- #1
- 28
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Homework Statement
Given correlation matrix
$$M = \begin{bmatrix}
1 & .3 & .5 \\
.3 & 1 & .2 \\
.5 & .2 & 1 \\
And 3 independent standard normals $$N_1, N_2, N_3$$
using cholesky decomposition
A) get the correlated standard normals
B) and if you want to transform them such that A ~ N(0,2), B~N(2,8), C~N(4,9) what is it?
Homework Equations
Cholesky decomposition: $$M = Z*Z^T$$ where Z is a lower triangular matrix.
The Attempt at a Solution
A) the correlated standard normals I get are
$$ A = N_1 \\
B = 0.3 N_1 + \sqrt{.91}N_2 \\
C = 0.2 N_1 + 0.05241 N_2 + 0.86444N_3 $$
Is this correct?
B) do I simply add the mean and scale the variance? Ie. for C, I get $$C = 4 + \sqrt{\frac{9}{.79}}C_0$$ where $$C_0$$ is the untransformed variable ~N(0, 0.79). Please check if my reasoning is correct.