Trigonometry Help: Model Daylight Hours in Lowell, MA 2020

In summary, the conversation was about using data from the website to build a model (a sinusoidal function) that outputs the number of hours of daylight in Lowell for any given date in 2020. The model would need to find the amplitude, vertical shift, horizontal stretch, and horizontal shift. The dialogue also mentioned comparing the output of the model to the data from the website and providing a graph of the function. The conversation also mentioned using an example from page 463 of a textbook to find these values.
  • #1
Use the data from the website sunrise-sunset . org / us / lowell-ma to build a model (a sinusoidal function) whose output is the number of hours of daylight in Lowell when the input is the ordinal date (1 though 366) of the year 2020. Find (and show your calculations for finding): Amplitude Vertical Shift (Midline) Horizontal stretch (coefficient of the input variable, determined by the period) Horizontal Shift (Phase Shift) There is an example of how to find these on page 463 of your textbook. Use the model to show the hours of daylight on your birthday (or some other chosen day, if you prefer). Show the comparison between the output of your model and the datum from the website. Provide a graph of the function. This can be a picture of your calculator screens (one showing the y= screen, one showing the Window screen and one showing the graph). If you choose to provide a hand drawn graph, be sure to label the axes and all significant points.
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  • #2
  • #4
Beer induced query follows.
mcdwog said:
... There is an example of how to find these on page 463 of your textbook. ...
What textbook are you referring to?

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