Transcripts and Physics Grad School

In summary, it is important for the person to make sure they have a good understanding of multivariable calculus, especially for their future physics courses. They may need to convince their undergraduate school that they know the material or retake the class. Some graduate schools may require transcripts from all post-high school courses, while others may only require transcripts from the degree-granting institution. It is important to check with the specific graduate schools to see their requirements.
  • #1
I should begin by stating that I'm going to be a college Freshman this upcoming fall, and I plan on majoring in Physics. I took Multivariable Calculus at my local community college, and I did not receive too good of a grade in the class because I couldn't attend the lectures (they were at the same time as high school classes) and I procrastinated on learning the material until the last two weeks. I have since been studying Multivariable Calculus on my own, and I am fairly confident that my knowledge of Multivariable Calculus will be solid before school starts.

I've learned that my college won't include the grade I received from the community college course on my transcript. Do graduate schools usually ask for all post-high school transcripts? Would they ask for the transcript since the credits would be included on my college's transcript? Would a graduate school prefer that I take the class again or that I move on to more advanced math? Personally, I would prefer to move on to more advanced math.
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  • #2
Lambda3 said:
I should begin by stating that I'm going to be a college Freshman this upcoming fall, and I plan on majoring in Physics. I took Multivariable Calculus at my local community college, and I did not receive too good of a grade in the class because I couldn't attend the lectures (they were at the same time as high school classes) and I procrastinated on learning the material until the last two weeks. I have since been studying Multivariable Calculus on my own, and I am fairly confident that my knowledge of Multivariable Calculus will be solid before school starts.

I've learned that my college won't include the grade I received from the community college course on my transcript. Do graduate schools usually ask for all post-high school transcripts? Would they ask for the transcript since the credits would be included on my college's transcript? Would a graduate school prefer that I take the class again or that I move on to more advanced math? Personally, I would prefer to move on to more advanced math.

So for your undergraduate, presumably multivariable is a required course for the physics major and you will have to, in some way or another, convince them that you know it (or retake the class). This could involve you just showing them that you took it in HS, but sometimes the universities doesn't accept credit for these kind of things (it's very university dependent). If they just mark on your transcript a "PASS" for the class to give you credit for it, that's all it is. A graduate school will accept that.

Really the official way to do it is to talk to someone in the department and see what they recommend you do as far as administrative side of things. Your responsibility, then, is to make sure you know multivariable at the level you're expected to (which it sounds like you're already doing, so that's good!) Especially once you get into your electromagnetism courses, if you find that you're not fluent in the calculus being used, this is a strong signal that you need to go back and relearn it; otherwise more problems are just going to crop up down the road.

(For reference, I was in a similar situation but did not have to provide the transcript from the community college to any graduate school.)
  • #3
It was a weird toss-up for me. I think most schools needed my community college transcripts, but I'd say 2-3 (out of 12) only asked for transcripts from my "Baccalaureate" or a school I'd attended for at least two years or something similar.

I think they wouldn't care so much if the rest of your transcript is great.
  • #4
I have a similar-type situation and have recently done a bit of checking: it depends on the grad school you are applying to. Some require transcripts ONLY from your degree-granting institution, but some want ALL of your college transcripts. There are even a few (this is definitely less common) that just want the last x years (generally 4) of your college education. I do not know the frequency of each, but I have seen all types of these requirements at major universities.
  • #5
My grad school wanted everything. In fact, they lost one original and made me send them another "official" one, even though they had a copy.

FAQ: Transcripts and Physics Grad School

1. What is a transcript and why is it important for physics grad school?

A transcript is a document that lists all the courses you have taken and the grades you received in each course. It is important for physics grad school because it allows the admissions committee to see your academic performance and determine if you have the necessary background and skills for the program.

2. What kind of courses should I have on my transcript for physics grad school?

Ideally, your transcript should have a strong foundation in physics, mathematics, and other relevant sciences such as chemistry and computer science. It is also beneficial to have advanced courses in these subjects, as well as research experience.

3. How important are grades on my transcript for admissions into physics grad school?

Grades are an important factor in the admissions process, but they are not the only factor. Admissions committees also consider other aspects such as research experience, letters of recommendation, and personal statements. However, having a strong academic record with good grades can greatly increase your chances of being accepted.

4. Can I still get into physics grad school if I have a low GPA?

While a low GPA may make it more challenging to get into a competitive physics grad school program, it is not impossible. Admissions committees take a holistic approach and consider all aspects of your application. If you have a low GPA, you can compensate by having strong research experience, good letters of recommendation, and a compelling personal statement.

5. Do I need to have a specific major on my transcript to get into physics grad school?

No, you do not necessarily need to have a specific major on your transcript to get into physics grad school. However, having a degree in a related field such as physics, engineering, or mathematics can demonstrate your interest and preparation for graduate studies in physics. It is also important to have taken relevant courses in these fields regardless of your major.

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