What is the true state of a particle in superposition?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of superposition in quantum mechanics and whether it applies to physical objects or also to immaterial objects such as knowledge. The conclusion is that it depends on the interpretation of quantum mechanics, but in general, superposition refers to the state of a physical object being in multiple states at once until it is observed or measured.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Is it the partikel or the answer to the question?
When we say that a partikel - say a photon - is in superposition we assume the partikel itself is in superposition, but as I see it, the partikel is what it is. It is just that we don't know for the moment.
So, is the partikel itself in superposition, or is it the answer to the question about the position that is in superposition?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
thermia said:
Summary: Is it the partikel or the answer to the question?

So, is the partikel itself in superposition, or is it the answer to the question about the position that is in superposition?
It doesn't have to be. Various properties/states of particles can be in superposition. For instance, the property spin (quantum spin) can be in a superposition of states.
  • #3
So is the superposition only a matter of definition? Schrodinger's cat's life is in superposition but also our knowledge about it's life is in superposition, or am I taking it too far?
  • #4
DennisN said:
the property spin (quantum spin) can be in a superposition of states.

More precisely, it can be in a superposition of eigenstates of the spin operator in a particular direction. But whether or not a particular spin state is a superposition will depend on the direction you choose for the spin operator. Every spin state is an eigenstate of the spin operator in some direction, so every spin state is not a superposition for some choice of spin operator.

thermia said:
is the superposition only a matter of definition?

It's a matter of choice of operator. See above.

thermia said:
Schrodinger's cat's life is in superposition but also our knowledge about it's life is in superposition

This depends on which interpretation of QM you adopt. On a collapse interpretation, when you observe the cat, its state collapses to either "alive" or "dead". So even if the cat was in a superposition of alive and dead before you observed it, it isn't afterwards, so your knowledge of it is knowledge that it's alive or knowledge that it's dead, never a superposition of the two.

On a no collapse interpretation, such as many worlds, when you observe the cat, your state of knowledge (which is actually a physical state, the state of your brain) gets entangled with the state of the cat, so there are two "branches" or "worlds": one in which the cat is alive and you observe it to be alive, and one in which the cat is dead and you observe it to be dead. This is often described as a superposition, but "entangled" is a better term because the entanglement between the cat's state and your state of knowledge is independent of any choice of operator (whereas, as we saw above, whether or not a particular state of a quantum system is a superposition does depend on your choice of operator).
  • #5
Thanks for your response.
As you may have got, my basic idea was if superposition refers only to physical objects or if immaterial objects such as "knowledge" also can be super positioned.
E.g. Your colleague opens the box and knows the state of the cat, but you still don't.
  • #6
thermia said:
Your colleague opens the box and knows the state of the cat, but you still don't.

This isn't a case of quantum superposition. It's just straightforward classical ignorance--you don't know because you haven't interacted with the cat or your colleague so you have no information about their state.
  • #7
So you say that immaterial objects can not be super positioned, or ... ?
  • #8
thermia said:
So you say that immaterial objects can not be super positioned

What are "immaterial objects"? Physics isn't about "immaterial objects". It's about real, physical objects.
  • #9
  • #11
thermia said:
Summary: Is it the partikel or the answer to the question?

When we say that a partikel - say a photon - is in superposition we assume the partikel itself is in superposition, but as I see it, the partikel is what it is. It is just that we don't know for the moment.
So, is the partikel itself in superposition, or is it the answer to the question about the position that is in superposition?
Both, because the question links both the state of the material and our knowledge about it. We usually say the state is undefined until a measurement is performed, you can infer the linkage, right.

FAQ: What is the true state of a particle in superposition?

1. What is superposition?

Superposition is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that describes the ability of a particle to exist in multiple states or positions simultaneously.

2. How does superposition work?

In quantum mechanics, particles can exist in a state of superposition by being in multiple states at the same time. This is possible because particles at the quantum level do not behave like classical objects and can exhibit wave-like properties.

3. What is the true state of a particle in superposition?

The true state of a particle in superposition is not known until it is observed or measured. Until then, the particle exists in a probabilistic state, meaning it has a certain probability of being in each of its possible states.

4. How is superposition related to quantum computing?

Superposition is a key concept in quantum computing, as it allows for the creation of quantum bits (qubits) that can represent multiple states at once. This enables quantum computers to perform certain calculations much faster than classical computers.

5. Can superposition be observed in everyday life?

No, superposition is a phenomenon that occurs at the quantum level and cannot be observed in everyday life. It requires specialized equipment and techniques to observe and manipulate particles in a state of superposition.

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