Is relativity the ultimate explanation for all uncertainties in physics?

In summary, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle applies to both position and momentum, and it is impossible to know both values with perfect certainty because they are always relative to an external frame of reference.
  • #1
is it possible that because position and velocity are both only values relative to another frame of reference they simply cannot both be precisely known on a small scale because neither has an absolute value.
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  • #2
ZacharyFino said:
is it possible that because position and velocity are both only values relative to another frame of reference they simply cannot both be precisely known on a small scale because neither has an absolute value.

That really does not explain the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) - assuming that is your question.

The HUP applies to spin as well as position and momentum. That would strongly imply that relativity could not be a factor (since relativity does not say anything about spin). In addition, the HUP applies to entangled particles that are distantly separated: which would conclusively rule out relativity as a factor.
  • #3
i wasn't trying to explain HUP i was just saying that you can't expect to have a known value for two properties (position and velocity) whose values are always relative to an external frame of reference. a single particle in an empty universe cannot have a position or a velocity because both those values depend on an external viewpoint, what i was saying is that even with a frame of reference you still shouldn't be able to solve for both position and velocity because they are still both dependent values with no absolute value to offer each other, and if an equation is set up including values for each, it would be inferring that they both are absolute values which defies reality but can be used to determine probability. sorry if my question is unclear, I am 14 years old and my vocabulary is limited. what I am ultimately trying to say is to me it seems apparent that quantum mechanics ONLY determines probability functions and that it doesn't really explain why anything happens on a small scale
  • #4
ZacharyFino said:
what I am ultimately trying to say is to me it seems apparent that quantum mechanics ONLY determines probability functions
Well yeah, that's true, but the rest of your post isn't making any sense...
  • #5
There is no particle that exists where the exact position or velocity is known. HUP is still an application to quantum mechanics. It's the reason why there is uncertainty in all values and why you cannot know two things about a small object with no uncertainty. On a quantum scale, all of the properties are mashed together and you can't determine one thing without making the other unclear.

All that this uncertainty does to a value is put a +/- after the value.
  • #6
i understand what the uncertainty principle states, but what I am trying to say is that position and velocity being values ONLY relative to another reference point means that they can't be used simultaneously. Had an equation been set up including both values it would be obsolete as they are complementary variables.
  • #7
position isn't an actual property of an individual particle but a property of the locations of the particle and any other reference point.
velocity is only a property when the position is changing relative to another reference point.
it seems they are of the same property and mean absolutely nothing together.
  • #8
So are you debating the usefulness of position and velocity in quantum mechanics? I'm still not quite getting at what the question is. Could you give some sort of example where this may come up?
  • #9
bucher said:
So are you debating the usefulness of position and velocity in quantum mechanics? I'm still not quite getting at what the question is. Could you give some sort of example where this may come up?

im not debating their usefulness but rather their existence in reality as 2 different properties. i should have put this in a different section. neither velocity or position hold any absolute value, and in an apparently impossible way to explain, velocity and position have no true value when known together. i guess what i mean is that for a reason other than HUP, velocity CANNOT be known alongside position because they are both only properties of difference between themselves and an external frame of reference. however in my mind there seems to be a constant value missing and i don't want to find out that it is planks constant and I've been pondering over a math-less form of HUP. i would give some equations as examples but i know nothing of the sort being as I am 14 and have no idea how to acquire the knowledge in an efficient way.
  • #10
imaginary numbers seem to be involved...
  • #11
ZacharyFino said:
im not debating their usefulness but rather their existence in reality as 2 different properties. i should have put this in a different section. neither velocity or position hold any absolute value, and in an apparently impossible way to explain, velocity and position have no true value when known together. i guess what i mean is that for a reason other than HUP, velocity CANNOT be known alongside position because they are both only properties of difference between themselves and an external frame of reference. however in my mind there seems to be a constant value missing and i don't want to find out that it is planks constant and I've been pondering over a math-less form of HUP. i would give some equations as examples but i know nothing of the sort being as I am 14 and have no idea how to acquire the knowledge in an efficient way.

Welcome to PhysicsForums, ZacharyFino!

I applaud your knowledge of these points. You definitely should be encouraged to continue to question and learn in this field, you are off to a great start... :smile:

You can measure any single observable to any degree of accuracy desired (assuming experimental setup is suitable for same). The HUP describes the statistical relationship between pairs of non-commuting observables, and h is central to that. Relativity describes how the laws of physics change (or don't change) between observers in different reference frames, and c is central to that.

Neither principle can be derived from the other.
  • #12
I applaud your knowledge of these points. You definitely should be encouraged to continue to question and learn in this field, you are off to a great start...

I agree, well done!, it's a pleasure to have you here!

You have asked a rather fundamental question for which there may not yet be a perfect answer. You are already deep enough into theory to expose contradictions and uncertainties among various theoretical explanations.

You posted
a single particle in an empty universe cannot have a position or a velocity because both those values depend on an external viewpoint,

thats a valid relativistic viewpoint and one to always keep in mind as explaining what we observe. But it may not be the ONLY view.

Is relativity ALWAYS applicable? Sometimes relativity conflicts with
quantum theory!

Here is a discussion which might interest you: Is spacetime smooth?
In that thread, there is reference to another thread, something like, Is there a limit to frequency? which deals with similar issues...

My posts in these threads, most with reference source quotes, may contradict your perspective regarding the "relativity" of all measures...I posted, and others violently disagree about whether Planck length is "invariant" (the same to all observers). But seeing many points of view is really interesting.

Good luck with your studies and be sure to have FUN here...!

FAQ: Is relativity the ultimate explanation for all uncertainties in physics?

1. What is the theory of relativity?

The theory of relativity is a scientific theory developed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century. It has two components: the special theory of relativity, which deals with objects moving at constant speeds, and the general theory of relativity, which includes acceleration and gravity.

2. How does the theory of relativity relate to uncertainty?

The theory of relativity introduces the concept of spacetime, which is a four-dimensional framework for understanding the universe. This framework includes the concept of uncertainty, as the theory suggests that measurements of space and time are relative and can be affected by the observer's frame of reference.

3. What is the role of uncertainty in the theory of relativity?

Uncertainty plays a crucial role in the theory of relativity, as it is a fundamental aspect of the universe that is described by the theory. The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know the exact position and momentum of a particle simultaneously, and this is a key concept in the theory of relativity.

4. How does uncertainty by relativity affect our daily lives?

Uncertainty by relativity has many practical applications in our daily lives, such as GPS technology, which relies on the precise measurement of time and space. It also affects our understanding of gravity, which is described as the bending of spacetime by massive objects.

5. Is the theory of relativity widely accepted by the scientific community?

Yes, the theory of relativity is widely accepted by the scientific community and has been extensively tested and confirmed through various experiments and observations. It is considered one of the most successful and influential theories in modern physics.

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