Walk Through Walls - Wave Variance and You

  • Thread starter Bunting
  • Start date
In summary: Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons And how does time affect one's ability to "walk through a wall"?? the timing needed to perform such a stuntwou dhave to be incredibly precise if my hypothesis is correct :)Yes, what your teacher was referring to is called quantum tunneling. I'll explain it in an analogy I read in a book. Your grandpa just died and left you a huge sum of money. say $400 billion. You hear about this, and you are off to get your money. But what you forgot, is that you are in a...a club. And to get out of this club, you have to pay the bouncer $10 million. Now of coarse
  • #1
A few months ago my physics teacher was talkign about "wave variance", and how everything has it, including walls and the human body. And that technically if the phasing was exactly the same (the wall and the human) then technically you could walk through the wall.

I waswondering if there would be a way of controlling matters frequency and systaining it without changing the matter itself (i.e. staying who you are). OR, if you could make a force field around yourself witht he correct frequency, and walking through like that !
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Originally posted by Bunting
A few months ago my physics teacher was talkign about "wave variance", and how everything has it, including walls and the human body. And that technically if the phasing was exactly the same (the wall and the human) then technically you could walk through the wall.

I waswondering if there would be a way of controlling matters frequency and systaining it without changing the matter itself (i.e. staying who you are). OR, if you could make a force field around yourself witht he correct frequency, and walking through like that !

Not in terms of known physics.

Maybe what your teacher was referring to was tunneling. You have a finite quantum probability of being on the other side of the wall, but the time you will have to wait until that probability rises to 50% is longer by far than the life of the Sun. Don't hold your breath.

The phenomenon of solidity has been discussed in other threads on this forum. The molecules in the wall have strong electromagnetic forces holding them together, and to pass through, you would have to overcome those forces. That's what a ram or explosive does.
  • #3
There is also a branch of either physics or chemistry that deals with "Sphere Packing" essentially densities of sphereical objects and their occupation of space. It tends to preclude such things as walking through walls as the mount of available space is too limited for both sets of spheres, (AKA Atoms) yours, and the walls, to co-exist in the same space
  • #4

Originally posted by selfAdjoint
Not in terms of known physics.

Maybe what your teacher was referring to was tunneling. You have a finite quantum probability of being on the other side of the wall, but the time you will have to wait until that probability rises to 50% is longer by far than the life of the Sun. Don't hold your breath.

Yeah, your best bet for walking through a wall (for the next few billion years anyway) is to make friends with a fourth-dimensional being.
  • #5

Originally posted by Mentat
Yeah, your best bet for walking through a wall (for the next few billion years anyway) is to make friends with a fourth-dimensional being.
And how does time affect one's ability to "walk through a wall"??
  • #6

Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
And how does time affect one's ability to "walk through a wall"??
the timing needed to perform such a stuntwou dhave to be incredibly precise if my hypothesis is correct :)
  • #7
Yes, what your teacher was referring to is called quantum tunneling. I'll explain it in an analogy I read in a book.

Your grandpa just died and left you a huge sum of money. say $400 billion. You hear about this, and you are off to get your money. But what you forgot, is that you are in a...a club. And to get out of this club, you have to pay the bouncer $10 million. Now of coarse you don't have $10 million in your pocket, but you know you have that amound of money waiting outside for you. So you make a deal with the bouncer that in little time, if you let me go, I'll get you your money needed to get me out of this club.

Thats quantum tunneling in a nutshell. The phenomenon of quantum tunneling let's particles tunnel through a barrier whos threshold requires more energy than the particle actually has. Only if this particle restrores the energy in a set amount of time. It's quite the deal. This happens quite a bit at the Plank scale, but for every atom in your body to do it simultaniously and allow your body to pass through such a barrier, such as a wall, would take an immense amount of time, like explained above. I heard through the grapevine, roughly half the current age of the universe.

Paden Roder
  • #8
walking through walls

what if you were to -say-
punch a hole through the EM field between a group of atoms in an object (on the surface of that object) then you would have a empty space. say you "stretch" this hole, warping the "wall" around the object. say you somehow pushed through this object, and "WALK THROUGH THE WALL"
you spoke of explosions dislodging matter. what if you could somehow figure out what TNT exactly does. and apply it to this concept. you also spoke about frequencies of the matter to be able to do this, if I am right, you woulden have to. the "wall" would simply stretch or mold around the object.
dispite the fact that when you "stretch" the "wall" the EM field holding the atoms together would get weaker with the bigger the object protrudes inside the wall. possibly becoming unstable.
what do you think?

FAQ: Walk Through Walls - Wave Variance and You

What is "Walk Through Walls - Wave Variance and You" about?

"Walk Through Walls - Wave Variance and You" is a scientific concept that explores the possibility of manipulating wave variance to allow objects to pass through solid barriers.

How does wave variance play a role in this concept?

Wave variance refers to the fluctuation or variation in the amplitude, frequency, and wavelength of a wave. In this concept, it is theorized that by manipulating these variables, it may be possible to create a temporary opening in a solid barrier, allowing objects to pass through.

Is this concept based on any real scientific evidence?

While there is currently no concrete evidence to support the concept of "Walk Through Walls - Wave Variance and You", there have been studies and experiments conducted on wave manipulation and its potential to create openings in solid barriers. However, more research and testing is needed to fully understand the possibilities and limitations of this concept.

What are the potential applications of "Walk Through Walls - Wave Variance and You"?

If this concept were to be proven and developed, it could have various applications in fields such as transportation, architecture, and security. It could potentially revolutionize the way we think about physical barriers and their limitations.

Are there any ethical concerns surrounding this concept?

As with any new technology or scientific advancement, there may be ethical concerns that arise. It is important for scientists and researchers to consider the potential consequences and implications of this concept before further development and implementation.
