What are the most terrifying ways to die?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses various fears and phobias, including being eaten by a Great White shark, being trapped in a natural disaster, and the fear of failure. The individuals also share their specific fears, such as death, bugs, and losing control of themselves. They also mention seeking help for their fears and confronting them.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Every now and then something makes me think of these things; usually something seen on TV. :rolleyes:

As for a terrible way to go, the idea of being eaten by a Great White shark has always intimidated me. What a way to go. When jaws came out I practically lived at the beach. Then, not long afterwards. a 20+ foot gw was caught a few miles offshore which brought a sense of reality to the whole thing; not to mention that the summer of Jaws found relatively few people in the water. It was a little eerie.

Another one that bothers me is the idea of being trapped; say under a house after an earthquake. But again, having grown up in S. Cal and having lived through two major quakes [7.0 and 7.1], and many smaller ones, this possibility also had a down-home feel to it.

One of my worst fears came true. I never imagined it possible that Bush or someone like him could be re-elected. Seriously. It was a devastating blow to both of us. Tsu even more than me.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Confidence among the people around me. Seriously, how can I put you in your place when you're willing to stand up? It really puts a dent into my whole world domination idea.

Actually my real fear is failure.
  • #3
Ivan Seeking said:
One of my worst fears came true. I never imagined it possible that Bush or someone like him could be re-elected. Seriously. It was a devastating blow to both of us. Tsu even more than me.
:smile: :smile: my fear is the next president would be even worse than him! :rolleyes:
  • #4
I really don't know what my absolute greatest fear is, though I have several that, at one time or another, were very big fears.

When I was around 5 or 6, I developed a fear of death. I remember clearly that it was caused by those anti-smoking TV commercials, which were sort of new at the time. It showed a scene of a graveyard and had some message about death and cigarettes. Anyway, at first I was afraid of my grandmother dying, mostly because she has this creepy habit about talking about her imminent death. Then, I became more afraid of dying myself. I knew nothing of religion so I assumed that when you died, all your thoughts would just stop. That frightened me a lot because it would mean that all my memories and experiences would be completely lost (I was very introspective as a child). It actually kept me up at night a lot. Eventually, I would discover teenage apathy and all such fears disappeared.

I guess I have a fear of thinking about the future so much that I waste my life worrying and planning.

I also have a fear of being in a place with lots of large bugs. I have a strange somewhat-irrational hatred toward bugs of any kind. But actually what I dislike more than bugs is the disgusting mess they leave when you squish them, especially the large ones.

I fear nuclear war, but mostly because it seems likely that if it does occur, I'll be alive to see it start.

That's what comes to mind at the moment.
  • #5
Sharks for me too. Have you seen those GW, around South Africa I think, that breach when hunting- sometimes getting their entire (huge!) bodies several feet above the surface? I'm also afraid of the Oceanic Whitetip. I imagine suddenly finding myself very far from shore, seeing one by me, swimming for shore, getting nudged by it, turning to nudge it away and keep swimming, but then not being able to tell where the shore is anymore, but I have to keep swimming to get away from it, but am I just swimming further out to sea, and that's pretty much when I have a panic attack. :redface: Fear and anxiety are big problems for me, but I'm getting help. :biggrin:
Most of my major fears involve momentarily (a few seconds) losing control of myself and killing or maiming myself. Ripping out my eyes is one of the worst because there really isn't any way to avoid it- unlike say stabbing myself with a knife, I can just not use knives. Breaking my arms or fingers and biting off my tongue are rather bad too.
The worst involving being killed or maimed by things other than myself (natural phenomena, animals, people) is being tortured by someone, especially if my family is also hurt.
Tornadoes top the natural phenomena list. Fires in the house maybe second, but I stay where I have a good chance of escaping. And venomous snakes and lions, the animals list.
I'm pretty much always thinking of things that could hurt me. I have a ton of them. :rolleyes: It would actually be interesting to see if anyone has one that I haven't thought of. But, eh, if that creeps people out, just let me know. I'm not suicidal or homicidal or anything, and I know what my problem is and am treating it. Confronting my fears like this is good for me anyway. :)
I'm just something of an expert on this stuff. :smile:
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  • #6
Jelfish said:
I also have a fear of being in a place with lots of large bugs. I have a strange somewhat-irrational hatred toward bugs of any kind. But actually what I dislike more than bugs is the disgusting mess they leave when you squish them, especially the large ones.
What about stinging or biting insects? Jungles have some really nasty ant species.
  • #7
High places with nothing to hold on to, the thought makes me cringe.
Gravel rash Its like running your fingers down a black board, even to think of it.
Dominant women, trapped in a room full of them, how terrifying is that
  • #8
Getting caught without a firearm nearby
  • #9
wolram said:
Dominant women, trapped in a room full of them, how terrifying is that
Okay, I hadn't thought of that one. :rolleyes: Is that why you opened your men only club? (Some women like beer too, you know. )
  • #10
Fire danger in stick houses vs that in Monolithic Dome homes

