Why is belly button fluff usually blue-gray?

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation involved a group of individuals discussing the phenomenon of belly button fluff and its color. They debated whether it was blue or white, and whether it was caused by pressure or sweat. One person proposed an experiment to test the color of the fluff, and others volunteered to participate. However, after two days, some participants had to withdraw due to the unpleasant smell caused by wearing the same shirt for an extended period of time. The conversation ended with the mystery of belly button fluff remaining unsolved.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
What colour is yours? mine is always blue even if i wear a white tee shirt
"This is belly button fluff", do women get it? where does it come from?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The best I can tell, it seems to be a lint accumulation. Women don't seem to get it (it fascinates us that men do), and all belly button lint seems to be blue for some reason. It's a true mystery of the universe. :-p
  • #3
At the moment I have no belly button fluff. However, in the past I have had belly button fluff, though I couldn't tell you what color it was. It might have been blue. Maybe it has something to do with stomach hair channeling fiber-rich sweat into the belly button, which could explain why women do not get it so much.
  • #4
The lint is actually white, but it appears to be blue due to the fact that it accumulates under pressure.
  • #5
I am about to start an experiment, and need volunteers to help, i propose a
50 ,50 test where 50% of subjects swath their belly buttons in a bandage,
and 50% wear red tee shirts, if the BF is still found to be blue then it
must be some mysterious agent at work.
Please sign up below.
  • #6
:eek: Under pressure? jeez I'd hate to be around when that stuff blows
  • #7
By Ivan
The lint is actually white, but it appears to be blue due to the fact that it accumulates under pressure.

Do you have the maths to prove this? :biggrin:
  • #8
Ivan Seeking said:
The lint is actually white, but it appears to be blue due to the fact that it accumulates under pressure.
Speak for yourself, Ivan. I'm pretty sure that the rest of us guys here don't wear girdles. :-p
  • #9
But what about my experiment, i need at least 10 people.
  • #10
I'll do it, as long as I'm not the only one.

Incidentally, I had a shower this morning (cleared out my belly button), and have been wearing a red t-shirt all day long. No fluff yet, but I'll wear the same top tomorrow and post my results.
  • #11
brewnog said:
I'll do it, as long as I'm not the only one.

Incidentally, I had a shower this morning (cleared out my belly button), and have been wearing a red t-shirt all day long. No fluff yet, but I'll wear the same top tomorrow and post my results.

What a heroic stout fellow.

Im going to wear the bandage.

I still need 8 more please.
  • #12
you might want to ask zooby, I'm sure he's more than willing...
  • #13
yomamma said:
you might want to ask zooby, I'm sure he's more than willing...

Thats not british sir, one does not volunteer a second, so if you are unwilling,
the ram of wol will chase you until you submit
  • #14
wolram said:
Thats not british sir, one does not volunteer a second, so if you are unwilling,
the ram of wol will chase you until you submit
Don't you mean the ram of wool? :-p
  • #15
honestrosewater said:
Don't you mean the ram of wool? :-p

Well maybe, i have had a hard day, but watch out for him he can give you
a wicked but. :biggrin:
  • #16
wolram said:
Well maybe, i have had a hard day, but watch out for him he can give you
a wicked but. :biggrin:
I already have a actually, nevermind. :blushing:
  • #17
honestrosewater said:
I already have a actually, nevermind. :blushing:

A wicked butt to a wicked butt :bugeye: :biggrin:
  • #18
well I figure I'm high up in the field of Button Fluff - I love the magical stuff (oh boy my third poem of the day).
I have to excavate buttons daily in search of this mystical fluff.
So far I have come across white, blue AND redish-orange fluff (he wore a blue shirt that day so don't ask) :bugeye:

I have never had the fortune to produce fluff myself what with being a girlie and all that.

But I will certainly volunteer himself for the Fluff Formation Feory
  • #19
Day 2.

Having worn the same red t-shirt for two hot, sweaty days in a row has provided me with a number of conclusions:

- The study needs to be run for a longer period of time. I have produced absolutely NO fluff since I started the experiment yesterday morning.

- Wearing the same t-shirt for two days in a row in this weather (with no interim shower or bath) is a sure way to make a young, active male smell absolutely rancid.
  • #20
brewnog said:
Day 2.

Having worn the same red t-shirt for two hot, sweaty days in a row has provided me with a number of conclusions:

- The study needs to be run for a longer period of time. I have produced absolutely NO fluff since I started the experiment yesterday morning.

