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- Dark energy and the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect?
I was reading this interesting article about possible effects of dark energy in the formation of large-scale structures which should have an impact on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect ("Dark energy imprints on the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signal" (https://arxiv.org/abs/1309.1163))There, the authors indicate that the signal from the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect is increased if the equation of state (ω) is more negative than -1 (which is the usual value standarised in ΛCDM), which would mean as far as I understand it that if Dark Energy was stronger or had a bigger density (making ω more negative than -1) then the kSZ effect would be enhanced. However, if ω was less negative than -1 (between 0 and -1) then that would be in a universe with a smalled dark energy density and you say that in such scenario the kSZ effect would be supressed. I have a few question about this:
- When they say that the kSZ signal is enhanced or supressed what do they exactly mean? That the photons would be blueshifted (in the case where the kSZ in enchanced) or redshifted (in the case where it is surpressed)?
- If I understood it correctly, if ω was 0, there would be no accelerated expansion and therefore no dark energy of any form. Then in that case, the kSZ effect should be very surpressed, correct?
- Finally, and just to confirm, does their work show that in a universe with a negative ω (and therefore an accelerated expansion caused by e.g. dark energy) the kSZ effect is enchanced (compared to a universe with ω=0, or no accelerated expansion) and therefore the photons are scattered, blueshifting them in the process?