Universe structure, movement, creation/destruction

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of the fabric of the universe being similar to the abstract elastic material shown in a video about flipping a sphere inside out. There is also a question about the relationship between moving matter and the space-time fabric, with a comparison to a blanket and a marble. The concept of "Frame Dragging" in General Relativity is mentioned as a potential explanation for this relationship.
  • #1
Hi everyone! I find my way here on google frequently when I get some idea and want an answer, but I haven't been able to find any answers to a few questions I have. I hold no formal knowledge of astronomy or physics, so be understanding if my questions seem inane. I always find answers to my questions and these are being asked in all seriousness. The fact I can't find answers makes me even more curious to get them! So, get ready for a long one. I really appreciate anyone who decides to take the time to consider what I say and gets back to me.

Check out these two videos on youtube about flipping a sphere inside out.


At :30 in the first video, the material is described as being, "an abstract elastic material, that can stretch, and bend, and pass through itself, but you cannot rip or puncture this material." Is this in anyway similar to what the fabric of the universe is thought to be? Is it a possibility?

At about 1:30 in the first video, they show the full process, and then break it into parts over the rest of the 2 videos. What I'm wondering is if this could be a reality for what the structure, movement and destruction/creation of the universe is like. From what I understand, the universe is largely expanding, but on smaller scales it is contracting. The actions leading towards the flip of the sphere show these expansion-contraction motions happening at the same time. Seeing this as the universe, it would make its motions a sort of "breathing" in and out that continually destroys and recreates itself.

At 1:40 of the first video, it largely collapses on itself and then presses outward. If we view this as being the universe which contains matter, then isn't the matter inside being compressed and put under such pressure that it would explode, similar to the idea of the big bang?

Moving a bit away from the videos, I have a question about the relationship of moving matter and the space-time fabric. Using the blanket and marble analogy, I want to know what the rotation of an object does. On the blanket, I can set down and rotate the marble. The fabric sinks from the weight of the marble, but is undisturbed by the rotation of the marble because they are two separate objects. Is a planet separate from the space-time fabric, as the marble and blanket are? Or is it better to see the fabric as a spider web, where the fabric and planet are stuck to, or in some way a part of/connected to, each other?

If the idea of the fabric of the universe fits to the materail in the video, the fabric and planets are not separte, and the rotation of objects pulls the spider web fabric, then a few things seem they should be true:

The forces caused by rotation would pull objects closer together until there was a massive single object rotating. The condensed mass would have strong a rotational force that would eventually overpower the over-arching force from expansion, leading to the universe contracting, being destroyed by compression, and then, by the immense interal pressure and energy, flipping inside out to recreate itself.

Again, thanks to anyone who takes the time to get back to me on this! And mods, please move this if it's in the wrong section. I apologize if it is.
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  • #2
Eurakhunt said:
At :30 in the first video, the material is described as being, "an abstract elastic material, that can stretch, and bend, and pass through itself, but you cannot rip or puncture this material." Is this in anyway similar to what the fabric of the universe is thought to be? Is it a possibility?

There is no such thing as the "fabric of the universe". Spacetime is described by a metric, which is a mathematical way of figuring out the topology of something. While the works exceedingly well at finding things like the curvature of an area of spacetime, it in no way says what spacetime may or may not be made of.

At about 1:30 in the first video, they show the full process, and then break it into parts over the rest of the 2 videos. What I'm wondering is if this could be a reality for what the structure, movement and destruction/creation of the universe is like. From what I understand, the universe is largely expanding, but on smaller scales it is contracting. The actions leading towards the flip of the sphere show these expansion-contraction motions happening at the same time. Seeing this as the universe, it would make its motions a sort of "breathing" in and out that continually destroys and recreates itself.

The universe as a whole is expanding, which just means that the distance between all objects not bound to one another will increase over time. On small scales, such as within galaxies or the solar systems, the universe is neither contracting nor expanding. The most accurate descriptions is very complicated and involves a lot of math and the use of General Relativity.

Moving a bit away from the videos, I have a question about the relationship of moving matter and the space-time fabric. Using the blanket and marble analogy, I want to know what the rotation of an object does. On the blanket, I can set down and rotate the marble. The fabric sinks from the weight of the marble, but is undisturbed by the rotation of the marble because they are two separate objects. Is a planet separate from the space-time fabric, as the marble and blanket are? Or is it better to see the fabric as a spider web, where the fabric and planet are stuck to, or in some way a part of/connected to, each other?

I believe that what you are describing is known as "Frame Dragging" in General Relativity. See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame_dragging

If the idea of the fabric of the universe fits to the materail in the video, the fabric and planets are not separte, and the rotation of objects pulls the spider web fabric, then a few things seem they should be true:

The forces caused by rotation would pull objects closer together until there was a massive single object rotating. The condensed mass would have strong a rotational force that would eventually overpower the over-arching force from expansion, leading to the universe contracting, being destroyed by compression, and then, by the immense interal pressure and energy, flipping inside out to recreate itself.

This is incorrect. Frame dragging does not pull objects to a large rotating mass but causes them to spin when viewed from a frame of reference that is not rotating with respect to the background star field.

FAQ: Universe structure, movement, creation/destruction

What is the structure of the universe?

The universe is structured in a hierarchical manner, with the smallest units being subatomic particles, followed by atoms, molecules, and cells. These cells make up living organisms, which then form planets, stars, and galaxies. The universe also has a web-like structure, with clusters of galaxies connected by filaments and surrounded by vast voids.

How does the universe move?

The universe is constantly expanding, meaning that all galaxies are moving away from each other. This expansion is driven by a mysterious force called dark energy. Additionally, galaxies themselves are in constant motion, mainly due to the gravitational pull from neighboring galaxies.

How was the universe created?

The most widely accepted scientific theory for the creation of the universe is the Big Bang theory. This theory suggests that the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, and expanded rapidly about 13.8 billion years ago. However, the origin of the singularity and the events before the Big Bang are still unknown.

How will the universe end?

There are several theories about the potential end of the universe. One possibility is the Big Crunch, where the expansion of the universe will eventually slow down and reverse, causing all matter to collapse back into a singularity. Another possibility is the Big Rip, where the expansion of the universe will continue to accelerate until all matter is torn apart. It is also possible that the universe will continue to expand indefinitely, resulting in a state of cosmic heat death.

How does the universe destroy and create matter?

Matter cannot be created or destroyed in the universe, only transformed into different forms. The destruction of matter can occur through processes such as fusion in stars, where lighter elements combine to form heavier elements, or through matter-antimatter annihilation. On the other hand, matter can be created through processes such as nuclear reactions, as well as through the formation of particles during the early stages of the universe's expansion.

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