Can Vacuum Pockets Make Objects Float?

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In summary: The implosion is due to the water pressure being greater than the atmospheric pressure.If you do the same experiment with a vacuum sealed can, the water will not Implode. Why? Because the atmospheric pressure is pushing down on the water, but the water cannot push back because there is no air in the can to provide resistance.You can start by examining how a common egg gets its compressive strength. It is structurally equivalent to a stone archway with no endpoints.Thanks for the suggestion!
  • #1
Would it be possible for an object with pockets of trapped vacuum space be able to float just the way air pockets do as it is less dense?

Physics news on
  • #2

A simple explanation, the ability to float relies on a difference in density. As long as the object with a vacuum internally has a lower density than the surrounding medium, it will float.
  • #3
rc1102 said:
Would it be possible for an object with pockets of trapped vacuum space be able to float just the way air pockets do as it is less dense?


Be aware that such a scenario requires material to contain the vacuum.
That material has weight.
I'll leave it to you to go from there.
  • #4
Thanks light bulb moment, the weight of the material need to resist the compressive forces around the vacuum far outweigh any reduced density you achieve from it
  • #5
rc1102 said:
Thanks light bulb moment, the weight of the material need to resist the compressive forces around the vacuum far outweigh any reduced density you achieve from it

Good job!
  • #6
Yep. In theory, with a material that is strong enough you could create a chamber using so little material that it is bouyant. (Or more accurately, its total mass is less than that of the same volume of air.)

Problem is, it would surely be extremely delicate. The slightest bump would likely cause it to deform and implode.

This is why hydrogen makes such a great runner-up. It's the lightest element known that can provide an atmospheric pressure so that the walls don't even need to be rigid. Just that darn combustibility...
  • #7
DaveC426913 said:
This is why hydrogen makes such a great runner-up. It's the lightest element known that can provide an atmospheric pressure so that the walls don't even need to be rigid. Just that darn combustibility...

And cost. Hydrogen is expensive, and leaks through common membranes.
Heated air seems to produce similar bouyancy effects with a reduced TOTAL cost?

Just asking... not sure.
  • #8
pallidin said:
And cost. Hydrogen is expensive, and leaks through common membranes.
Heated air seems to produce similar bouyancy effects with a reduced TOTAL cost?

Just asking... not sure.

Heated air becomes less dense, causing it to rise in the air. This is how hot air balloons work. You just have to heat it which CAN be less expensive.
  • #9
Helium is the next lightest and has the nice feature of not being so flammable!

Out of interest does anybody know how we could work out the necessary material properties of a vacuum containing balloon?
  • #10
You mean to contain the vacuum or its lift/bouyancy
  • #11
ryan_m_b said:
Helium is the next lightest and has the nice feature of not being so flammable!

Out of interest does anybody know how we could work out the necessary material properties of a vacuum containing balloon?

Well, it must be non-porous, so that there is no gas transport across it. It must have sufficient compressive and shear strength (I think those are the right terms) to withstand the pressure difference of 15 psi (1 atm) pushing from outside to the inside. "Balloon" seems like the wrong word, since balloons have an opposite pressure differential ...
  • #12
SpectraCat said:
Well, it must be non-porous, so that there is no gas transport across it. It must have sufficient compressive and shear strength (I think those are the right terms) to withstand the pressure difference of 15 psi (1 atm) pushing from outside to the inside. "Balloon" seems like the wrong word, since balloons have an opposite pressure differential ...

Good ideas. I was wondering what physical properties our material would need in terms of tensile strength etc. I use the word balloon only in the sense of if it would be possible to make a buoyant vacuum pockets
  • #13
ryan_m_b said:
Good ideas. I was wondering what physical properties our material would need in terms of tensile strength etc. I use the word balloon only in the sense of if it would be possible to make a buoyant vacuum pockets

You can start by examining how a common egg gets its compressive strength. It is structurally equivalent to a stone archway with no endpoints.
  • #14
rc1102 said:
Thanks light bulb moment, the weight of the material need to resist the compressive forces around the vacuum far outweigh any reduced density you achieve from it

The standard experiment to show that this is likely to be true with normal materials is to put a little water in a good-sized tin can (say a 2-gallon gas can) with a small top, heat the water until it has all become steam and driven out the air, and then close the can and watch the can implode.

FAQ: Can Vacuum Pockets Make Objects Float?

1. Can vacuum pockets really make objects float?

Yes, vacuum pockets can indeed make objects float. This phenomenon is known as the principle of buoyancy, where an object will float in a fluid if the weight of the fluid it displaces is equal to or greater than the weight of the object itself.

2. How does the vacuum pocket create buoyancy?

The vacuum pocket creates buoyancy by reducing the weight of the object, as there is no air or other substance inside the pocket to add weight. This allows the object to displace more fluid and thus, float.

3. Can any object float with the help of a vacuum pocket?

Technically, yes, any object can float with the help of a vacuum pocket as long as its weight is less than or equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. However, the size and shape of the object can affect its stability and ability to float.

4. Are there any real-life applications for using vacuum pockets to make objects float?

Yes, there are several real-life applications for using vacuum pockets to make objects float. One example is in shipbuilding, where large ships use air-filled chambers to increase buoyancy and reduce weight. Another application is in airships or blimps, where the use of vacuum pockets in the body of the aircraft allows it to float in the air.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks to using vacuum pockets to make objects float?

One potential drawback is that the vacuum pocket may not be completely airtight and could eventually lose its vacuum over time, causing the object to sink. Additionally, the use of vacuum pockets may not be practical for very large or heavy objects as it would require a significant amount of energy to create and maintain the vacuum.
