How Does Complementary Logic Redefine Mathematical Infinity?

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In summary: Complimentary logic is not one of those fields. In summary, this conversation does not provide a detailed or precise explanation of how complimentary logic works, or what its potential applications might be.
  • #211
Paradigms don't change, they shift. When someone comes up with a revolutionary new way to do things or to think about things, it's just that... a NEW way to do things or to think about things.

If, indeed, you are bringing about a paradigm shift in mathematics, you do not alter any old mathematics!
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  • #212
No theoretical system can survive without being aware to its limitations.

It means that any x output can be only a model(X) input.

Shortly speaking, x=model(X).

Math is first of all a form of theory, therefore any concept that can be used by it is only a model(CONCEPT).

For example, let us take infinity concept.

If INF is infinity itself (= actual infinity) , then inf=model(INF)=potential infinity.

Please look at this model for better understanding:

In this way we first of all aware to our input limitations, which are:

No input = model(EMPTINESS) = lowest limit.

No input = model(FULLNESS) = highest limit.

If we translate this to set's representation then:

{} content = model(EMPTINESS) = lowest limit.

{__} content = model(FULLNESS) = highest limit.

Between these limits ({},{__}) we can find inf=model(INF)=potential infinity, where inf has two input forms:

{.} = singleton, which is a localized element.

{.__.} = non-singleton, which is a non-localized element (connect at least two different singletons).

{.} and {._.} can appear in two basic collections:

Collection {a, b, c} is finitely many elements.

Collection {a, b, c, ...} is infinitely many elements (=inf) .

Any non-empty collection which is not a singleton, is an association between {.} and {._.}, for example:
              b   b
             {a , a}    
              .   .  
              |   | 
             {a , b}    
              .   .  
              |   | 

I opened a new thead for this at:
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