What does a spin 1/2 wave function actually look like

In summary, the conversation discusses the representation of a spin 1/2 particle's wavefunction in different bases. The state vector is written as a direct product of the spin part and the spatial wavefunction. In non-relativistic quantum theory, this allows for the spin part to be treated independently. However, in relativistic QFT, it becomes difficult to separate the total angular momentum into spin and orbital angular momentum. The paper being referenced discusses this concept and the transition between different bases.
  • #1
I have only ever seen the wavefunction for a spin 1/2 particle written in the basis set |α> |β>. I was interested in how a wavefunction |ψ> = a|α> + b|β> might be rewritten in a continuous basis and hence would need to know what the actual functions of |α> & |β> were.

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  • #2
This is a state vector, not a wave function. For a particle with spin, the wave function is given by
[tex]\psi_{\sigma}(t,\vec{x})=\langle \vec{x},\sigma|\psi(t) \rangle,[/tex]
where I used the Schrödinger picture of time evolution. [itex]\sigma \in \{-s,-s+1,\ldots,s-1,s \}[/itex] is the eigenvalue of the spin-z component. The wave function of nonrelativistic quantum theory is thus a spinor field with (2s+1) components.
  • #3
Ok thanks but I still want to represent the state vector |ψ>=a|α> + b|β> in a continuous basis. Is this possible or am I fundamentally misunderstanding something?

  • #4
Your state is only the spin part of the complete state vector. The corresponding Hilbert space is 2-dimensional, so all bases consist of two vectors and not of (uncountable) infinite many. The full quantum description of a spin-1/2 particle is the direct product of the spin part and the usual (spinless) spatial wavefunction.

The question is, why can we treat the spin part independently from the spatial wavefunction. The answer is that for purposes like the Stern Gerlach experiment, we can approximate the time evolution of the spatial wavefunction by a classical trajectory and use the quantum description only for the spin.
  • #5
kith said:
Your state is only the spin part of the complete state vector. The corresponding Hilbert space is 2-dimensional, so all bases consist of two vectors and not of (uncountable) infinite many. The full quantum description of a spin-1/2 particle is the direct product of the spin part and the usual (spinless) spatial wavefunction.
It's important to keep in mind that this is true only for non-relativistic quantum theory. In relativistic QFT it's even difficult to make a unique split of total angular momentum into orbital and spin angular momentum!
  • #6
OK thanks I think I must be misunderstanding the problem I am trying to solve.
If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.

The paper is http://arxiv.org/pdf/1407.2139v1.pdf

And my problem is how they go from 17 to 18

  • #7
jelathome said:
OK thanks I think I must be misunderstanding the problem I am trying to solve.
If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.

The paper is http://arxiv.org/pdf/1407.2139v1.pdf

And my problem is how they go from 17 to 18

They consider spin as a classical 3D vector. If #you take the usual convention of the z axis defining ##|\alpha\rangle## and ##|\beta\rangle##, then ##|\alpha\rangle## corresponds to a function in ##(\theta,\phi)## that is zero everywhere except when ##\theta = 0## and ##\phi = 0##, and ##|\beta\rangle## is zero everywhere except when ##\theta = \pi/2## and ##\phi = 0##.

FAQ: What does a spin 1/2 wave function actually look like

1. What is a spin 1/2 wave function?

A spin 1/2 wave function is a mathematical representation of the quantum state of a particle with spin 1/2. It describes the probability amplitude of finding the particle in a certain spin state when measured.

2. How is a spin 1/2 wave function different from other wave functions?

A spin 1/2 wave function is different from other wave functions because it includes the concept of spin, which is an intrinsic property of particles. This means that the wave function not only describes the position and momentum of the particle, but also its spin state.

3. What does a spin 1/2 wave function look like graphically?

A spin 1/2 wave function cannot be graphically represented in the traditional sense because it is a complex mathematical equation. However, it can be plotted in terms of its real and imaginary components, which can show the probability distribution of the particle's spin state.

4. How is a spin 1/2 wave function related to spin operators?

A spin 1/2 wave function is related to spin operators through the Pauli spin matrices. These operators act on the wave function to determine the spin state of the particle when measured.

5. Can a spin 1/2 wave function be observed or measured directly?

No, a spin 1/2 wave function cannot be directly observed or measured. It is a mathematical concept used to describe the quantum state of a particle with spin 1/2. However, the effects of the spin state can be observed through experiments and measurements on the particle itself.

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