Voltage measurement of a point charge

In summary, the voltmeter will show a potential difference between 1 and 5 meters, depending on the amount of charge on the Van de Graff generator.
  • #1
If we have a point charge of significant value, would osciloscope measure voltage if we just point the electrodes in two diffrent point in space?
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  • #2
Your question has been posed in an unusual way. What is the actual experiment that you are proposing?
You could be referring to the effect on an oscilloscope inputs of a nearby charge. An oscilloscope has an input resistance of, say 10MΩ. (i.e. 'very finite') and it provides a conductive path which will allow current to pass until the field between the probes is zero. It's true to say that waving a scope probe around near a high voltage source can cause the trace to move up and down a bit but holding the probes stationary will result in a 0V DC reading on the trace. (The reading on the trace depends on contributions from all over the connecting wires.)
  • #3
Photo1234 said:
If we have a point charge of significant value, would osciloscope measure voltage if we just point the electrodes in two diffrent point in space?

A very strange description, especially on why one would use an oscilloscope.

Let me put it this way. If you use a voltmeter, then yes, there's a good chance you'll see a potential difference between two points in space if you don't happen to hit both ends of the probe on the same equipotential surface.

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Likes sophiecentaur
  • #4
ZapperZ said:
If you use a voltmeter,
A particular form of voltmeter with an extremely high input resistance would show movements of the needle. They are available with Hundreds of MΩ input impedances and tend to cost a bit. I approve of the idea of using a scope because you can see the history of your movements on the trace - but not with the sensitivity that you would need for 'everyday' electrostatic situations.
  • #5
So technicaly osciloscope or voltmeter measure only voltage where current is possible? If we try to measure 12 V battery with either one we get result, but if we have have for example Van de Graaffs generator with a lot of voltage, than the metters wouldn show anything or very little, altrught we can also calculate voltage, betwen let's say 0,5 m and 5 m from Van de Graffs generator.

If we would than use a metalic plate and put it in the electric field of Van de Graaf generator(in correct geometrical orientation) than the plate would get polarised and if we than measure voltage of this plate(phyysicaly connected) we would again get correct value?
  • #6
Best not to use a VDG generator with normal test equipment, it can damage equipment that's designed to work at a few hundred volts maximum if the ball charges up fully.
Your proposals are not clear. Perhaps a diagram would get the message across.
  • #7
I am asking this from theoretical point of view. And the quetion I had was basicaly does oscciloscope or volmeter meassure voltage created from static charge at two diffrend distances of this card ,(Calculated V=Q/4*pi*e0*r) and the answer in as I understand pretty much no.
  • #8
Photo1234 said:
So technicaly osciloscope or voltmeter measure only voltage where current is possible?

How about this: any measurement requires some transfer of energy. Therefore any electrical measurement requires movement of charge (current) through a potential (voltage). A gold leaf electrometer will measure very high potentials using a tiny amount of charge. A galvanometer will see tiny voltages but requires some current. This could be a very long list but the fundamental premise is, I believe, correct. So you choose what you wish to measure.
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Likes Dale
  • #9
Photo1234 said:
I am asking this from theoretical point of view. And the quetion I had was basicaly does oscciloscope or volmeter meassure voltage created from static charge at two diffrend distances of this card ,(Calculated V=Q/4*pi*e0*r) and the answer in as I understand pretty much no.


Then how do you explain how this type of experiment that is common in general physics labs works?


  • #10
ZapperZ said:

Then how do you explain how this type of experiment that is common in general physics labs works?



So will they? Do you have voltmer and can test that?
  • #11
Photo1234 said:
So will they? Do you have voltmer and can test that?

I have my students do that in their labs!

Did you miss the fact that this is a rather COMMON experiment in schools?

  • #12
ZapperZ said:
I have my students do that in their labs!

Did you miss the fact that this is a rather COMMON experiment in schools?


I do know the exact procedure that you do, but if I undestand correctly you say that if we have a charge on Van de Graffs generator of let say 1nC and we measure the potential using votlmeter at 1 and 5 m voltmeter would show 7V?


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  • #13
Photo1234 said:
I do know the exact procedure that you do, but if I undestand correctly you say that if we have a charge on Van de Graffs generator of let say 1nC and we measure the potential using votlmeter at 1 and 5 m voltmeter would show 7V?
  • #14
Not with any voltmeter I know.

ZapperZ said:
I have my students do that in their labs!

Please indicate the procedure. I don't get it.
  • #15
Photo1234 said:
I do know the exact procedure that you do, but if I undestand correctly you say that if we have a charge on Van de Graffs generator of let say 1nC and we measure the potential using votlmeter at 1 and 5 m voltmeter would show 7V?

I would use a Electrostatic voltmeter to measure the VDG, though I haven't tried it myself yet.
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  • #16
It's often convenient to measure a voltage without passing any current if you use a 'potentiometer' circuit. You balance the test voltage against a reference voltage for zero detectable current . That way you can obtain a very high effective input resistance for the 'Voltmeter' system.
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Likes hutchphd and Abimbola1987
  • #17
hutchphd said:
Please indicate the procedure. I don't get it.

What don't you get? The link that I gave is a lab instruction. The procedure is all there.

  • #18
ZapperZ said:
What don't you get? The link that I gave is a lab instruction. The procedure is all there.

I see so if you have a sufficient current constant voltage source and a 2D problem you can use carbon paper and a DVM. That's a fine lab demo...
Not exactly similar to measuring the 3D field of point charge with an oscilloscope probe, which was the original question! Hence my confusion.
  • #19
I found the video where guy mesures electric field with oscilloscope(start at 1.45) of the plasma ball. So is this possible because plasma has AC current or would it work with Van Den Graaf also?

FAQ: Voltage measurement of a point charge

1. What is voltage measurement?

Voltage measurement is the process of determining the electrical potential difference between two points, which is also known as voltage. It is typically measured in units of volts (V) and is a fundamental concept in electricity and electronics.

2. How is voltage measured?

Voltage can be measured using a voltmeter, which is a type of electrical measuring instrument. The voltmeter is connected in parallel with the component or circuit being measured, and it displays the voltage reading on a scale.

3. How is voltage related to point charges?

Point charges are particles with a specific amount of electric charge concentrated at a single point. The voltage at a point charge is directly proportional to the amount of charge and inversely proportional to the distance from the charge. In other words, the closer the point charge, the higher the voltage.

4. What is the significance of measuring voltage in point charges?

Measuring the voltage of a point charge can provide important information about the electric field and potential energy at that point. This can be useful in understanding the behavior of electric charges and designing electrical systems.

5. Can voltage measurements be negative?

Yes, voltage measurements can be negative. This indicates that the direction of the electric field is opposite to the direction of the conventional current flow. Negative voltage values can also indicate a decrease in potential energy from one point to another.

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