honestrosewater said:
Tornadoes top the natural phenomena list.
Is it a tornado if it does not cause any damage?

Four years ago, I watched a tornado hit my office with me in it. If it had not destroyed other property it would never have been known as a tornado. Had I been in a conventional building it would have been a disaster with me very much involved. As it was there was only mild inconvenience - it broke the power pole off next to the office at ground level causing a power outage.

honestrosewater said:
Fires in the house maybe second
What if you are in a house made of concrete?

honestrosewater said:
but I stay where I have a good chance of escaping.
You can't escape if you are sleeping. Your smoke alarm might wake you up. Or not.

"With Lt. Ingram pointing out that fires can spread to an inferno in four minutes or less, parents were unnerved by their children's inability to wake up to the alarm. In every case, smoke detectors rang in the house for at least six minutes, with the children never waking up. Parents then attempted to wake their children by other means.

"With mom shouting, Emily Carlson woke, but was still unaware of the potential danger. Surprisingly, even shouting didn't wake two other children in our (KXAS) tests.

"'I assumed the kids would wake up in two to three minutes. If nothing else, because it's such an irritating sound. I never dreamed it would take the kids so long to respond to that,' Ingram said.

Again, if your house were made of concrete does it seem likely that a typical fire inside would build to an inferno in only four minutes?
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  • #11
what do i fear? i can honestly say that i don't fear anything.
  • #12
yourdadonapogostick said:
what do i fear? i can honestly say that i don't fear anything.

Research has shown that individuals with APD are indifferent to the possibility of physical pain or many punishments, and show no indications that they experience fear when so threatened
  • #13
honestrosewater said:
Okay, I hadn't thought of that one. :rolleyes: Is that why you opened your men only club? (Some women like beer too, you know. )

What, women drink beer :confused: what is the world comming to, is there no
safe place for us chaps any more.
  • #14
hitssquad said:

Research has shown that individuals with APD are indifferent to the possibility of physical pain or many punishments, and show no indications that they experience fear when so threatened

i do hate people in general, so you might actually have something there. just for clarification, what is the definition of antisocial behaviour?
  • #15
yourdadonapogostick said:
i do hate people in general, so you might actually have something there. just for clarification, what is the definition of antisocial behaviour?
You mean how do APD's behave?

Antisocial Personality Disorder Behavior

The APD behavioral style is impulsive, irritable, and aggressive. These individuals are noted for their hostility, deceitfulness, and cunning. They are forceful and engage in risky, thrill-seeking behaviors (Sperry, 1995, p. 16). Many people avoid individuals with APD because they seem callous, argumentative, and contentious. They can be abusive, intimidating, brusque, and cruel (Millon, 1981, p. 198).

Individuals with APD are also noted for their irresponsible parenting, poor job performance, repeated substance abuse, persistent lying, delinquency, truancy, and violations of others' rights (Sperry, 1993, p. 322).

