How Do You Solve a Stereographic Projection Problem in Mathematics?

In summary, stereographic projection is a method used in cartography, surveying, and astronomy to represent spherical objects on a flat surface. It involves understanding the basics of the projection plane and point, and using mathematical equations to solve specific questions. It is also commonly used in crystallography, geology, and computer graphics. Compared to other map projections, it projects the entire surface of a sphere onto a flat plane, resulting in minimal distortion at the center but increasing towards the edges. However, it has limitations such as distortion of size and inability to accurately represent the entire surface of a sphere. It is also not conformal, meaning that angles and shapes are not preserved.
  • #1
Urgent Stereographic projection question...

Homework Statement

Given the unit sphere [tex]S^2= \{x^2 + y^2 + (z-1)^2 = 1\}[/tex]

Where N is the Northpole = (0.0.2) the stereographic projection

[tex]\pi: S^2 \sim \{N\} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2[/tex] carries a point p of the sphere minus the north pole N onto the intersection of the xy plane with the straight line which N to p. Then if [tex](u,v) = \pi(x,y,z)[/tex] where [tex](x,y,z) \in S^2 \sim \{N\}[/tex] and [tex](u,v) \in xy [/tex] plane.

(1)Then I need to show the following:

[tex] \pi^{-1}: \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow S^2 [/tex]

[tex]\pi^{-1} \Biggr( \begin{array}{ccc}x = \frac{4u}{u^2+v^2+4} \\ y = \frac{4v}{u^2+v^2+4} \\ z =
\frac{2(u^2+v^2)}{u^2+v^2+4} \end{array}[/tex]

(2)Show that this can be covered by two coordinant neighbourhoods using stereographic projection.

Homework Equations

Could somebody please give me a small hint maybe or how to proceed here??

The Attempt at a Solution

(1) Here I need to find the unique line from N to xy-plane, which I get to

x = ut, y = vt and z = 2-2t. For t = 0; (x,y,z) = (0,0,2) and for t = 1; (x,y,z) = (u,v,0)

This unique line intersects with the sphere at:

[tex](ut)^2 + (vt)^2 + (1-2t)^2 = 1 \Rightarrow (4+u^2 + v^4) \cdot t^2 - 4t =0 [/tex]

where we interested at the solution [tex]t = \frac{4}{4+u^2+v^2}[/tex]

Thus the point of intersection with the sphere is

[tex]x = \frac{4u}{u^2+v^2+4}[/tex] and [tex]y = \frac{4v}{u^2+v^2+4}[/tex] and [tex]z = \frac{2(u^2+v^2)}{u^2+v^2+4}[/tex]

[tex]\pi_{1}(u,v) = \frac{4u}{u^2+v^2+4},-\frac{4v}{u^2+v^2+4}, \frac{2(u^2+v^2)}{u^2+u^2+4}[/tex](2)

If let's say a parameterzation around the North Pole by sending (u,v) to (u,-v,0), the resulting map

[tex]\pi_{2}(s,t) = \frac{4s}{s^2+t^2+4},-\frac{4t}{s^2+t^2+4}, \frac{2(s^2+t^2)}{s^2+t^2+4}[/tex]

it sends the unit circle to the equator and the unit disk to the Northern hemisphere.

It covers the sphere except for the Southpole which is covered by the parameterization in (1). Ergo these two maps or neighbourhood cover the entire sphere.

By simple Algebra

[tex]\pi_{2}(u,v) = \pi_{1}(\frac{4s}{s^2 + t^2}, \frac{-4t}{s^2 +t^2})[/tex]

[tex]\pi_{1}(s,t) = \pi_{2}(\frac{4u}{u^2 + v^2}, \frac{-4v}{u^2 +v^2})[/tex]Q.e.d.

Is this correct?? Or am I on the wrong track?? I hope somebody would answer cause you guys are my only hope :|
Best Regards
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  • #2

Thank you for your question. It seems like you have made some good progress in solving the problem. I would suggest double-checking your calculations and making sure that the parametrizations you have found actually cover the entire sphere. You can do this by plotting the parametrizations and seeing if they cover all points on the sphere.

Additionally, you may want to explain your reasoning and steps more clearly in your solution. This will make it easier for others to understand and verify your solution. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help from your peers or your instructor if you are stuck. Sometimes discussing the problem with others can help you see things from a different perspective and come up with a solution.

Best of luck with your problem!

FAQ: How Do You Solve a Stereographic Projection Problem in Mathematics?

1. How do you solve an urgent stereographic projection question?

The first step in solving an urgent stereographic projection question is to understand the basics of stereographic projection. This involves understanding the concept of the stereographic projection plane, the projection point, and the projection of points from the sphere onto the plane. Once these basics are understood, the specific question can be approached using mathematical equations and formulas.

2. What is the purpose of stereographic projection?

Stereographic projection is commonly used in cartography, surveying, and astronomy to represent spherical objects, such as the Earth or the celestial sphere, on a flat surface. It allows for accurate representation of size, shape, and distance of objects on a map or diagram.

3. What are some common applications of stereographic projection?

Aside from its use in cartography, surveying, and astronomy, stereographic projection is also used in crystallography, geology, and in the creation of 3D maps and models. It is also used in computer graphics and animation to create spherical or curved objects.

4. What are the main differences between stereographic projection and other map projections?

Stereographic projection is unique in that it projects the entire surface of a sphere onto a flat plane, rather than a portion of the surface. This results in minimal distortion at the center of the projection, but increasing distortion towards the edges. Other map projections, such as the Mercator or conic projections, preserve certain properties, such as direction or area, but also have varying levels of distortion.

5. Are there any challenges or limitations to using stereographic projection?

While stereographic projection is useful for representing spherical objects on a flat surface, it does have limitations. The projection is not equal-area, meaning that the size of objects may be distorted. It also cannot accurately represent the entire surface of a sphere, as there will always be some distortion towards the edges of the projection. Additionally, the projection is not conformal, meaning that angles and shapes are not preserved.
