Travel Velocity vs. Fluidic Space

In summary, Certain regions of outer space have a temperature of 3 K and contain approximately 5 x 10^6 molecules per cubic meter or 5 atoms/cm3. Light travels at a speed of approximately 29,979,342,835.2 cm per second. Using this information, it is possible to calculate that light passes by as many as 149,896,714,176 atoms along its path in one second. The density of space particles and the potential for them to cause drag at high velocities make it impractical to achieve light speed travel. The possibility of dimensional travel is suggested as a potential solution, as referenced by the Ancients and the concept of time dilation in Heaven. However, current mainstream science does not
  • #1
In certain regions of outer space the temperature is about 3 K, and there are approximately 5 x 106 molecules per cubic meter or 5 atoms/cm3.

Light travels approximately 29,979,342,835.2 cm per second.

If we Cube the volume area to be cm3 and multiplied by 5 Atoms according to the cm3 Length of 29,979,342,835.2 cm per second then the Light should pass by as many as 149,896,714,176 Atoms along its path in one second which should by these calculations that Light is always traveling in a Fluidic medium even when in areas of Space containing only 1 Atom/m3 for deep Space which would be 299,793,428.352 Atoms per second that Light passes by.

There are 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 Atoms or 6.022 x 10^23 Atoms in one Gram of Hydrogen which compared to our 299,793,428.352 Atoms per Second is passing by 1/2008716479578504.299928704529257 of a Gram of Hydrogen if Hydrogen was the Medium in deep Space along the path of our lights path.

The Problem gets even greater if the Volume area of a Space Ship was involved in the equation instead of just Light.

We know that in Theory that it is impossible to travel faster than Light Speed, But even if the Future does find a way to achieve such a feat the future will run into other problems the faster they achieve because the region of space will become relatively more fluidic per second.

I do not see velocity as being the answer to Space Travel because of this forseeable compression of Space with greater velocity.

This leads me to believe that Dimensional travel may be the only way around this problem and I am not to sure about this either. :bugeye:
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Physics news on
  • #2
Why couldn't you make the ship "space-dynamic" where the atoms are deflected by the ship or by something else like a strong EM Field?

Besides, micrometeoroids would be a much bigger problem traveling that fast, not single atoms...
  • #3
Mech_Engineer said:
Why couldn't you make the ship "space-dynamic" where the atoms are deflected by the ship or by something else like a strong EM Field?

Besides, micrometeoroids would be a much bigger problem traveling that fast, not single atoms...

Exactly my point, The density of space particles will cause problems with higher velocities as Space becomes more fluidic per second.

Even with an EM Field the Ship would still experience a variable drag coefficient when the particles were deflected because the EM field would compress as it deflects, you can experience this by taking a Magnet in your Hand and bringing it near another magnet with like poles, The deflecting fields produces a drag coefficient between both Magnets as they approach each other.

Using a cone of High powered LASER light as a Radiation Spike might help a bit more but already sounds like a hopeless issue concidering the energy requirements, From the sound of it, it will probably take as much energy to shield the ship as in the same amount of energy to get it to such a velocity.

Even with RADAR, one would have to let the RADAR beam travel minutes or even hours ahead of the Ship before taking off on such a velocity so the area ahead of the ship could be plotted.

For instance, If the Ship sent out a RADAR Beam 1 minute ahead of the ship before taking off then the Ship will only have 30 seconds to react to any object 1 minute away at light Speed so that the object could be avoided with a new plotted course. There are other issues about this that are not even mentioned in this thread that make it totally impractical to even try to get a ship near light speed.

Let alone Star Trek's Theoretical Warp 13 Limitation which is totally insane.

I don't think speed is the answer.:bugeye:

If we inquire the Ancients, The Ancients say, the answer lies in a very narrow Place.
Could the Ancients mean Dimensional?

If we inquire the Ancients, 1 day in Heaven is equal to 1000 years on Earth.
This calculates to something 366,000 times faster than we experience.

B.I.B.L.E, B-asic I-nstructions B-efore L-eaving E-arth.
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  • #4
Intuitive said:
We know that in Theory that it is impossible to travel faster than Light Speed, But even if the Future does find a way to achieve such a feat the future will run into other problems the faster they achieve because the region of space will become relatively more fluidic per second.

If this were possible, there would be no point in applying classical fluid dynamics to the problem, since it would already indicate a breakdown of relativity.
  • #5
SpaceTiger said:
If this were possible, there would be no point in applying classical fluid dynamics to the problem, since it would already indicate a breakdown of relativity.

Hi SpaceTiger.

If what you say is possible, Would we simply just pass through the Matter as though it wasn't there?

If so, What would the Phase changes be for such an event to take place?

If so, How would these Phase Changes allow us to not interact with Classical fluidic Space?

If it were possible that is.:bugeye: If Light hits these Particles then why wouldn't Matter at these Velocities? It seems like there would be some sort of information loss in Matter as Mass struck particles at such velocities.

What am I missing?
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  • #6
Light travels approximately 29,979,342,835.2 Billion cm per second.

I hope your other numbers are closer then this. You are claiming that the speed of light is a billion times faster then it is. The speed of light is

29,979,342,835.2 [itex] \frac {cm} s [/itex] no billion is needed.
  • #7
Intuitive said:
If what you say is possible, Would we simply just pass through the Matter as though it wasn't there?

Current theory says it isn't possible, so any "hypothetical" FTL travel would have to work through some other physical theory. Since no such theory has been accepted by mainstream science, I don't think there's anything else to discuss here.
  • #8
Integral said:
I hope your other numbers are closer then this. You are claiming that the speed of light is a billion times faster then it is. The speed of light is

29,979,342,835.2 [itex] \frac {cm} s [/itex] no billion is needed.

Sorry about that word billion, I removed it.:bugeye:
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  • #9
SpaceTiger said:
Current theory says it isn't possible, so any "hypothetical" FTL travel would have to work through some other physical theory. Since no such theory has been accepted by mainstream science, I don't think there's anything else to discuss here.

I do highly agree with this.:bugeye:

FAQ: Travel Velocity vs. Fluidic Space

1. What is travel velocity and how is it related to fluidic space?

Travel velocity is the speed at which an object or person moves through space. It is related to fluidic space because fluidic space is a theoretical concept that suggests space is not a vacuum, but rather filled with a fluid-like substance that can affect the movement and velocity of objects within it.

2. How does fluidic space impact travel velocity?

Fluidic space can impact travel velocity in several ways. The fluid-like substance can create resistance against an object, slowing its velocity. It can also create currents or eddies that can affect the path and speed of an object. Additionally, the density and composition of fluidic space can vary, which can also impact travel velocity.

3. Is the concept of fluidic space widely accepted in the scientific community?

The concept of fluidic space is still a topic of debate in the scientific community. While some theories and studies support the idea of a fluid-like substance in space, there is not yet enough evidence to fully confirm its existence.

4. Can we measure the effects of fluidic space on travel velocity?

Currently, there are no reliable methods for directly measuring the effects of fluidic space on travel velocity. However, scientists can study the properties and behavior of objects in space to indirectly observe any potential impacts from fluidic space.

5. Are there any practical applications of understanding travel velocity and fluidic space?

While the concept of fluidic space is still being explored and understood, there are potential practical applications for understanding its effects on travel velocity. This knowledge could be useful in space travel and navigation, as well as in the design and development of spacecraft and other vehicles that must travel through space.