Individuals with APD will appear to others as entitled in their attitudes and behavior. APD entitlement refers to the belief that personal needs are more important than the needs of others and includes rationalization for negative behaviors (Ries, TIP #9, 1994, p. 62). Kernberg sees individuals with APD as possessing the fundamental features of the narcissistic personality with the addition of ego-syntonic aggression directed toward others and a paranoid orientation (Millon, 1996, p. 439).

APD impulsiveness relates to the insufficient control of thoughts and behavior. These individuals engage in motor impulsivity (acting without thinking); cognitive impulsivity (making up one's mind precipitously); and poor planning impulsivity (lack of thought for the future) (Barratt, Costello, ed., 1996, pp. 91-96).

Individuals with APD evidence low tolerance for frustration. They act impetuously and cannot delay or forgo immediate pleasure. When things are not going their way, they are brash, arrogant, and resentful (Millon, 1996, p. 445).
  • #16
hitssquad said:
Is it a tornado if it does not cause any damage?

Four years ago, I watched a tornado hit my office with me in it. If it had not destroyed other property it would never have been known as a tornado. Had I been in a conventional building it would have been a disaster with me very much involved. As it was there was only mild inconvenience - it broke the power pole off next to the office at ground level causing a power outage.
Is that story about you? Edit: Nevermind, I just went to the site.
Yeah, maybe they'll create a new scale when there's better technology? Of course, it's the damage that I'm afraid of. I think they're very interesting otherwise. Awesome, actually.
What if you are in a house made of concrete?
I don't understand. What effect does that have?
You can't escape if you are sleeping. Your smoke alarm might wake you up. Or not.

"With Lt. Ingram pointing out that fires can spread to an inferno in four minutes or less, parents were unnerved by their children's inability to wake up to the alarm. In every case, smoke detectors rang in the house for at least six minutes, with the children never waking up. Parents then attempted to wake their children by other means.

"With mom shouting, Emily Carlson woke, but was still unaware of the potential danger. Surprisingly, even shouting didn't wake two other children in our (KXAS) tests.

"'I assumed the kids would wake up in two to three minutes. If nothing else, because it's such an irritating sound. I never dreamed it would take the kids so long to respond to that,' Ingram said.

Again, if your house were made of concrete does it seem likely that a typical fire inside would build to an inferno in only four minutes?
I said a good chance of escaping. :redface: The house is brick. I sleep on the couch in the livingroom where there are four major escape routes. My bedroom has those horrid crank windows that take a while to open and are difficult to squeeze through, and the only other way out is into the hallway. I also sleep during the day. But, yes, now I think I should have better plans for a fire.
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  • #17
hitssquad said:
You mean how do APD's behave?

Antisocial Personality Disorder Behavior

The APD behavioral style is impulsive, irritable, and aggressive. These individuals are noted for their hostility, deceitfulness, and cunning. They are forceful and engage in risky, thrill-seeking behaviors (Sperry, 1995, p. 16). Many people avoid individuals with APD because they seem callous, argumentative, and contentious. They can be abusive, intimidating, brusque, and cruel (Millon, 1981, p. 198).

Individuals with APD are also noted for their irresponsible parenting, poor job performance, repeated substance abuse, persistent lying, delinquency, truancy, and violations of others' rights (Sperry, 1993, p. 322).

Individuals with APD will appear to others as entitled in their attitudes and behavior. APD entitlement refers to the belief that personal needs are more important than the needs of others and includes rationalization for negative behaviors (Ries, TIP #9, 1994, p. 62). Kernberg sees individuals with APD as possessing the fundamental features of the narcissistic personality with the addition of ego-syntonic aggression directed toward others and a paranoid orientation (Millon, 1996, p. 439).

APD impulsiveness relates to the insufficient control of thoughts and behavior. These individuals engage in motor impulsivity (acting without thinking); cognitive impulsivity (making up one's mind precipitously); and poor planning impulsivity (lack of thought for the future) (Barratt, Costello, ed., 1996, pp. 91-96).

