What happens to an electron when a photon is reflected?

In summary, the discussion revolved around the concept of reflection of light and how it involves the absorption and emission of photons. The question was raised about how an electron is able to emit a photon at the same angle as the absorbed photon's angle of incidence on a quantum level. It was clarified that the law of reflection is not a quantum-mechanical effect, but rather the result of interference of a large number of photon wave-packets. Feynman's videos were recommended for a more thorough understanding of the topic.
  • #1
I understand that reflection of light involves absorption of the incoming photons and emission of new photons. But what happens on a quantum level that enables an electron to emit a photon at an angle of reflection that is equal to the absorbed photon's angle of incidence? If the incoming photon were to bounce off the electron, then everything makes sense. But, if I understand reflection correctly, the incoming photon is absorbed and a new photon is emitted. What is happening?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
But what happens on a quantum level that enables an electron to emit a photon at an angle of reflection that is equal to the absorbed photon's angle of incidence?
It doesn't. The law of reflection is the result of interference of a large number of photon wave-packets ... it is not a quantum-mechanical effect. It only happens on average.

Feynman got quite good at explaining it

... 2&3/7 - worth seeing them all.
part 2 covers the basic concepts, part 3 derives the law of reflection
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  • #3
The videos are perfect - thanks!

FAQ: What happens to an electron when a photon is reflected?

1. What is the relationship between electrons and photons?

Electrons are negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom. Photons are packets of energy that make up electromagnetic radiation, including visible light. In some cases, photons can interact with electrons and cause them to move or change energy levels.

2. How does a photon interact with an electron during reflection?

When a photon collides with an electron, it can either be absorbed by the electron, causing it to jump to a higher energy level, or it can be reflected off of the electron, bouncing off in a different direction. The specific outcome depends on factors such as the energy of the photon and the properties of the electron's surroundings.

3. What happens to the electron during reflection?

If the photon is reflected off of the electron, the electron itself does not change. It simply transfers some of its energy to the photon, causing it to change direction. However, if the photon is absorbed by the electron, the electron may change energy levels and its behavior may be altered.

4. How does the behavior of electrons and photons during reflection affect the properties of materials?

The behavior of electrons and photons during reflection can affect the properties of materials in different ways. For example, the reflectivity of a material can be influenced by the ability of electrons to reflect photons. Additionally, the absorption of photons by electrons can impact the color or transparency of a material.

5. Can the reflection of photons by electrons be used in any practical applications?

Yes, the reflection of photons by electrons is used in many practical applications such as mirrors, solar panels, and photography. Understanding the interaction between electrons and photons can also help in the development of new technologies, such as quantum computing and advanced imaging techniques.

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