Want to Join Our Postcard Club? Here's How!

  • Thread starter Borek
  • Start date
  • #141
binzing said:
I'd do this but I'm afraid I wouldn't ever get any of the cards out...And being a one way participant isn't fair...

Om, I'm assuming the card you sent is a pic of the tram system in P-town?

No binz, it's a postcard of the tram system in P-town...

Pictures would have been posted on another thread.

Btw. I got a picture from Andre of some vino today. With a very cool 92 something or other postage stamp that says.. um, wait a minute... microfont. let me put on a few more pairs of glasses... Eurocent Nederland 2008.

ah ha! my first euro-stamp.

but wait! what the hell does the post mark say?: "schrijven zegt meer"

last time I heard something that sounded like that was: "Moi ez meer"

but that was at least 390 years ago...

wait! here's something even weirder. Andre's last name is Big Jerk!


um... wait a minute. No it isn't. I'm dyslexic.


Thanks for the post card Andre! A pic of the tram is on it's way :smile:
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  • #142
OmCheeto said:
Thanks for the post card Andre! A pic of the tram is on it's way :smile:

That has to go into another thread
  • #143
We do not get to choose stamps Om, we just get what we are given over the counter.
I agree it is a real crapy design.
That tree stump is where strange things occurred long long ago.
  • #144
I wondered why you sent me those Family Planning stamps, Wolly.
  • #145
Math Is Hard said:
I wondered why you sent me those Family Planning stamps, Wolly.

:blushing: Wishful thinking, but i did hope for a big family so that i could spend half an hour saying good night to them all.
  • #146
wolram said:
We do not get to choose stamps Om, we just get what we are given over the counter.
I agree it is a real crapy design.
That tree stump is where strange things occurred long long ago.

Well... I pray to god that the sheep are not a result of those "strange things" that once occurred.

And what's that at the end of the stick on top of the stump? A hornets nest?

Is this one of those IQ test postcards? Now I see 8 sheep, 3 trees, a fence, and of course, the aforementioned hornets nest. Wait! Now I can see 13 sheep!

Ah ha! and the hornets nest isn't a nest at all. It's another sheep! 14!

Thanks again for the card Wollie. I think I like this club. :smile:
  • #147
It seems my post office didn't have the new set of stamps that woolie seems to have had. I did manage to squeeze and old picture stamp out for you.
  • #148
Andre card here :smile: Looks like my post office started to distribute mail.
  • #149
Andre, the card arrived today! Thats a pretty vicious animal lol. Thank you so much.
  • #150
I am sending you a birthday card, Hypatia.
  • #151
Kurdt said:
It seems my post office didn't have the new set of stamps that woolie seems to have had. I did manage to squeeze and old picture stamp out for you.

In America, they have the 1200 or so stamps out on display in jewelery store type cases. It's almost like going to the mall.
I think the philately hobby in America may have been the inspiration for the junk bond market.

Print up a worthless piece of pretty paper. Make as many as you can. Make them believe that it is a worthwhile financial endeavor. There are suckers that will buy them ad absurdum. (emphasis on the dum)

I became addicted at the ripe old age of 8 and decided it was a rip off by the time I was 15.

But it's a great way to see the world and see funny languages.

It came in handy one day when I was angry at someone just about a year ago and told him: "Your mother sews dirty socks in Switzerland!"

Fortunately, he was from Amman Jordan and I bet on the fact that he'd never seen SNL, The Exorcist, and didn't know that Helvetia was an old name for Switzerland.

ah ha! Just relearned something: Confœderatio Helvetica is the reason Switzerland's postal code is still CH!
  • #152
OmCheeto said:
No binz, it's a postcard of the tram system in P-town...

  • #153
binzing said:

Yes. :wink:

Just PM me your address. I'll send you a rubber stamp with some inane message from Binzing, so you just have to address, stamp, and stamp the cards, and put them in the mail.

How's this:

"Hola from Mexico!

I'm still alive and kicking.


ps. PF rules!"​

And yes, you'll also be getting a pic of the p-tram. I bought a dozen. And thank you for the nickname; p-tram. It's most fitting.

and last but not least, I figured out what "schrijven zegt meer" means; "writing(or letters?) says more"
My dutch is much worse than my deutsch.
  • #154
The German is pretty close to the Dutch Om. Just remember that Dutch is a bit like American English. :wink:

*Hides from everyone especially Andre*
  • #155
Kurdt said:
The German is pretty close to the Dutch Om. Just remember that Dutch is a bit like American English. :wink:

*Hides from everyone especially Andre*

Oh my. I can hear a post card being torn to pieces halfway around the world. :eek:
  • #156
Kurdt said:
The German is pretty close to the Dutch Om. Just remember that Dutch is a bit like American English. :wink:

*Hides from everyone especially Andre*


Well the Frisians here are sure that culture and language started in Frisia, hence Dutch is a Frisian dialect, like German. Note also that the best (highest) German (Hoch Deutsch) is only spoken in Switzerland.
  • #157
OmCheeto said:
Yes. :wink:

Just PM me your address. I'll send you a rubber stamp with some inane message from Binzing, so you just have to address, stamp, and stamp the cards, and put them in the mail.

