many countries that have experienced both dictatorship and democracy at different points in their history. One example is Germany, which was ruled by a dictatorship under Nazi leader Adolf Hitler from 1933 to 1945, but later transitioned to a democratic government after World War II. Another example is South Africa, which was under the oppressive rule of apartheid for decades but has since become a multi-party democracy.

5. Is there ever a situation where a dictatorship can be beneficial?

This is a highly debated topic and opinions vary greatly. Some argue that a dictatorship can be beneficial in times of crisis or instability, as a strong leader can make quick and decisive decisions without being hindered by democratic processes. However, others argue that the lack of checks and balances in a dictatorship can lead to abuses of power and oppression of the people. Ultimately, it is up to individuals to determine their own views on the potential benefits or drawbacks of a dictatorship.

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