- Wearing the same t-shirt for two days in a row in this weather (with no interim shower or bath) is a sure way to make a young, active male smell absolutely rancid.
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

A miniscule amount, and the bandage chafes, i have a red middle.
  • #21
I'm going to have to pull out, I smell so bad that I need a bath and a change of clothes.
  • #22
brewnog said:
I'm going to have to pull out, I smell so bad that I need a bath and a change of clothes.
Never fear, it doesn't seem that bathing eliminates belly button lint anyway. See if you acquire any from the towel. I know my towels leave fuzz all over the bathroom (if I put out red towels, I have red "dust" on all the fixtures, and if I put out blue towels, it's blue "dust" etc.) This still isn't explaining why men acquire belly button fuzz and women don't. This still mystifies me.
  • #23
Moonbear said:
Never fear, it doesn't seem that bathing eliminates belly button lint anyway. See if you acquire any from the towel. I know my towels leave fuzz all over the bathroom (if I put out red towels, I have red "dust" on all the fixtures, and if I put out blue towels, it's blue "dust" etc.) This still isn't explaining why men acquire belly button fuzz and women don't. This still mystifies me.

This requires close inspection of the female belly button, maybe they are not
as deep as mens, i need data, please send belly button dimesions, sticky outs
need not apply.
  • #24
wolram said:
This requires close inspection of the female belly button, maybe they are not
as deep as mens, i need data, please send belly button dimesions, sticky outs
need not apply.
Maybe the hair surrounding your belly buttons acts as a lint trap?
  • #25
Moonbear said:
Maybe the hair surrounding your belly buttons acts as a lint trap?

Ok in the interest of science i am going to shave around my belly button,
henceforth BB, i will start with a BB centric metric of 10mm, as BHs are prone
to the posited hawking radiation, henceforth HR, i will have to monitor for HR induced re foliation, in tandem with this test, i will run a monte carlow stimulation
I predict a 90% +5%- 3% drop in lint production.
If my predictions are outside error bars, a new science is indicated.
  • #26
wolram said:
Ok in the interest of science i am going to shave around my belly button,
henceforth BB, i will start with a BB centric metric of 10mm, as BHs are prone
to the posited hawking radiation, henceforth HR, i will have to monitor for HR induced re foliation, in tandem with this test, i will run a monte carlow stimulation
I predict a 90% +5%- 3% drop in lint production.
If my predictions are outside error bars, a new science is indicated.

This study isn't going to have any credibility without photos.
  • #27
brewnog said:
This study isn't going to have any credibility without photos.

You are a sadist :biggrin: I will have to take a poll, for or against, inflicting
sights such as these to the GP.
  • #28
wolram said:
You are a sadist :biggrin: I will have to take a poll, for or against, inflicting
sights such as these to the GP.

What's your GP got to do with it?

Ohh, general public? Getcha.
  • #29
wolram said:
You are a sadist :biggrin: I will have to take a poll, for or against, inflicting
sights such as these to the GP.
I'm going to have to first request a description of your abs before I vote. If a 1 is a beer gut and a 10 is a tight, toned 6-pack, where do you rate yours. Just to give this scale a little more reference, we'll say a 5 is a reasonably flat stomach, but no definition to the abs at all yet. Anything over 5 is acceptable to share, under 5, and we'll take your word for it. :biggrin: If it's a 5, I'll have to confer with the sisterhood.
  • #30
I say go for it. You half to take risks in the name of science.
  • #31
Moonbear said:
I'm going to have to first request a description of your abs before I vote. If a 1 is a beer gut and a 10 is a tight, toned 6-pack, where do you rate yours. Just to give this scale a little more reference, we'll say a 5 is a reasonably flat stomach, but no definition to the abs at all yet. Anything over 5 is acceptable to share, under 5, and we'll take your word for it. :biggrin: If it's a 5, I'll have to confer with the sisterhood.

Due to Moonbears ambiguous specifications, and, "hidden agenda", i have to
abandon the experiment, even though the specs could be within the 6 to 7
range ,the margin for error could be -50% to +50%.
  • #32
Belly Button dimensions...

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  • #33
*Kia* said:
Belly Button dimensions...

:smile: :smile: :smile:

wolram said:
Due to Moonbears ambiguous specifications, and, "hidden agenda",

Hidden agenda? What hidden agenda? I wasn't hiding anything; I thought it was blatantly obvious what my agenda was. :biggrin: Thankfully, Kia came through for us. :approve:
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  • #34
Moonbear said:
:smile: :smile: :smile:

Hidden agenda? What hidden agenda? I wasn't hiding anything; I thought it was blatantly obvious what my agenda was. :biggrin: Thankfully, Kia came through for us. :approve:

So you like my belly button?
  • #35
wolram said:
So you like my belly button?
Better keep it shaved though...that could get scary with some belly fur added to it.

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