How does tension affect wave speed in different mediums?

  • Thread starter astro_kat
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In summary: The equation for sound waves in a fluid is: F(t) = (delta L)/(initial L) * E * Awhere deltaL is the change in distance traveled (in meters) and initialL is the initial distance (in meters)
  • #1
Hi all,
my high school physics class has been concerned with waves for some time now. Hoever, we've only considered waves/pulses in strings and cprings, solid mediums anyways. Our textbook has an advanced problem section that asks a bunch about waves in liquid and gaseous mediums--such as a dolphin using sonar in water, sending an echo, which will return. Or sound waves in air. I'm really confused how to approach these problems.

Another problem is guitar strings, when they give me the mass and or volume to solve for the wavelength, wavespeed, frequency, and time to reflect...

There has to be some relation between density, tension, and waves/pulses. Can anyone point me in the right direction.

*If anyone can suggest a practice problem and show me how to solve it (a rather hard one please) I'd much appreciate it. I really have no idea what's going on in physics anymore, all help will eb appreciated!
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  • #2
  • #3
ok, that's cool, but what is the *mass/unit of length* measured in? Kg/m, g/cm, does it matter what units I use?
  • #4
The standard SI units would be kg/m. Since tension is invariably given in Newtons it would just complicate it unnecessarily to use any others. In my opinion.
  • #5
oh yeah, I found something in my friend's college textbook, saying that:

F(t) = (delta L)/(initial L) * E * A

in other words, (tension) equals (Elastic modulus) times (strain) times (area).

I guess that's how I'd find the tension, but what of waves in water, they kinda confuse me. Like an echo, how long it takes to hit the wall and come back. My teacher said I needed to know the density of sea water and do something with that. Any ideas?
  • #7
oh, OK thanks a bunch!
  • #8
so, that's all been very helpful... but how does tension relate to the wave equation:
V = wavelength * frequency)

FAQ: How does tension affect wave speed in different mediums?

1. What is a wave?

A wave is a disturbance or oscillation that travels through a medium, transferring energy from one point to another without displacing the medium itself. Examples of waves include sound waves, water waves, and electromagnetic waves.

2. What is a medium?

A medium is a physical substance or material that allows a wave to travel through it. Examples of mediums include air, water, and solids like rock or metal.

3. How do waves travel through different mediums?

Waves travel through different mediums by transferring energy from one particle to the next. For example, in a sound wave, the particles of air vibrate back and forth, transferring energy and creating a wave. The type of medium affects the speed and characteristics of the wave.

4. What is the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves?

Transverse waves are waves in which the particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the wave. Examples of transverse waves include electromagnetic waves and water waves. Longitudinal waves, on the other hand, are waves in which the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of the wave. Examples of longitudinal waves include sound waves.

5. How do waves interact with each other?

When two waves meet, they can interact in several ways. If the two waves are in phase (their crests and troughs align), they can combine to create a larger wave. This is known as constructive interference. If the two waves are out of phase (their crests and troughs do not align), they can cancel each other out and create no wave. This is known as destructive interference.