Individuals with APD evidence low tolerance for frustration. They act impetuously and cannot delay or forgo immediate pleasure. When things are not going their way, they are brash, arrogant, and resentful (Millon, 1996, p. 445).

well, i am impulsive, aggressive, cunning, thrill-seeking, argumenative, and narcissistic. i have cognitive impulsivity. as for the rest, it's not me. so, i don't think i have APD.
  • #18
wolram said:
What, women drink beer :confused: what is the world comming to, is there no
safe place for us chaps any more.
You can still dance around singing "When I was one-and-twenty". :smile:
  • #19
honestrosewater said:
Sharks for me too. Have you seen those GW, around South Africa I think, that breach when hunting- sometimes getting their entire (huge!) bodies several feet above the surface? I'm also afraid of the Oceanic Whitetip. I imagine suddenly finding myself very far from shore, seeing one by me, swimming for shore, getting nudged by it, turning to nudge it away and keep swimming, but then not being able to tell where the shore is anymore, but I have to keep swimming to get away from it, but am I just swimming further out to sea, and that's pretty much when I have a panic attack. :redface: Fear and anxiety are big problems for me, but I'm getting help. :biggrin:
Most of my major fears involve momentarily (a few seconds) losing control of myself and killing or maiming myself. Ripping out my eyes is one of the worst because there really isn't any way to avoid it- unlike say stabbing myself with a knife, I can just not use knives. Breaking my arms or fingers and biting off my tongue are rather bad too.
The worst involving being killed or maimed by things other than myself (natural phenomena, animals, people) is being tortured by someone, especially if my family is also hurt.
Tornadoes top the natural phenomena list. Fires in the house maybe second, but I stay where I have a good chance of escaping. And venomous snakes and lions, the animals list.
I'm pretty much always thinking of things that could hurt me. I have a ton of them. :rolleyes: It would actually be interesting to see if anyone has one that I haven't thought of. But, eh, if that creeps people out, just let me know. I'm not suicidal or homicidal or anything, and I know what my problem is and am treating it. Confronting my fears like this is good for me anyway. :)
I'm just something of an expert on this stuff. :smile:

Poor Rose, no one should afear that much, i hope your treatment works.
  • #20
Imagining living without my parents alive.
  • #21
honestrosewater said:
hitssquad said:
What if you are in a house made of concrete?
What effect does that have?
Concrete does not burn. It also takes a while to heat up.

honestrosewater said:
The house is brick.
There is no wood inside it? The floor is brick or concrete slab? How about the ceiling and the roof?
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  • #22
wolram said:
Poor Rose, no one should afear that much, i hope your treatment works.
Thank you, I'm confident that it will. It might sound worse than it is. I'm not horribly afraid or anxious all of the time; I have ways of coping (though they are what make it eventually get worse :rolleyes:). But anyway. :biggrin: Why do I suddenly feel like Victor- I am not MAD! :approve:
  • #23
hitssquad said:
Concrete does not burn. It also takes a while to heat up.
Oh, right. Hah- I thought you meant it would be more dangerous somehow.
There is no wood inside it? The floor is brick or concrete slab? How about the ceiling and the roof?
Floor- concrete slab (tile and carpet). Ceiling- ?? there are wooden beams. Interior walls- wooden studs and drywall.
  • #24
I don't know very much about construction and code, but that does not sound too bad, Rose. Jim Kaslik has wooden studs in his concrete Monolithic Dome.

http://homepage.mac.com/cloudhidden/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/Cloud%20Hidden/framed.jpg http://homepage.mac.com/cloudhidden/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/Cloud%20Hidden/balcony.jpg

Because the shell is concrete and therefore cannot burn, I would consider his home to be very fireproof, though I personally would shy away from using any wood at all in any building, especially one that is intended to be occupied.

I would consider getting rid of the carpet since it can harbor unhealthy biologicals as well as be a fire danger. If you don't have radiant heating in your slab, getting rid of the carpet could be a somewhat painful option.

By the way, what else is your ceiling made of? Do the wooden beams have plywood nailed to them? Does your house look like this?

