Thinking about the Definition of a Unit of a ring R .... ....

In summary, units in a ring with 1 are defined as elements that have an inverse that is also an element of the ring. The term "left inverse" is in use.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I have been thinking around the definition of a unit in a ring and trying to fully understand why the definition is the way it is ... ...

Marlow Anderson and Todd Feil, in their book "A First Course in Abstract Algebra: Rings, Groups and Fields (Second Edition), introduce units in a ring with 1 in the following way ... ...

So ... an element ##a## of a ring ##R## with ##1## is a unit if there is an element ##b## of ##R## such that
##ab = ba = 1## ... ...So ... if, in the case where ##R## was noncommutative, ##ab = 1## and ##ba \neq 1## then ##a## would not be a unit ... is that right?

Presumably it is not 'useful' to describe ##a## as a 'left unit' in such a case ... that is, presumably one-sided units are not worth defining ... is that right?
Could someone please comment on and perhaps clarify/correct the above ...Hope someone can help ...



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    Anderson and Feil - Section 8.2 Units ... ....png
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  • #2
Math Amateur said:
So ... if, in the case where ##R## was noncommutative, ##ab = 1## and ##ba \neq 1## then ##a## would not be a unit ... is that right?
I'm not aware of an example and still try to find an argument, why this should be impossible. At least I've found some strange implications.

Let us assume ##ab=1## and ##ba \neq 1##.

Then ##a(ba-1)=0## by associativity and you don't want to have a unit being a zero divisor.
In addition, ##a(ba+b-1)=1=ab## and ##ba+b-1 \neq b## and you don't want to have two different right inverses either.

So although I haven't found a direct contradiction (yet!?), the resulting ring has some really weird properties, at least ##a \in R## has.
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  • #3
Thanks for the post fresh_42 ...

But I need some help to see why a(ba-1) = 0 ...

Can you help ...

  • #4
Math Amateur said:
So ... if, in the case where ##R## was noncommutative, ##ab = 1## and ##ba \neq 1## then ##a## would not be a unit ... is that right?


Presumably it is not 'useful' to describe ##a## as a 'left unit' in such a case ... that is, presumably one-sided units are not worth defining ... is that right?
The term "left inverse" is in use. Perhaps that's why we don't hear about "left units".
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  • #5
Math Amateur said:
I have been thinking around the definition of a unit in a ring and trying to fully understand why the definition is the way it is ... ...

Marlow Anderson and Todd Feil, in their book "A First Course in Abstract Algebra: Rings, Groups and Fields (Second Edition), introduce units in a ring with 1 in the following way ... ...

So ... an element ##a## of a ring ##R## with ##1## is a unit if there is an element ##b## of ##R## such that
##ab = ba = 1## ... ...So ... if, in the case where ##R## was noncommutative, ##ab = 1## and ##ba \neq 1## then ##a## would not be a unit ... is that right?

Presumably it is not 'useful' to describe ##a## as a 'left unit' in such a case ... that is, presumably one-sided units are not worth defining ... is that right?
Could someone please comment on and perhaps clarify/correct the above ...Hope someone can help ...


I think there are many rings with one sided units.
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  • #6
Consider the ring of all operators ##C^\infty \to C^\infty##. What is the inverse of the derivative?
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  • #7
fresh_42 said:
Let us assume ##ab=1## and ##ba \neq 1##.

Then ##a(ba-1)=0## by associativity and you don't want to have a unit being a zero divisor.
In addition, ##a(ba+b-1)=1=ab## and ##ba+b-1 \neq b## and you don't want to have two different right inverses either.

Math Amateur said:
But I need some help to see why ##a(ba-1) = 0##...
##a\cdot (ba-1)=a\cdot (b\cdot a)-a\cdot 1=(a\cdot b) \cdot a - a= 1 \cdot a - a = 0## so ##a## is a unit (##ab=1##) and a zero divisor ##a\cdot (ba-1)=0##.

##a(ba+b-1)=a\cdot (ba-1)+a\cdot b=0+1=1=ab## by the above and the definition of ##b##. So ##(ba+b-1)## and ##b## are both right inverse to ##a##. But if they were equal, that is ##ba+b-1=b## then ##ba-1=0## or ##ba=1## which we excluded. Thus they are actually two different right inverses.
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  • #8
A classic example occurs in the ring of linear maps on the vector space of infinite tuples of numbers in some field.

The linear map ##R## that shifts the sequence once to the right and puts zero at the beginning of the sequence is inverted by the linear map ##L## that shifts the sequence once to the left and drops off the first number in the sequence. But ##L## is not invertible since it is not injective.

- I will look for some examples that do not involve infinite dimensional space such as this one or the example given above of the derivative operator. I think there are examples for some group rings over certain algebraic extensions of the rationals.
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  • #9
Thanks to all who have posted ... it has been most helpful ... I am really grateful for the help ...


FAQ: Thinking about the Definition of a Unit of a ring R .... ....

What is a unit of a ring R?

A unit of a ring R is an element that has a multiplicative inverse, meaning that when multiplied by another element in the ring, it produces the multiplicative identity element, 1. In other words, a unit is a "non-zero" element that has a reciprocal within the ring.

What is the significance of units in ring theory?

Units play a crucial role in ring theory as they determine the structure and properties of a ring. The set of units in a ring is often denoted by U(R) and is a subgroup of the ring's multiplicative group. The presence or absence of units in a ring can also help classify it as a field, integral domain, or a non-integral domain.

Can a zero element be a unit in a ring?

No, a zero element cannot be a unit in a ring. This is because a unit must have a multiplicative inverse, and the product of any element with the zero element is always zero. Therefore, a zero element cannot have a reciprocal within the ring, and thus, cannot be a unit.

Is every non-zero element in a ring R necessarily a unit?

No, not every non-zero element in a ring R is a unit. For example, in the ring of integers Z, the only units are 1 and -1, while all other non-zero elements do not have a reciprocal within the ring. However, in some rings, such as the ring of real numbers, every non-zero element is a unit.

How do units in a ring R relate to the ring's characteristic?

The characteristic of a ring R is the smallest positive integer n such that n multiplied by any element in the ring is equal to the additive identity element, 0. The units in a ring R must have a characteristic of 1, meaning that they are the only elements in the ring that can be multiplied by 1 and still produce the multiplicative identity element, 1.

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