Dark Energy Explained: Evidence & Meaning

In summary, Dark Energy is a theoretical concept that was invented to explain the three problems with the standard model of gravitation and cosmological model. It is believed to make up 73% of the universe, along with 23% Dark Matter and 4% normal matter. Its existence is supported by several observations, such as the accelerated expansion of the universe and the flatness of the universe. However, its nature and composition are still unknown. Similarly, the Higgs boson, neutrinos, and other particles were also initially considered theoretical until they were discovered. Dark Energy is also sometimes referred to as Dark Gravity and is a topic that is still being explored in the field of cosmology.
  • #1
It's a very simple question i guess, what is dark energy? Is it like that proton and anti proton thing where the anti-proton contains dark energy or something like that? I read recently that they had found evidence of dark energy, what is it, what is the evidence, how did they find it and what does it all mean? Could someone clear all of that for me?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The standard model of gravitation, GR, and its cosmological model, LCDM, require the existence of Dark Energy to fit cosmological observations.

In the 1970's it was realized that there were three problems with GR, the horizon problem, the density problem and the smoothness problem. Guth discovered the theory of Inflation by studying the effect of the Higgs scalar field on the early universe. The universe is believed to have exponentially expanded at an enormous rate to 10^60 times its previous size at about 10^-33 second after the Big Bang. This sudden inflation solved the three problems but required the universe to have a density equal, pretty well, to the critical density at which the space-time of the universe is flat.

However it seemed that not enough mass was around, only about 2-4% of that required. Dark Matter was invented, some sort of exotic particle that has not been discovered and this also helped to explain why galaxies and their clusters were revolving at too high a rate for the matter that could be seen. However even with DM not enough mass was around, only about 30% that required.

Next distant Type Ia supernovae were discovered to be fainter than theory said they should be. To explain this it seems as though the universe has accelerated in its expansion against the normal expectation that it slows down because of the gravitational attraction of one galaxy on another.

Finally the WMAP satellite looking at the fluctuations in the microwave background discovered the universe was flat after all. These were the major observations and there are several other minor ones. To make up the difference between matter, dark matter and the density needed to make the universe flat dark energy was invented, and perhaps it can explain why the universe is accelerating as well!

If you don't know what it is, don't worry, nobody does! We don't know what dark matter is either and Inflation requires a 'Higgs boson' fundamental particle that hasn't been discovered. So make of that what you will. Some say there are other explanations for these observations but the cosmological community is very sure that they all do exist and they are known with "precision". (4% matter, 23% dark matter and 73% dark energy)

So the LCDM model is robustly established, or so we think, and yet we have not the slightest idea what 96% of the universe is. That is the state of cosmology at the beginning of the 21st century!

  • #3
Hey, thanks grath for clearing that up for me. You know, that's what i like about physics, like one eminent scientist once said (forgot the name) "we all agree your idea is crazy, but is it crazy enough to work?" ;)
  • #4
The_Thinker said:
Hey, thanks grath for clearing that up for me. You know, that's what i like about physics, like one eminent scientist once said (forgot the name) "we all agree your idea is crazy, but is it crazy enough to work?" ;)

Ha ha, that's great. Ehh... Are dark energy and the normal energy different?
  • #5
I believe the name is misleading, energy is energy, the ability to work is the same no matter what. A better name for it would be Dark Gravity.
  • #6
Its something physicists made up so that their theories would make sense. :)
  • #7
Ubern0va said:
Its something physicists made up so that their theories would make sense. :)

Yep, that happens a lot, isn't gravity propartional to mass? Why's there so much more "dark gravity" than mass?
  • #8
Ubern0va said:
Its something physicists made up so that their theories would make sense. :)

Thats how the neutrino came to be 'invented'. As Beta decay seemed to break conservation laws, a massless, non-reacting particle was called into solve the problem - the neutrino! It, of course, has since been detected...
  • #9
see this link:
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  • #10
the dark bit only comes into it because its difficult to "see"
  • #11
NASA site's
even the emptiest possible space, devoid of matter and radiation, might still have a dark energy
Is this ZPE?
  • #12
The_Thinker said:
Hey, thanks grath for clearing that up for me. You know, that's what i like about physics, like one eminent scientist once said (forgot the name) "we all agree your idea is crazy, but is it crazy enough to work?" ;)
Indeed, 'grath' is rather familiar with these matters. FYI, the version of that quote I am familiar with"

"Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true."
- Niels Bohr (to a young physicist)

FAQ: Dark Energy Explained: Evidence & Meaning

1. What is dark energy?

Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that is believed to make up about 68% of the total energy in the universe. It is thought to be responsible for the observed accelerating expansion of the universe.

2. How do we know dark energy exists?

Dark energy was first proposed as a possible explanation for the observed acceleration of the universe in the late 1990s. Since then, various observations and experiments, such as measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation and observations of supernovae, have provided evidence for the existence of dark energy.

3. What is the evidence for dark energy?

One of the main pieces of evidence for dark energy is the observed accelerating expansion of the universe. This is supported by measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which show that the universe is flat and that the expansion rate is increasing over time. Additionally, observations of distant supernovae have also confirmed this acceleration.

4. What is the meaning of dark energy?

The meaning of dark energy is still not fully understood. It is believed to be a repulsive force that is driving the expansion of the universe, but its exact nature is still a mystery. Some theories suggest that it could be related to the vacuum energy of empty space, while others propose new fundamental forces or modifications to Einstein's theory of general relativity.

5. What are the implications of dark energy?

The existence of dark energy has significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It suggests that the expansion of the universe will continue to accelerate, eventually leading to a "Big Rip" scenario where the universe will tear itself apart. It also challenges our current understanding of gravity and the fundamental forces of nature and may require new theories to fully explain its nature and effects on the universe.

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