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  • #25
While there are an awful lot of things that I don't particularly look forward to, such as being eaten by a shark, the only 2 things that I'm truly afraid of are heights and bugs. It's kind of weird, too, because I'll do anything in an aeroplane. You could give me a Cessna 150 with the wings duct-taped on, and I'd pull insipient spins in it all day, but I'll shake like a leaf if I get more than 4 rungs up a ladder. I think that it has something to do with a lack of reference lines to the ground from a plane. With the bugs, honey bees are one of the few that don't bother me at all. As a Bruce (as in 'Robert the'), I'm not supposed to harm spiders, but they're one of my worst phobias. The more legs it has, the less I like it. I was very proud of myself last week when I forced myself to escort a great hairy spider out of my bathtub on a piece of newspaper and drop it on the floor rather than beat it into a grease-spot with my slipper.
  • #26
Greatest fears:
1. loss of a loved one before their time;
2. being buried alive;
3. not achieving my dreams (the good ones, not the nightmares);
4. being severely bummed by some donkey-d1cked prison inmate;
5. being in prison in general, really;
6. being afraid when the occasion calls for courage;
7. not seeing some semblance of world peace in my own lifetime;
8. oblivion... not death so much... I have trouble falling asleep because fear of unconsciousness wakes me up... weird, huh?
9. scorpions;
10. guns;
11. scorpions with guns;
12. guns filled with scorpion venom;
13. religious fanatics;
14. religious fanatics with guns and scorpions;
15. my parents next phone call;
16. permanent and complete loss of sight;
17. permanent and complete loss of motor skills (those two together would be kinda like being buried alive);
18. drowning;
19. burning to death;
20. my past.
  • #27
yourdadonapogostick said:
as for the rest, it's not me. so, i don't think i have APD.
Some theorists say that all of the personality disorders have corresponding functional personality styles. For example, the functional variant of the narcissistic personality disordered person would be a person with a lot of self esteem, but also the ability to withdraw from that narrow view of himself and others and see the big social picture such that he can interact functionally in society.
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  • #28
I'm afraid of every kind of dangers and risks...
Ahha, girls are like that >_^
  • #29
hitssquad said:
I would consider getting rid of the carpet since it can harbor unhealthy biologicals as well as be a fire danger. If you don't have radiant heating in your slab, getting rid of the carpet could be a somewhat painful option.
I'm renting from my mom now, so I can't change much. When my symptoms improve, I can hopefully live by myself again. :!) My house will be very safe.
By the way, what else is your ceiling made of? Do the wooden beams have plywood nailed to them? Does your house look like this?
Okay, the ceiling is just like the interior walls- drywall (or possibly plaster) -> wooden joists & isulation -> attic. I'm pretty sure the house was built in the 1970's.
  • #30
lwymarie said:
I'm afraid of every kind of dangers and risks...
Ahha, girls are like that >_^
Now, now, my dear... you needn't be afraid of all kinds of Dangers... :-p
  • #31
Getting castrated.

I think that one's pretty high on any male's list.
If that's only El Hombre's 21. biggest fear, I'd be very surprised..
  • #32
yourdadonapogostick said:
what do i fear? i can honestly say that i don't fear anything.
Somehow, I don't think so...
  • #33
About the only fear is - Loss of a loved one before their time - as it pertains to my children and my wife, siblings and their family members, and various close friends.

I've already lived through the death of my youngest brother. I would prefer not to go through that again.
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  • #34
honestrosewater said:
When my symptoms improve, I can hopefully live by myself again. :!) My house will be very safe.
Great. Maybe your mom would be willing to cosign for a small empy lot and you could build one of these single-occupant dome homes on it:

If you figure ~$90-$100 per square foot, an IO-20 would cost you ~$28,000-$31,500 to build, all finished out.
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  • #35
All right; just in order not to appear totally self-centred, I'd guess that what I really dread is that someone I hold dear becomes the victim of a debilitating disease where I gradually see how a wonderful person withers away, and that that person senses his/hers inevitable outcome as well.
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