Understanding Julia Sets: Simplified Explanation & Assistance | Expert Help

  • Thread starter dmehling
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In summary, Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set involve the same computation of the iteration z_{n+1}= z_n^2+ c, but with different starting values. The Julia set, Jc, consists of all z_0 such that the iteration converges, while the Mandelbrot set consists of all c such that the iteration with z_0= 0 converges. The Mandelbrot set can be used to "index" the Julia sets, with deeper points inside the set resulting in less complicated boundaries. Gaston Julia, who lived in the 19th century, did all computations by hand.
  • #1
I need someone to help explain to me in simple terms how Julia sets work. I understand how the equations governing the Mandelbrot set work, but am finding Julia sets to be a little more complex and difficult to understand.
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  • #2
Actually, finding Julia sets requires exactly the same computation as the Mandlebrot set.

Both involve the iteration [itex]z_{n+1}= z_n^2+ c[/itex]. With the Julia sets you are given a fixed "c" (and we refer to the Julia sets as "Jc") and the Julia set consists of all [itex]z_0[/itex] such that that iteration converges. The Mandlebrot set consists of all c such that the iteration with [itex]z_0= 0[/itex] converges. (Some texts say "the iteration with [itex]z_0= c[/itex]". Of course, if you start with [itex]z= 0[/itex] you immediately get [itex]z_1= c[/itex] so the convergence is the same either way.)

If I wanted to draw the Julia set, Jc, I would set up a double loop to step through every possible z0= x+iy and check each to see if the sequence converges. If I wanted to draw the Mandlebrot set, I would set up a double loop to step through every possible c= x+ iy and check to see if the sequence starting with z0= 0 converges.

The Mandlebrot set, by the way, "indexes" the Julia sets. If c is a complex number well within the Mandlebrot set, then Jc will be a single "blob" with boundary less complicated the deeper inside it is (If c= 0, J0 is simply a disk). If c is near the boundary of the Mandlebrot set, Jc will be a single connected set with a fractal boundary. If c is just outside the boundary of the Mandlebrot set, Jc is a number of disjoint piecess. If c is far outside the boundary of the Mandlebrot set, Jc is a "dust".

Also, while Mandlebrot worked for IBM, Gaston Julia lived around the beginning of the 19 th century and did all computations by hand!
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