Topology (specifically homotopy) question

  • Thread starter timboj2008
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In summary, the conversation discusses the proof of every map from X to R^n being homotopic to a constant map, and using this to show that a map from X to S^n that is not onto is also homotopic to a constant map. The speaker is seeking help with the solution and mentions that the question is from a past exam paper.
  • #1
Could anybody help me with this topology question?

i) Prove that every map e: X-> R^n is homotopic to a constant map.

ii) If f: X->S^n is a map that is not onto (surjective), show that f is homtopic to a constant map.

It's part of a past exam paper but it does not come with solutions. Any help on the solution would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #2
i) Try to find a homotopy H:I x X-->R^n between e and the map that sends everything in X to 0.

ii) Hint: Use (i)
  • #3
Basically you need to realize that R^n is contractible. This is pretty easy to visualize: e.g. take R^2 or R^3 and send every point to the origin along the straight line between them.
  • #4
these are the same question.
  • #5

Sure, I can help you with this topology question.

i) To prove that every map e: X-> R^n is homotopic to a constant map, we need to show that there exists a continuous map h: X x [0,1] -> R^n such that h(x,0) = e(x) for all x in X and h(x,1) is a constant map.

To construct such a map, let c be a point in R^n and define h: X x [0,1] -> R^n as h(x,t) = (1-t)e(x) + tc. This is a continuous map since it is a linear combination of continuous maps. Also, h(x,0) = e(x) and h(x,1) = c, which is a constant map. Therefore, h is a homotopy between e and a constant map, and thus e is homotopic to a constant map.

ii) Now, let's consider the map f: X->S^n that is not onto (surjective). This means that there exists a point y in S^n that is not in the image of f.

To show that f is homotopic to a constant map, we can again use a similar approach as in part i). Let c be a point in S^n that is not in the image of f. We can define h: X x [0,1] -> S^n as h(x,t) = (1-t)f(x) + tc. This is a continuous map since it is a linear combination of continuous maps. Also, h(x,0) = f(x) and h(x,1) = c, which is a constant map. Therefore, h is a homotopy between f and a constant map, and thus f is homotopic to a constant map.

I hope this helps you with your past exam paper. Let me know if you have any further questions or need clarification on any part of the solution. Good luck!

FAQ: Topology (specifically homotopy) question

1. What is homotopy in topology?

Homotopy is a concept in topology that studies continuous deformations of objects, such as shapes or spaces. In simple terms, it is a way to compare two objects and see if they can be continuously transformed into each other without tearing or gluing parts.

2. What is the difference between homotopy and homeomorphism?

Homeomorphism is a stronger concept than homotopy. While homotopy only requires a continuous deformation, homeomorphism requires that the deformation be bijective, meaning every point in one object has a unique corresponding point in the other object. In other words, homeomorphism is a special case of homotopy.

3. How is homotopy related to the fundamental group?

The fundamental group is a topological invariant that captures the basic shape of a space. Homotopy is used to define this group by considering all possible loops in the space and comparing them based on whether they can be continuously deformed into each other. This allows us to classify spaces based on the structure of their fundamental group.

4. Can two spaces with different fundamental groups be homotopy equivalent?

Yes, it is possible for two spaces with different fundamental groups to be homotopy equivalent. This means that while the spaces may have different fundamental groups, they can still be continuously deformed into each other without tearing or gluing parts. Homotopy equivalence is a looser concept than homeomorphism, which requires the fundamental groups to be isomorphic.

5. Are there any practical applications of homotopy theory?

Homotopy theory has many applications in mathematics and other fields. In topology, it is used to classify spaces and solve problems related to shape and connectivity. In physics, homotopy theory is used to study the properties of topological materials. It also has applications in computer science, such as in the study of algorithms and data structures.

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