How's this:

"Hola from Mexico!

I'm still alive and kicking.


ps. PF rules!"​

And yes, you'll also be getting a pic of the p-tram. I bought a dozen. And thank you for the nickname; p-tram. It's most fitting.

and last but not least, I figured out what "schrijven zegt meer" means; "writing(or letters?) says more"
My dutch is much worse than my deutsch.

Just reminded of one of my favourite songs at the moment for some reason (wish I could imbed youtube like everyone else can!)
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  • #158
fuzzyfelt said:
Just reminded of one of my favourite songs at the moment for some reason (wish I could imbed youtube like everyone else can!)


Just stick this -fZX_3J_Ykk (from the end of the url) in between youtube tags (youtube and /youtube in square brackets of course). :smile:
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  • #159
fuzzyfelt said:
(wish I could imbed youtube like everyone else can!)

In addition to that, Fuzzy, whenever you see a trick like that in whatever post, perhaps hit the "quote" button and see how it is done.

Perhaps Greg can make a youtube button.
  • #160
Andre said:
Perhaps Greg can make a youtube button.

There is one: It looks like a TV and is next to the eye.
  • #161

  • #162
Just to make it clear: I know how to post youtube clips. But posting proper code without posting a clip is much harder :biggrin:
  • #163
thanks Kurdt and Andre and Borek, and I think that was really clever Borek.:smile::smile::smile:
But you may rue helping me, I will have to post more songs now!
  • #164
Om - your postcard is here :smile:

Definitely something changed, I got mail at least two times this week.

Still, some issues if SciaAm seem to be missing.
  • #165
Happy days, i have your card Hypatia thanks, that is four now, all displayed on my mantle.
  • #166
Wow , they must of sent it by high speed jet boat! I'm glad it arrived.
  • #167
hypatia said:
Wow , they must of sent it by high speed jet boat! I'm glad it arrived.

It is strange, i mean , how the sent cards arrive but the unsent one's do not, there must be some law that says, buy post card ,wright on it, buy stamp and post it ,and one may get it some time :confused::devil:
Way over complicated for some people i guess.
  • #168
wolram said:
..how the sent cards arrive but the unsent one's do not,...

Indeed a mystery, begging for an explanation. :biggrin::wink:
  • #169
Sadly none of cards I sent arrived yet. While I don't expect those intercontinental to reach the destination before Christmas '09, those incontinental should be much faster :frown:
  • #170
Borek said:
Sadly none of cards I sent arrived yet. While I don't expect those intercontinental to reach the destination before Christmas '09, those incontinental should be much faster :frown:

My sympathy Borek, we don't blame you.
  • #171
Looks like Poland would be an excellent place to set up a mail company. There seems to be zero competition.
  • #172
Kurdt said:
Looks like Poland would be an excellent place to set up a mail company. There seems to be zero competition.

Yes and no. There is a competition, however, so far they concentrate on easy targets - huge cities. I am living in Marki, not in Warsaw. And while I am less then 150 meters from the city border, I am definitely not in Warsaw, so Inpost (AFAIK most important company competing with Poczta Polska) doesn't deliver mail here.
  • #173
Borek said:
Om - your postcard is here :smile:

Definitely something changed, I got mail at least two times this week.

Still, some issues if SciaAm seem to be missing.


I was going to recommend that you do as we do at work and use one of the remailing services.

When we have more than 100 pieces of mail to go to a country, we send them to DHL and they charge us a lesser price per piece.

I think we would have to be creative in your case and have everyone who wants to send you a card from America, send their card to Hypatia. Hypatia would then FedEx all the cards to you.

Might be a bit spendy.

How is Fedex service in Polska?
  • #174
wolram said:
It is strange, i mean , how the sent cards arrive but the unsent one's do not, there must be some law that says, buy post card ,wright on it, buy stamp and post it ,and one may get it some time :confused::devil:
Way over complicated for some people i guess.
:cry: I haven't even managed to pick up my mail yet.
  • #175
Hypatia, I loved your halloween-themed postcard. Thank you so much! :)

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