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Homework Statement
Why does a transistor with a constant [itex]V_{B}[/itex] (e.g. [itex]V_{B}=1V[/itex]) only need [itex]V_{C} \approx 0.3V[/itex] to act as a current source;
If [itex]V_{C} < V_{B}[/itex] doesn't that mean the transistor is not in forward active mode and thus not a mode we want to work in.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
PSpice Code:
Understanding Transistors as Current Sources
.model my_npn NPN(BF=150 NF=1.1 VAF=80V CJC=6P CJE=10P)
*Voltage Sources
VC 1 0 dc 0;
VB 2 0 dc 1;
*Transistor C B E
Q1 1 2 0 my_npn;
.DC VC 0.1 1 0.001;