Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #8,786
:smile: :smile:

ow! my teeth are aching...where's that dental floss...? oh, there it is.

*scrape, scrape*

whoops :redface:
Physics news on
  • #8,787
yomamma why are you pulling on my shoelace?
  • #8,788
Oh, and I know what rocketboy stepped in yesterday when that shoelace was untied!
  • #8,789
rocketboy said:
no...better idea! we clutter up the doorway so that she can't get through to the front room!

yomamma's good at it he can help.
I hope so! :rolleyes:
  • #8,790
Moonbear said:
Oh, and I know what rocketboy stepped in yesterday when that shoelace was untied!

/ \​
  • #8,791
Oh my! That smiley started growing legs! Oh, wait, that was Franzbear trying to hide behind it. :smile:
  • #8,792
well I am sorry that my attemt at a throw-up smiley was unsatisfactory...
  • #8,793
Moonbear said:
Oh my! That smiley started growing legs! Oh, wait, that was Franzbear trying to hide behind it. :smile:

Do you realize that you have over 2000 post in this thread? That is kind of amazing...
  • #8,794
\/\/ |_| \/\/
  • #8,795
This thread should be shot.
  • #8,796
And here are some thread killer champions of my own:

"I know what you did last night."
"[name] is actually someone else."
"The title of this thread literally scared the sh*t out of me."
"Your mother is fatter than my mother."
"You're fatter than me."
"I just won the lottery. Type '1' in the thread if you want part of the money."
  • #8,797
franzbear is loved by all, if he wre to die, we'd be devistated... :rolleyes:
  • #8,798
I'm not sure such strong attachment to a thread is healthy yomamma. :rolleyes:
  • #8,799
  • #8,800
OMG! The slurping spiders are replying to threads again! :bugeye: More than one are doing it too!


  • spiders.jpg
    20 KB · Views: 318
  • #8,801
Moonbear said:
OMG! The slurping spiders are replying to threads again! :bugeye: More than one are doing it too!

A rare look at PF through the eyes of a mod...

Actually it kind of can see who is doing about an invasion of privacy!

I think PF members should demand the right to privacy from government officals!
  • #8,802
Hi everyone. :smile: How's the thread? How come yomamma has a shoe lace with something brown and slimey on it sticking out of his mouth?

Where's Franzbear I thought we would go visit a chemical factory. It'll be fun. :smile:

I got him some new clothes. Here are some nice magnetic underpants, a new pair of lead shoes, a nice pair of acid washed jeans, and a polyester shirt.

Yeah, I know those are kind of strange, but if you should happen to fall in a chemical vat, I figure the magnetic underpants will make you stick to the side...:rolleyes: so we can find you.

Why lead shoes? More impervious to the chemicals. Yeah I know they're also heavy and will drag you down in the tank, but they'll be fine.

What's that, you say the acid washed jeans are still wet? (Well I never said they were dried after the acid wash.) They'll dry eventually. Yeah, I know they're eating your shirt, just nevermind and let's get going. It'll be fun. :smile: :devil:
  • #8,803
Townsend said:
A rare look at PF through the eyes of a mod...

Actually it kind of can see who is doing about an invasion of privacy!

I think PF members should demand the right to privacy from government officals!
I didn't show you anything you can't view for yourself on the "Who's Online" page (or is that only viewable for contributors? I can never keep track.) I've always known the slurping spiders were around, and there were rumors they replied to threads, but I thought it was all a hoax until I viewed it with my very own eyes! :bugeye: Maybe they're trying to slurp Franzbear!
  • #8,804
Moonbear said:
Maybe they're trying to slurp Franzbear!

Well, they're going to have to get past his magnetic underpants first! :-p
  • #8,805
I don't have a who's online page :cry:
  • #8,806
yomamma said:
I don't have a who's online page :cry:
Look under "quick links" on the toolbar at the top of the page.
  • #8,807
Maybe we need to send an instruction manual to the new contributors. :smile: What other secrets does yomamma not know?
  • #8,808
well. I haven't got a manual on how to contruct the death ray I received...
  • #8,809
No offense yomamma, not meaning to butt in...

I keep waiting for this thread to go away. I think I have the power to kill it, having successfully killed most other threads I have participated on.

Maybe I'll start correcting grammar.

I think I have the power to kill it, having successfully killed most other threads upon which I have participated.
  • #8,810
That is an offense punishable by death!
  • #8,811
pattylou said:
No offense yomamma, not meaning to butt in...
I keep waiting for this thread to go away. I think I have the power to kill it, having successfully killed most other threads I have participated on.
Maybe I'll start correcting grammar.
Nooooo! Has the thread ever been subjected to proper grammar before? MOONBEAR, has franzbear had his grammar vaccine??

Evo<---holds up a cross, some holy water and some shrimp scampi (it was the only thing that I could find with garlic).

BACK pattylou, BACK! Put the grammar down and slowly back out of the thread and we'll just pretend this didn't happen. :devil:
  • #8,812
Evo said:
Nooooo! Has the thread ever been subjected to proper grammar before? MOONBEAR, has franzbear had his grammar vaccine??
Just a minute, let me check his medical records:
Franzbear's Vaccinations
Chicken Pox
Hepatitis A, B, C
Fire, Theft, Flooding (darn, that one explains a lot)
Mad Cow Disease (must be experimental)
Feline Leukemia (hey, who knows what threads could be susceptible to?)

:eek: :cry: My poor baby never got his grammar shots! :cry: I don't know if he can tolerate proper grammar! It's never been tried before. :frown:
  • #8,813
It's just as I feared, he can survive fire, explosions, drowning, mutilation, poisoning, freezing, deadly falls, being buried alive, but a bit of proper grammar could do him in. :cry:

Perhaps his Uncle Artman inoculated him with his home inoculation kit?
  • #8,814
Evo said:
It's just as I feared, he can survive fire, explosions, drowning, mutilation, poisoning, freezing, deadly falls, being buried alive, but a bit of proper grammar could do him in. :cry:
Perhaps his Uncle Artman inoculated him with his home inoculation kit?
I don't know. That rusty needle attached to the turkey baster didn't look like it was going to deliver the very precise dose needed for the grammar vaccine to be effective. :frown: Poor Franzbear. He's getting weaker already; just look how he's drooping.
  • #8,815
Evo said:
It's just as I feared, he can survive fire, explosions, drowning, mutilation, poisoning, freezing, deadly falls, being buried alive, but a bit of proper grammar could do him in. :cry:
Perhaps his Uncle Artman inoculated him with his home inoculation kit?
Trust me, if I had a home inoculation kit for the proper grammar bug, I would have used it on myself ages ago.
Franzbear will just have to suffer the symptoms like the rest of us. You know, non-runny sentences, itchy comma fingers, congealed infinitives, yuck makes me shiver right down to my gerunds just to think about it.
  • #8,816
here, this will help :rolleyes:
EDIT: This reminds me, I really have to renew my website... I need a host :cry:


  • grammar.png
    9 KB · Views: 405
  • #8,817
Yep, that ought to do it! Bend over Franzbear. :devil:
  • #8,818
oh no! *trips, knocks "vaccine" into rocketboy.* oops :redface:.

lets just not grammatical be
  • #8,819
Hmm did everyone get the new guidelines popup? I had to click I have read and agreed to proceed.. was it just for me to re-read the rules ? Did I post something that is against rules or something?
  • #8,820
yomamma said:
I don't have a who's online page :cry:
That was great, wasn't it?:-p